Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2463
Currently Logged in: 204

Alliance Clan: Netters Anonymous (NAunited)

Ninth round: Apr 05, 2011 - Jun 05, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 24
Total Networth Rank3 of 24
Average Networth Rank7 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
35 The Seksi Grimjoww (#149) 18,935$128,919,134 HG
41 NA Drinks (#156)  Game profile 24,731$125,464,717 HG
46 Anakin Buttsecks (#534) 24,877$122,525,513 HG
48 The Land of jaabaa (#104) 25,687$121,627,522 HG
53 ohhh ching chong ling long (#606)  Game profile 23,236$120,187,315 HG
67 Come and Get Me (#343) 14,193$115,725,321 DG
71 Aram Damascus (#548) 25,584$114,593,689 HG
101 NA llaar (#50) 10,850$104,170,988 HG
131 Euphoria (#434) 25,612$92,321,391 HG
134 Found a LITTLE e in her undies (#154)  Game profile 20,964$90,412,218 H
142 Happy Reunion NA (#127) 21,010$88,953,302 HG
145 NA Hawx (#188) 17,445$88,571,947 DG
155 xNAx Vic Rattlehead (#114) 16,583$83,212,832 H
158 aDing of NA etc (#782) 56,920$82,000,000 DG
170 NA Dan (#192) 16,632$79,549,085 DG
172 llaars landfarm (#253) 15,688$78,582,921 DG
177 Lesotho II (#331) 20,410$77,156,195 RG
184 NA Vendetta (#254) 12,477$75,236,180 H
188 orcs pet rio (#409) 30,175$73,924,872 FG
193 NA PaoLo (#483) 20,535$72,475,999 H
206 Kirks CoUNTry (#19) 25,733$67,884,638 M
208 Sodium (#600)  Game profile 16,569$65,989,627 F
213 I am NA Chadius (#564)  Game profile 18,956$63,810,325 HG
214 Musinomicon (#78) 18,038$63,784,876 HG
216 NA Bug (#155)  Game profile 22,500$63,560,531 R
219 NA Sapphire Rose (#247) 17,246$62,655,002 HG
226 since u asked so nice (#570) 19,018$60,966,067 HG
229 brh (#499) 27,213$60,007,004 R
241 Deadly Drift (#655) 10,292$56,014,366 HG
243 KtA (#485) 12,380$55,512,409 HG
250 RS (#575) 30,225$53,498,949 DG
253 NA Wainwright (#279) 14,355$51,949,952 R
256 NA UncleC (#565)  Game profile 22,292$51,404,402 RG
258 extra gold baby baby (#313) 18,503$50,037,728 CG
259 SANTAs VILLAGE (#256) 17,460$49,533,189 R
264 NA General Earl (#76)  Game profile 26,121$48,284,146 C
272 Its that time again (#547) 16,517$46,609,721 D
274 NA Kta (#318) 19,972$46,178,753 H
277 NA Harimau (#378) 21,118$45,663,761 RG
279 NAughty Reckless (#532) 20,858$44,542,136 R
283 Intermission (#755) 15,025$44,417,196 HG
287 NA llaaryaa (#382) 21,539$42,336,193 M
288 Miss Stress (#74) 25,776$42,297,735 HG
290 Im llaar or spartacus whatever (#904) 40,902$42,109,441 R
293 I am NA DREAMER (#722) 10,246$41,345,448 H
300 Home (#597) 22,911$39,590,310 H
301 ARSENAL (#303) 18,138$39,130,330 H
302 Cloud Nine (#473) 16,601$38,995,208 R
307 NA Detox (#351) 36,342$38,288,244 T
309 The Sands of Time (#88)  Game profile 20,910$38,098,330 R
310 ObamasBirthCertificate (#790) 20,261$38,025,566 CG
316 NA Reaper (#526) 12,893$37,312,561 R
331 NA simpson (#585) 15,370$34,730,572 DG
341 NA name i am NA LLAAR (#275) 16,092$32,376,269 F
343 rain (#689) 17,590$32,251,282 D
348 BiWinning (#784)  Game profile 17,974$30,896,486 RG
354 NA Emp1r3 (#617) 20,791$29,594,419 I
355 Zero (#2) 23,495$29,053,614 F
356 NA WARHORSE (#146) 20,898$29,032,175 T
357 Pride of the Fatherland (#221)  Game profile 24,537$28,359,535 C
359 NAKer0ppi (#346) 23,347$28,216,427 C
362 Captain America (#330) 16,926$27,446,248 IG
364 KingofDaSouth (#478) 24,444$26,054,745 C
366 NA Monkey (#222) 25,917$25,516,590 F
367 NA Thunder (#453) 17,172$25,372,274 F
370 ThunderKiler (#680) 25,755$24,758,282 F
373 Cajunland (#662) 17,659$22,953,266 D
375 l u s c i o u s RRAAZZOORRSS (#667) 11,671$22,261,878 H
382 blackhole (#508) 15,766$19,118,694 RG
390 Punk is not dead (#471) 12,996$16,716,221 T
393 XfinityLegion (#730) 18,302$15,559,113 I
399 Carma suX (#968) 17,203$13,243,972 C
408 FluFF You (#701) 17,725$10,685,406 H
418 WTF ViPeRz BaK (#524) 11,450$8,428,833 H
419 Minas Morgul (#1125)  Game profile 11,056$8,404,864 F
422 exoNAtion (#964) 11,920$7,678,071 F
436 NA Rayna (#569) 4970$6,186,037 MG
448 IamNAme (#611)  Game profile 19,108$5,083,477 T
480 NA duff (#616) 11,113$2,661,162 F
485 NA HipB (#183) 9763$2,558,794 H
486 GravityKills (#694) 9598$2,539,155 R
495 And Halt (#936) 10,621$2,038,860 R
520 NA AlCaTrAzz (#118) 9670$939,845 F
599 Mistal (#698) 2599$267,066 D
611 Emaster (#693) 2679$222,146 F
622 die nacht hat ohren (#1108)  Game profile 1975$160,305 M
623 nOT aNOTHER LaEr (#816) 1900$156,599 H
624 Fourth Reich (#398) 1321$152,077 F
625 NA BudsMyBud (#571)  Game profile 1104$144,459 R

Ranked countries: 89 (Show all countries)

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