Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 18 - Sep 22
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3729
Currently Logged in: 232

Alliance Clan: AT Sucks (ATsucks)

Current round: Aug 22, 2024 - N/A
Clan Standings
Membership Rank9 of 17
Total Networth Rank15 of 17
Average Networth Rank15 of 17
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
473 Symbolics Firm Red Balls (#512) 3057$1,123,907 T
474 Aphrodite LordMilks RedXXXs Leto (#522) 4200$1,036,625 T
475 arseVAMP has big ballz (#515) 5674$1,014,613 T
478 why brujo WHY (#528) 2825$615,603 T
501 Head of Tan (#525) 120$5617 M
Defund The No Fun Police (#149) 7878$1,591,570 T
deadmau5 (#226) 5908$728,572 TG
Blackhole (#390) 5116$326,533 D
SykoKilla TANs Coalies Blackhole (#410) 16,979$3,364,177 I
Cath Simps Beta Male BH (#411) 14,585$2,465,038 T
YOUTUBE watch aIWai4acAhw (#454) 6466$2,963,215 T
Put It In Tisyas BlackHole (#455) 6787$1,563,773 T
Sword of Samael (#456) 22,730$6,076,572 T
Thunderstruck (#468) 7054$1,299,749 T
Solar Sanctum (#478) 8295$3,324,886 D
McLaren Timbers (#489) 1830$414,956 T
DRAMA MAMA GET MISSILED COS SUCC (#490) 5435$1,142,077 T
Blue Bunny (#510) 4948$346,230 T
The wrath of the awakened saxon (#513) 5561$1,394,616 D
i thought brujo was my friend (#516) 4575$737,179 I

Total countries: 20 (Show ranked countries only)

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