Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2574
Currently Logged in: 171

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Seventy-fifth round: Apr 13, 2022 - Jun 12, 2022 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 398 countries in the Alliance server.

1 realTurtleCrawler (#1)  Game profile 24$1,009,422,624 H LaF
2 where are the crawling turtles (#102)  Game profile 184$958,278,115 HG LaF
3 Bayraktar TB2 (#343)  Game profile 126$902,940,784 H LaF
4 turtle NoT crawling (#340)  Game profile 61$902,834,658 H LaF
5 I Got CREAMpied by TC (#2)  Game profile 61$861,213,887 HG LaF
6 A Beautiful Evil (#24)  Game profile 164$823,706,181 H Evo
7 Moonraker (#11)  Game profile 209$798,157,472 D LaF
8 Avalanche (#12)  Game profile 61$776,513,623 H OMEGA
9 (#345)  Game profile 300$758,444,558 H LaF
10 Moana likes Turtles (#107)  Game profile 24$730,475,636 H LaF
11 Formula number 3 (#42)  Game profile 24$727,760,458 HG LaF
12 Space Ranger (#93)  Game profile 40$705,375,915 HG LaF
13 The Callous Daoboys (#351)  Game profile 7$572,736,332 HG OMEGA
14 The Devils Advocate (#146)  Game profile 24$533,520,663 MG LaF
15 Dragon Ball Z (#71)  Game profile 83$513,178,307 H Evo
16 dim mylyy dim (#200)  Game profile 159,144$407,103,680 C Evo
17 ThisServerSucks (#5)  Game profile 202,888$400,828,341 C LaF
18 LaFagina (#272)  Game profile 61$398,923,862 HG LaF
19 En4 got CREAMpied by TC (#312)  Game profile 56$392,249,353 H LaF
20 Boats N Hoes (#18)  Game profile 1$364,229,661 HG LaF
21 Viscosity to fly (#59)  Game profile 40$349,532,943 HG LaF
22 Don Turtle Crawler for President (#316)  Game profile 24$307,765,415 HG LaF
23 Hammer (#194)  Game profile 320$281,712,466 HG SOLNET
24 Hmpfs (#271)  Game profile 10$281,004,690 H OMEGA
25 Creamy Turtle Soup (#250)  Game profile 85,172$234,062,658 D LaF
26 oh my my oh hell yes (#125)  Game profile 42$213,530,087 HG MONSTERS
27 Advocate of Light (#287)  Game profile 117,475$211,080,980 F LaF
28 Draken (#371)  Game profile 678$209,375,485 H OMEGA
29 Ultra (#361)  Game profile 473$206,711,566 HG PDM
30 OffbrandTmac (#363)  Game profile 164$205,091,402 H Evo
31 Sterlitamak (#133)  Game profile 174,728$199,914,433 C Hero
32 TCcreamedgalleriTo15 (#313)  Game profile 64$198,025,439 HG LaF
33 The First Golden Era Being (#344)  Game profile 61,902$184,533,357 C LaF
34 Margaret Town (#335)  Game profile 3647$173,424,275 HG PDM
35 For All Mankind (#9)  Game profile 73,814$172,591,284 HG LaF
36 Valmont (#380)  Game profile 28$167,511,582 H LaF
37 75 HR for Vladdy MVP (#347)  Game profile 28,394$153,158,638 R MONSTERS
38 Meat made the machines (#331)  Game profile 60$150,540,563 H MONSTERS
39 Highway Star (#278)  Game profile 88,610$135,161,668 T SOLFC
40 For you Id bleed myself dry (#181)  Game profile 83$128,559,155 H MONSTERS
41 A Tree Hugger (#7)  Game profile 37,625$109,763,365 F SOLFC
42 M I C H I G A N (#362)  Game profile 12,308$108,065,173 D PDM
43 Drinks (#370)  Game profile 60$103,304,894 H MONSTERS
44 Universal SOLdier (#186)  Game profile 4730$101,281,169 T SOLFC
45 Back to the future (#353)  Game profile 50,861$100,143,337 FG LaF
46 56 (#28)  Game profile 34,631$98,319,352 F iMags
47 ASTRAL (#161)  Game profile 28,922$95,067,943 D Hero
48 Dead Arise (#17)  Game profile 71,583$94,911,357 RG PDM
49 Maharlika (#348)  Game profile 66,415$81,422,002 F Stones
50 Count Duckula (#216)  Game profile 25,696$79,015,336 D Gold
51 souls of darkness (#339)  Game profile 50,060$78,376,773 FG PDM
52 R D Ukraine (#160)  Game profile 29,716$72,072,785 C PDM
53 Suicidal (#151)  Game profile 77,348$67,447,628 I  
54 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (#45)  Game profile 27,236$64,961,297 I xMERCSx
55 Grumpy Old Man (#4)  Game profile 48,123$64,185,468 F PDM
56 Ho Hell (#199)  Game profile 44,953$60,762,375 I  
57 Raccoon City (#346)  Game profile 17,321$57,248,443 I xMERCSx
58 How Bout Dem Dawgs (#48)  Game profile 82,998$56,780,174 I Gold
59 Comfortably Numb (#20)  Game profile 31,255$56,130,214 R MONSTERS
60 Camp Crystal Lake (#179)  Game profile 17,805$53,880,313 T xMERCSx
61 Apollo (#38)  Game profile 23,157$53,814,468 F PDM
62 O (#95)  Game profile 31,521$50,797,170 R RAGE
63 THEgreatONE (#218)  Game profile 30,038$47,119,454 T PDM
64 Your Mom keeps coming for More (#190)  Game profile 46,191$44,981,329 I SoF
65 Joker (#14)  Game profile 3470$43,466,131 T xMERCSx
66 Abbas (#263)  Game profile 27,329$41,555,840 I xMERCSx
67 Tmac (#55)  Game profile 92,522$41,264,602 D Evo
68 acbdegfhikjlnmopqrsvutwxyz (#214)  Game profile 15,187$39,996,253 I xMERCSx
69 Josey Wales (#210)  Game profile 19,062$36,858,358 R PDM
70 Validus (#366)  Game profile 50,783$33,901,123 I SoF
71 ThePassage (#195)  Game profile 20,871$33,573,280 R SoF
72 Parasites (#378)  Game profile 27,625$33,140,191 D PDM
73 Orwell Was A Socialist (#32)  Game profile 21,628$32,039,718 M Evo
74 Teletubies do not approve (#415)  Game profile 628$29,886,684 T xMERCSx
75 Chewbacca (#144)  Game profile 118,501$29,749,678 F LaF
76 Angry Wolf (#180)  Game profile 18,722$29,293,016 C Stones
77 Nuclear (#253)  Game profile 49,940$27,753,478 D PDM
78 Tilnefning (#23)  Game profile 20,297$27,281,906 I Stones
79 xXx (#21)  Game profile 17,373$27,092,293 F SOLFC
80 Barbarosa (#63)  Game profile 20,744$26,601,142 D Stones
81 wasaba (#73)  Game profile 71,817$26,342,474 D LaF
82 Duck Tales (#224)  Game profile 32,782$25,319,227 C xMERCSx
83 YoYoYoYo (#377)  Game profile 18,713$24,886,247 I SOLFC
84 Skol (#402)  Game profile 3454$24,499,482 T xMERCSx
85 Annoyed Klot (#372)  Game profile 25,450$24,440,670 C SOLFC
86 Captain Planet (#414)  Game profile 18,035$24,417,131 I xMERCSx
87 Bah (#403)  Game profile 20,728$23,745,041 F xMERCSx
88 killing time (#27)  Game profile 50,043$23,691,785 T xMERCSx
89 trees lover 2 (#405)  Game profile 17,302$23,312,647 T SOLFC
90 Schnitzengiggle (#16)  Game profile 20,557$22,045,106 T RAGE
91 Berlin (#191)  Game profile 37,504$21,838,145 I SOLFC
92 Bill Dreadbeard Digger (#29) 13,727$21,073,921 RG  
93 DoZer (#25)  Game profile 16,537$21,060,814 T SOLFC
94 ManUnited suck0rz WeeZy (#354)  Game profile 24,326$20,719,501 T SOLFC
95 Marcia Ravenblack Bloodrayne (#58) 18,201$20,561,473 IG  
96 Eternal Driz (#13) 16,901$19,774,112 RG  
97 Aggressive Leather (#308) 17,512$19,007,147 RG  
98 Willy Reindeer (#103) 16,980$17,677,999 RG  
99 Ieli Apotheoses (#248) 16,802$17,668,694 RG  
100 Confidential Tungsten (#78) 17,236$17,661,963 RG  

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