Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2443
Currently Logged in: 197

Alliance Clan: The Sons of Liberty (SOLxK3nt)

Eighth round: Feb 03, 2011 - Apr 05, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 24
Total Networth Rank2 of 24
Average Networth Rank5 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
7 Your SoL is Mine (#425)  Game profile 43,471$168,009,670 HG
18 SNSDSolMemorialSet (#214) 37,699$140,927,310 FG
33 GaspyDuK3nt Empires VIII (#358) 28,729$128,519,329 HG
34 Who Dey SOLers k3nt (#81) 24,630$126,339,369 HG
43 dagga remembers johnny yau SOL (#439)  Game profile 30,105$115,569,636 DG
53 Westlife Remembers k3nt (#173)  Game profile 37,550$111,849,516 FG
65 Universal SOLdier (#322) 25,877$101,723,845 H
84 Field Marsrhal J K3nt (#229) 29,321$93,673,760 H
86 SoL remembers K3nt (#158) 23,186$93,508,844 FG
92 wonkoland (#474) 21,150$90,536,778 HG
93 K3nT WiLL alWays be in SOL (#715) 31,510$90,206,652 FG
100 SOL IS FAMILY (#267) 19,716$87,985,404 HG
102 FSU SOLdier (#489) 22,151$87,636,370 H
105 K3nts God Of War (#193) 24,354$87,142,258 DG
108 SOuL fights for K3nt (#570) 20,368$82,656,767 HG
109 Dark Realm SOL (#162) 30,782$82,355,426 T
118 Demolition Legion (#299) 25,210$78,740,806 FG
121 Xel Naga SOL (#174) 24,592$78,098,220 HG
126 TigOlBitties (#176)  Game profile 19,533$77,076,460 HG
128 Hellfire and Brimstone SoL (#599) 16,604$76,317,850 F
132 SoLe SuRViVoR (#518) 20,703$75,147,375 HG
133 We miss ya Johnny K3nt (#220) 18,174$74,848,593 H
136 Bunny Year Started (#61) 37,058$72,880,339 F
137 Evo Remembers K3nt (#337) 26,728$72,110,962 F
138 FROOTnLOOPY (#352) 21,816$71,709,492 I
142 Swamp Battleguard (#559) 20,568$70,602,335 H
143 candymaster (#76) 26,474$70,382,705 FG
146 Johnny SOL remembers (#404) 18,685$70,044,493 DG
149 doesFacistfarmerstillwork (#662) 23,875$67,840,440 FG
154 SOL is SOL (#62) 24,560$66,763,384 FG
155 K3nts land (#38) 18,365$66,511,156 D
156 Love With Your SOL (#123) 17,748$65,614,359 H
157 K3NTS SPEEDOS (#522) 18,123$65,589,779 T
158 Duke Gaspy K3nt (#172)  Game profile 25,900$64,863,432 D
159 Nazarine (#861) 21,711$64,442,186 R
161 Remember SOL ihk (#85) 15,312$62,568,621 F
162 LoVe Ur DoUbLe Ds (#387) 15,651$62,487,871 H
168 YoYoYoYo (#97) 16,011$60,761,404 H
169 The DUKE of NLS 4 K3NT Gaspy (#37) 29,551$60,293,757 D
176 OneDukeOneGaspy (#188) 19,507$56,870,162 H
182 RIP Lost SOLs (#495) 20,478$52,826,002 F
187 xTDx eXo xZTx SoL (#115)  Game profile 29,535$50,704,423 F
191 DuKent Donuts (#184) 17,597$49,569,197 FG
195 K3nt is missed (#354) 15,327$48,446,228 F
196 SoLs Memory Never Dies (#461) 26,330$48,054,668 F
197 omerta (#544) 31,143$47,492,941 C
204 Polikug Remembers (#624) 16,228$42,799,226 F
208 K3nts SoL Lives On (#47) 15,011$41,041,184 F
212 land of oz (#197) 22,912$40,486,600 T
217 Borkland (#53) 15,650$38,549,380 F
224 Nu Kamlot (#769)  Game profile 18,813$36,297,880 R
227 Rest In Peace (#648) 21,111$35,904,050 F
228 Mrs SoL (#709) 19,701$35,740,830 T
230 GoDs General is Back (#784) 11,837$35,433,317 H
233 Requiescant in pace lost SOLdier (#250) 14,119$35,201,192 R
234 Syntax Error (#216) 19,398$35,022,344 F
238 camptastic (#763) 13,124$34,190,814 F
240 BlackHole (#863) 10,584$33,551,162 H
243 Jiman (#993) 23,592$32,716,885 C
249 SoLer4DuKeGaSpYnKeNt (#533) 20,958$31,910,848 H
252 Ferrets on Drugs (#590) 14,421$31,010,994 H
255 Fetch his SOL (#583) 23,166$30,500,177 F
257 RIP K3NT (#383) 21,811$30,438,450 I
259 Galandria (#524)  Game profile 13,943$30,407,067 M
262 JJosh RememberS K3ntSoL (#431)  Game profile 18,406$29,483,569 I
266 Piersons Battlefield (#344) 19,603$27,528,255 F
267 War Cry (#232) 25,964$27,433,956 H
277 Sol3r4DUKEnK3nt (#546) 19,362$26,003,441 C
282 Any Snow (#126)  Game profile 26,854$25,152,681 R
283 bikini bottom (#612) 13,022$24,647,734 F
310 low (#187) 20,997$18,113,926 H
315 Doom On You (#252) 12,545$16,406,957 T
346 1War Cry (#460) 20,048$10,775,836 H
351 Tir Na K3nt Gasp Duke of Sol (#802) 13,385$9,406,670 H
352 The Sacred Crotch (#834)  Game profile 16,856$9,076,882 C
355 chrome (#753) 19,090$8,790,391 C
403 ZL1 (#668) 6086$3,703,269 T
421 I miss Humphrey Cat No10 (#255) 9894$2,969,529 F
425 Activate the killbot (#370)  Game profile 9390$2,708,455 T
434 Donny (#942)  Game profile 8651$2,340,439 D
677 xSOLx (#1416) 120$5710 M
768 Pride of the Fatherland (#925)  Game profile 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 82 (Show all countries)

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