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Top Clans - Alliance
Next Reset | Seventh round: Dec 04, 2010 - Feb 02, 2011 | Prev Reset |
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Top 23 (out of 23) clans ranked by total networth | |||||
Name | Tag | Members | Total Worth | Avg Worth | GDI |
Survival of the Fittest | SOF | 77 | $5,179,739,189 | $67,269,340 | |
LaFamiglia | LaF | 47 | $4,898,914,177 | $104,232,217 | |
Evolution | EVOdiez | 33 | $4,246,325,677 | $128,676,536 | |
The Omega | TheOmega | 32 | $3,429,301,470 | $107,165,671 | |
Sanctuary | SancT | 40 | $3,181,961,719 | $79,549,043 | |
The Monsters | MONSTERS | 28 | $2,488,583,759 | $88,877,991 | |
Reservoir Dogs | RD | 29 | $1,788,288,159 | $61,665,109 | |
Infernal Council of Nations | xICNx | 35 | $1,475,369,097 | $42,153,403 | |
Sons of Liberty | SOL | 74 | $1,196,254,396 | $16,165,600 | |
Paradigm | Paradigm | 29 | $939,077,734 | $32,381,991 | |
Netters Anonymous | xNAx | 25 | $561,454,740 | $22,458,190 | |
La Cosa Nostra | LCNostra | 52 | $431,802,940 | $8,303,903 | |
RAGE | RAGE | 22 | $300,618,143 | $13,664,461 | |
Imaginary Numbers | iMagNum | 28 | $86,392,308 | $3,085,440 | |
Rhino | xRHOx | 1 | $1,390,381 | $139,038 | |
bend over and ill show you | 9760tars | 1 | $268,969 | $26,897 | |
Female Body Inspector | FBI | 1 | $207,890 | $20,789 | |
Wu Tang | CupOTang | 1 | $157,070 | $15,707 | |
UNITED | xUNIx | 1 | $109,067 | $10,907 | |
United Nations | UN | 1 | $20,490 | $2049 | |
The Short Fuse | ENFORCER | 1 | $19,319 | $1932 | |
bujke's biggest fans | BUJKE | 1 | $9167 | $917 | |
INERTIA | INERTIA | 1 | $4717 | $472 |