Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2537
Currently Logged in: 175

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Fifty-second round: Jun 10, 2018 - Aug 09, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 504 countries in the Alliance server.

1 HokageisVicnoonewasfooled (#28) 1$1,173,366,998 DG LaF
2 Short till Apocalypse (#41) 197$830,904,898 H LaF
3 careful with that axe eugene (#374) 3$777,076,557 HG MONSTERS
4 DeathFromAbove (#29)  Game profile 11$743,580,686 H LaF
5 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#97)  Game profile 85$724,475,458 H LaF
6 100k acres and 1k spal (#262)  Game profile 4$641,428,774 H LaF
7 Vic nets like a 5th tier netter (#396) 88,114$608,627,947 D LaF
8 Drinks (#173)  Game profile 63$604,216,783 HG MONSTERS
9 One MB From Greatness (#6) 176$552,574,648 H LaF
10 Last Country Name (#382) 11$539,375,200 H LCNostra
11 Ill SMACK you back (#290) 48,303$530,421,290 HG LCNostra
12 Keep Calm And Scary On (#11)  Game profile 102$525,790,853 HG MONSTERS
13 I dont know how to play (#456)  Game profile 229,323$511,899,959 CG LaF
14 Sane Asylum (#24)  Game profile 77$511,051,005 HG LCNostra
15 ashe (#387) 73$473,335,908 H LaF
16 Lethal Chicken Ninja (#47) 72$467,688,505 HG LCNostra
17 Zeal and Ardor (#435)  Game profile 73$460,459,815 HG TheOmega
18 Lunch Cutting Nuns (#35) 48$423,499,685 HG LCNostra
19 Soccer All Stars (#265) 179,434$416,545,175 D TheOmega
20 Hmpfs (#407)  Game profile 5$395,461,721 H TheOmega
21 Tutuwarrior (#89)  Game profile 115$351,465,934 H MONSTERS
22 La Ckoon Ntank (#405) 18,795$338,270,786 DG LCNostra
23 Last Champion of Nonsense (#307) 104,723$335,109,993 C LCNostra
24 Mr Gainsboro (#19) 2$334,644,553 H LaF
25 Pimp My Fasc (#440) 24$314,111,325 H LaF
26 Last Call Nostras (#27) 5$307,331,834 H LCNostra
27 Space (#323)  Game profile 37$303,340,140 HG LaF
28 Look Alive (#126)  Game profile 20$301,382,441 H LaF
29 DP snorts taco bell (#9) 24$284,482,891 HG LaF
30 Crepe Myrtle (#244)  Game profile 91,769$279,270,479 HG Paradigm
31 Bobcaygeon (#51)  Game profile 50$268,157,411 FG MONSTERS
32 Sythe (#43)  Game profile 101,536$262,905,444 HG RAGE
33 Monster Trux (#68)  Game profile 1000$259,814,310 HG MONSTERS
34 Babochka (#327) 397$251,333,190 HG TheOmega
35 Solarian (#422)  Game profile 66,227$249,295,016 H LaF
36 Lesbians Call Now (#409)  Game profile 35$242,679,709 HG LCNostra
37 Shrimply Pibbles (#399) 101,184$226,825,424 HG TheOmega
38 La Cosa Nostra (#402)  Game profile 51,044$224,766,879 HG LCNostra
39 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#289) 28,494$220,805,495 HG TheOmega
40 Merkava (#413)  Game profile 105,180$220,029,375 C LCNostra
41 TriStates (#74)  Game profile 89,444$213,082,146 RG MONSTERS
42 Naminefistan (#99)  Game profile 23,312$206,481,427 HG LCNostra
43 Legalize Cannabis Nationwide (#66) 157,203$201,621,671 F LCNostra
44 Daddy Day Care (#16)  Game profile 72,398$200,413,170 F Paradigm
45 I R WoG SuperFly (#466)  Game profile 33$182,793,642 H LaF
46 Buy Dissi a Gooey Kablooey (#339)  Game profile 41$176,177,847 H Paradigm
47 MyHusbandMadeMePlay (#79)  Game profile 344$163,692,773 HG MONSTERS
48 Second Foundation (#368)  Game profile 1990$163,481,986 H MONSTERS
49 KSFforever (#109) 40$161,551,321 HG LaF
50 La Canto Nostra 0 (#17)  Game profile 51,908$156,111,111 DG LCNostra
51 My (#62) 66,323$138,110,671 I LCNostra
52 There were photographs (#389) 670$131,497,547 HG LaF
53 Lit Crazy Nights (#383) 44,691$121,280,131 D LCNostra
54 Kingdom of Roldrem (#309) 68,319$114,642,163 H RAGE
55 Sodalis (#447) 220$113,321,365 H LCNostra
56 Lions (#204) 25,249$111,182,463 DG M0NSTERS
57 Devils Advocate (#293) 46,706$109,183,275 F LCNostra
58 Ali Asghar Borujerdi (#414)  Game profile 27,928$98,054,830 R MONSTERS
59 CamaroLand (#463)  Game profile 22,710$94,446,848 H LCNostra
60 Green Vic (#433) 569$92,005,654 HG LaF
61 Chewbacca (#181) 5336$91,881,233 F LaF
62 BiBiGoN (#424)  Game profile 6686$82,942,742 D Paradigm
63 Growing up nostra (#438) 18,724$79,139,508 R LCNostra
64 one more time (#401) 53,911$76,480,092 RG LaF
65 JoMamaville (#475) 89,272$74,415,703 HG LaF
66 Wrath of Madrox (#115) 266$71,962,776 H RAGE
67 Win some lose some bone them all (#217) 74,458$70,686,760 CG DIL
68 General Chicken (#312)  Game profile 1226$68,483,109 H LCNostra
69 Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady (#256) 16,530$65,262,740 D LCNostra
70 Last Crazy Nightmare (#390)  Game profile 33,548$64,293,901 R LCNostra
71 Wrath of Rage (#137)  Game profile 63,261$62,591,785 T RAGE
72 LaNd Of CoNfUsEd NeRdS (#240) 34,511$62,225,736 R LCNostra
73 Little Chomping Nostra Gator (#26) 20,820$56,348,401 H LCNostra
74 Oceana (#341) 13,849$56,203,331 H RAGE
75 Last Country Now (#459) 15,674$52,238,575 R LCNostra
76 Dark Realm Industries (#40)  Game profile 38,103$51,936,876 C SOL
77 Sock Monster (#58)  Game profile 142$50,954,971 D SOL
78 Trife LCN (#419) 15,795$50,719,537 R LCNostra
79 Margies realm (#49)  Game profile 47,088$49,377,652 CG BEG
80 Fractured but Whole (#70)  Game profile 39,324$48,779,837 FG Paradigm
81 a BORG CUBE (#283) 20,360$48,403,248 I RAGE
82 Greenleaf (#132) 25,029$45,254,410 R LCNostra
83 DarkRealmLegion (#53) 34,564$43,563,670 C SOL
84 FBook Messenger Updates Galore (#427) 21,669$42,137,794 I LCNostra
85 mlaeR kraD (#50) 40,861$36,958,739 F SOL
86 Avenging Furball (#254) 29,587$35,145,571 T SOL
87 Dark Realm SOL (#176) 22,618$34,224,364 T SOL
88 Riddler (#222) 18,325$33,690,779 T RAGE
89 I am Indestructable (#218) 40$33,639,797 H LaF
90 SwinginNTheBreeze (#85) 76,667$32,545,675 F LaF
91 Lasting Cosa Nostras (#489) 13,845$29,939,680 F LCNostra
92 Tottering on the Brink (#446) 29,532$27,750,000 RG LCNostra
93 SOLs Death Angel (#246)  Game profile 17,273$26,612,830 I SOL
94 yatgnos (#241)  Game profile 29,157$26,279,222 HG Paradigm
95 SOL SUCKS DONKEYBALLS (#549) 10$25,048,871 H EVOchem
96 Whoville (#295)  Game profile 24,312$24,701,261 T SOL
97 Elysium Heights (#426) 23,395$23,795,412 R MONSTERS
98 War Admiral (#304) 32,017$23,615,885 RG TripleC
99 nostra call last (#619) 64,541$23,539,076 I  
100 Hi (#439)  Game profile 12,846$23,016,333 I SOL

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