Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2418
Currently Logged in: 206

Alliance Clan: Omega Retirement HHA Center (OldMEGA)

Eighth round: Feb 03, 2011 - Apr 05, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 24
Total Networth Rank1 of 24
Average Networth Rank1 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
2 damn kids are HIGH on ROCK music (#153) 23,609$209,898,772 DG
5 WARLORDe (#28)  Game profile 37,565$174,763,995 HG
9 where are my teeth (#516)  Game profile 28,584$164,955,458 DG
12 viagra3xdaily (#261) 35,122$149,041,810 HG
13 NoT (#151) 32,230$147,700,160 H
14 WeWhereToLazyToPic (#20) 31,584$144,499,840 HG
15 CALAMITES (#203) 26,199$141,827,276 DG
17 SniperOne WoG TIME (#17) 22,027$141,168,814 H
19 YouBetterBelieveThatsAPaddlin (#596) 29,622$139,324,517 DG
21 Im too old for (#331) 36,141$138,351,971 HG
23 Rebublic Wasteland (#52) 25,583$137,551,069 H
24 Uphill Both Ways (#10) 30,274$136,036,776 H
25 Young Whippersnapper (#136)  Game profile 26,893$135,899,898 HG
26 Five miles in the snow (#488)  Game profile 27,205$135,195,100 H
27 Atala (#95) 23,310$134,525,194 HG
28 GET OFF MY LAWN (#328)  Game profile 26,545$134,470,693 H
31 the calculus (#4) 28,037$131,221,001 H
37 WHERES MY TEETH (#385) 26,982$123,777,994 HG
38 Dem Saggy Nuts (#142) 25,389$123,361,983 HG
39 The sidewalks for regular walkin (#302)  Game profile 21,905$121,897,230 H
40 Never Gonna Give You Up (#444) 21,007$120,677,374 HG
48 Tired old limbs (#217) 31,890$113,568,706 R
57 THE omega THE omega THE omega (#306) 22,677$104,679,908 HG
61 Father Time (#147) 26,691$103,687,877 DG
77 Sliced Bread (#540) 26,343$97,177,551 HG
79 Neds Atomic Dustbin (#274) 27,056$94,955,617 H
85 Back in my days (#314) 25,477$93,661,835 C
88 Sourcream (#580) 22,433$92,833,531 DG
89 incontinence rules (#670) 24,143$92,766,750 H
90 Fathers and Sons and Lovers Rock (#286) 25,239$92,569,221 DG
96 My Old Farts Smell O Pop Tarts (#539) 23,403$88,379,150 HG
101 Get a hair cut (#265) 17,662$87,817,510 DG
104 Uphall (#163) 25,026$87,335,315 H
110 Speak louder son I cant hear you (#330) 27,081$82,123,886 R
123 too efficient to play (#205)  Game profile 10,436$77,587,515 HG
134 Denny Crane Lock and Load (#334)  Game profile 20,625$74,572,545 H
147 Grumpy old where am I (#378) 28,205$69,339,257 R
198 Blueberry Hilltop (#965) 19,886$46,512,549 R
202 Pigtracks on the roof (#198) 20,626$42,853,091 RG
210 Back to Earth (#305) 28,489$40,724,813 R
269 What Country Name (#725) 18,475$27,370,853 D
286 Liver Spots (#494) 20,080$23,115,077 R

Total countries: 42

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