Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Alliance Clan: The Sons of Liberty (SOLdiers)

Ninth round: Apr 05, 2011 - Jun 05, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank3 of 24
Total Networth Rank9 of 24
Average Networth Rank10 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
209 Your SoL is Mine (#107)  Game profile 24,374$65,859,785 H
220 abSOLutely flawless (#399)  Game profile 38,458$62,637,304 H
222 Pony Express SOL (#566) 31,286$62,348,983 HG
234 FSU Nation (#626) 40,179$58,265,128 H
238 Jiman (#71) 29,127$56,509,308 D
245 If You See This Im Hitting (#461) 32,895$55,033,180 T
260 FROOTnLOOPY (#194) 22,885$49,203,944 I
268 Skilled Occupation Leader SOL (#659) 29,132$47,395,078 T
269 SNSDSolMr Taxi (#846) 35,026$47,362,147 H
270 Zero Gravity (#519) 27,341$46,952,379 T
285 Honor Guard SOL (#618) 25,958$42,366,616 R
294 I like Dark Chocolate (#601) 21,689$40,955,094 T
304 Earth Empires IX (#407) 23,991$38,966,651 F
312 LoVe Ur DoUbLe Ds (#546) 16,536$37,995,430 I
324 SOL ihk (#429) 22,224$36,122,055 T
329 Dark Realm SOL (#112) 20,729$34,806,060 T
330 Dixie Chicken (#521) 17,507$34,785,521 I
332 God Of War (#239) 21,399$34,582,460 T
335 TheLunaticsAreOnTheGrass (#463) 14,654$33,903,292 T
336 killed at the hospital (#805)  Game profile 25,834$33,538,964 T
338 Nazarine (#975) 31,587$32,960,875 T
347 Disorderly Wombat (#328) 21,733$31,264,405 C
349 Ewok Village 2000 (#350) 24,692$30,567,156 T
351 Wonkoland (#591) 17,323$30,241,247 C
352 Xel Naga SOL (#181) 21,943$30,197,603 I
358 Bugger off Mate (#48) 15,471$28,242,385 T
363 arrowprojectDOTNET (#363) 13,632$26,336,627 R
365 Little Butt Nugget (#93) 18,891$25,720,547 T
371 458 is Our Number (#179) 14,307$24,211,757 T
374 Love With Your SOL (#14) 10,381$22,707,265 T
376 OneMindOneSol (#153) 17,050$22,061,187 I
384 Donny (#113)  Game profile 13,468$17,857,234 T
386 Iggy Holds The Egg Of Glory (#425) 13,196$17,644,551 T
392 Silver and Black (#821) 18,330$15,970,943 T
394 SOuL Fighter (#625) 17,563$15,139,860 H
397 So SOL Soul (#1054) 11,543$14,143,721 T
404 DW Kamlot (#1015)  Game profile 16,850$11,490,295 T
409 True SOLdier NLS (#6) 33,977$10,330,408 T
413 Peeweev will grab you again (#1122) 15,419$9,464,799 T
414 SoLe SuRViVoR (#1043) 49,322$9,146,289 T
420 Blue on Black (#1034) 35,182$8,072,881 T
423 Westlife Boys Are Back In Town (#918)  Game profile 24,158$7,341,487 T
424 Firestarter (#1145) 15,437$7,296,898 T
426 Universal SOLdier (#588) 13,511$7,240,904 T
427 Winter SOLstice VI (#1081) 10,168$7,223,542 T
429 Das SoL is BAC (#986)  Game profile 10,954$7,156,587 T
430 Some Country (#1102) 11,315$6,917,819 T
432 Swamp Battleguard 4 (#1105) 10,410$6,607,655 T
435 consoLe (#1214) 7924$6,196,318 T
440 Never Ever Going Away (#1151) 11,412$5,777,568 T
442 ugh you smell (#1079) 10,544$5,656,240 C
443 hallo (#1112) 26,023$5,562,108 T
446 Netting Practice V (#1143) 7515$5,107,036 T
451 something5 (#1156) 8293$4,664,828 T
453 ladysmeg (#1089)  Game profile 10,458$4,574,021 T
457 Bingo death no fair (#1173)  Game profile 8813$4,138,758 M
460 Below Me (#1038) 6824$3,955,462 T
463 Cunning Linguist (#1025) 8179$3,839,094 T
471 Tir Na Sol 12 898 995 1087 1127 (#1182) 5882$3,276,751 T
474 beef is back (#1238) 5496$3,081,164 T
488 LUCANS Third Restart (#961) 8676$2,500,196 T
492 YoYoYoYo (#1086) 6266$2,295,205 T
524 GonzSOL 7 (#1293)  Game profile 1360$851,638 T
636 tookya 2HrstokillmeWTH (#1307)  Game profile 1068$83,984 M
661 iMAG WILL NEVER WIN A WAR (#1216) 644$42,827 M
670 SOL FIGHTER (#1257) 398$28,318 M
672 Even More Special (#1252) 313$25,524 M
686 warKitty (#905) 228$17,703 M
695 Killed on Moving Day (#1225) 140$10,018 M
696 Ferrets on Drugs (#1083) 140$9936 M
698 TNCC (#501) 200$9217 M
Tir Na Sol (#12) 16,770$6,704,574 I
low (#28) 11,911$2,670,965 T
Dead and Broken (#30)  Game profile 11,795$6,577,910 T
Who Dey SOLers (#33) 15,158$6,529,242 T
SNSDSOLVisualDreams (#45) 12,665$3,231,617 T
Westlife New Single In Summer (#61)  Game profile 17,831$8,909,391 T
YoYoYoYo (#77) 10,431$4,218,985 I
Discordia (#79) 12,266$4,079,723 I
Toilet Seat Bacon Strips (#83) 18,292$4,949,118 T
Demolition Legion (#84) 14,014$2,416,871 F
I am ztSOLzt (#116) 12,705$2,919,797 T
GonzSOL (#124)  Game profile 11,621$6,007,251 T
camptastic (#147) 5797$1,511,353 T
Nazarine (#165) 13,895$5,744,599 R
land of oz (#168) 18,134$8,351,409 T
So SOL Soul (#169) 7790$2,019,854 T
something (#195) 13,060$5,038,517 T
Galandria (#207)  Game profile 5432$2,354,665 T
The Ichthyomasochist (#232) 8076$3,940,042 R
omerta (#238) 14,031$5,458,912 C
Sic Semper Tyrannis SoL (#246) 15,427$3,230,443 I
Netting Practice (#287) 9682$4,594,630 I
Syntax Error (#294) 10,013$4,447,748 T
Praes Speedos (#295) 6100$2,009,571 T
Nu KamSoLot (#309)  Game profile 9730$3,204,284 T
Winter SOLstice (#317) 11,569$2,005,225 T
Das elite SoL (#341)  Game profile 3986$1,470,562 T
Black Hole (#391) 11,684$5,428,690 R
Mrs SoL needs a doctor (#472) 11,600$4,185,865 M
Show Time (#492)  Game profile 8528$4,641,389 R
30 Staples and Counting (#503) 9516$4,203,427 T
Doom On You (#510) 5060$2,189,951 T
Swamp Battleguard (#512) 9455$4,792,032 T
Big Nosed Clown (#516)  Game profile 7706$3,208,938 M
SoLe SuRViVoR (#544) 5650$2,144,670 T
Ferrets on Drugs (#573) 7637$3,843,876 T
The Paradox (#593) 11,572$3,402,781 R
Just Josh (#623)  Game profile 3080$368,538 T
AnkhMorpork (#642) 11,695$3,907,421 T
War Mouser (#644) 6735$383,135 M
Peeweevs Shoe SoLe (#646) 11,702$3,792,269 M
SOL FIGHTER (#648) 10,408$3,778,667 T
Some Country (#663) 12,701$3,719,887 T
Solaria (#665) 9921$3,990,411 T
Circus of the Undead (#703) 0$1030 M
Norway (#708) 9549$2,780,107 T
Lucans REVENGE (#773) 4961$1,186,420 T
Cereal Killer (#780)  Game profile 140$6994 M
Winter SOLstice II (#798) 2971$862,374 T
Wombats never die (#802) 1403$1,021,936 T
Mrs SoL Zombie (#806) 2949$429,909 T
So SOL Soul (#807) 4458$1,706,247 T
Ferrets on Drugs (#808) 1563$84,735 T
Peeweev has a little (#812) 3129$1,288,976 M
Back4xSOLx (#823) 0$7886 T
back (#827) 4859$1,053,491 T
The Dude Abides (#829) 3294$409,070 T
SOL FIGHTER (#830) 5623$1,039,695 T
Netting PracticeII (#831) 5792$1,245,319 T
Demolition Legion (#853) 2263$256,204 TG
Its Scodes Fault (#854) 4690$966,352 T
Syntax Error (#859) 3273$639,617 T
killed while at a bachelor party (#861) 5285$1,095,421 F
SoLe SuRViVoR (#862) 5051$734,618 T
GonzSOL 2 (#866)  Game profile 2828$638,573 T
Nazarine (#867) 4249$1,195,973 T
Pulse (#868) 4203$1,270,620 T
Some Country (#869) 4993$942,336 T
black SOuL (#871) 4247$682,826 T
something1 (#872) 4958$659,027 T
YoYoYoYo (#875) 4849$712,013 T
Galandria2 (#876)  Game profile 5848$1,649,347 T
makis pink speedos (#877) 2449$377,029 T
Doom on You Too (#880) 3680$569,730 T
Ifagnum (#881)  Game profile 3334$1,125,128 T
IM BACKKKK (#884)  Game profile 2952$603,984 T
Lucans Revenge (#885) 2763$713,811 T
Solaria Returns (#888) 2911$663,303 T
Lancre (#890) 6279$930,448 T
Justice For All (#891) 1020$106,949 M
return to oz (#893) 2759$919,002 T
low2 (#894) 0$12,892 M
Winter SOLstice III (#897) 2188$517,490 T
Tir Na Sol 12 (#898) 5421$1,068,993 T
Back from the DEAD (#900)  Game profile 3673$252,319 T
Swamp Battleguard 2 (#915) 5999$2,021,457 T
New Klot (#920)  Game profile 1529$414,958 T
If it aint dutch it aint much (#922) 3240$957,598 T
GonzSOL 3 (#927)  Game profile 2772$992,526 T
The other NORWAY (#928) 1199$59,088 T
SOuL train (#930)  Game profile 1349$121,952 M
Mrs SoL undead (#932) 2744$575,067 T
Sol4Sol (#933) 0$2594 T
low3 (#937) 3909$226,542 TG
SoLe SuRViVoR (#944) 5535$788,273 T
Syntex Error (#949) 3856$455,651 T
Winter SOLstice IV (#952) 3585$1,103,142 T
Demolition Legion (#960) 1278$421,320 TG
STFU Donny (#963) 1596$97,291 M
4thosebouttorock weSOLuteU (#966) 4699$1,293,851 M
ozzy got spanked (#971) 2012$733,056 T
Its Solaria Again (#973) 852$396,176 T
Kamlot Never Dies (#974)  Game profile 1880$805,704 T
Wasnt That Special (#976) 10,832$2,028,462 T
Netting PracticeIII (#985) 5717$1,506,236 T
Who Dey SOLers (#987) 925$582,318 T
something2 (#988) 3068$721,352 T
back (#993) 2258$516,675 T
GonzSOL 4 (#994)  Game profile 2433$850,789 T
Tir Na Sol aris 12 898 (#995) 5995$1,318,729 T
steeps smelly speedos (#996) 1682$311,206 T
low4 (#1000) 1318$250,813 T
Some Country (#1002) 895$202,737 T
Wombats never die (#1003) 2958$468,183 T
WTF (#1008)  Game profile 1420$193,604 C
Demolition Legion (#1014) 11,349$3,392,126 TG
black SOuL 2 (#1017) 615$450,773 T
YoYoYoYo (#1019) 1030$256,947 T
Lasy Crappy Netters (#1020) 3350$191,537 M
Peeweev does not die he respawns (#1021) 3456$668,713 M
Syntax Error (#1023) 2295$564,394 T
Not Going Away (#1024) 1138$614,206 T
iWar it was me Dragun (#1032) 2812$1,465,464 T
GonzSOL 5 (#1033)  Game profile 5557$3,598,121 T
back (#1036) 1608$436,655 T
low5 (#1040) 1411$610,781 T
SOL FIGHTER (#1045) 9543$2,554,207 T
Swamp Battleguard 3 (#1048) 1694$488,358 T
black SOuL 3 (#1051) 1162$236,342 T
Some Country (#1053) 1002$710,937 T
Winter SOLstice V (#1055) 1160$526,498 T
Mrs SoL never dies (#1059) 1697$125,069 T
DerPheebsie (#1060)  Game profile 832$232,346 TG
Refuses to stay dead (#1061) 0$2238 M
Syntax Error (#1066) 1845$703,799 T
Walding (#1067)  Game profile 26,589$4,701,340 T
sunis edible speedos (#1068) 1050$683,641 T
DEV (#1070)  Game profile 2896$185,607 C
back (#1074) 615$882,706 M
something3 (#1075) 1322$447,867 T
Galandria3 (#1077)  Game profile 1650$1,226,495 M
SqrtNeg1 Equals Noob (#1080) 605$34,914 M
never ending story (#1082) 1518$867,783 T
Tir Na Sol aris 12 898 995 (#1087) 640$40,402 M
netting practice IIII (#1092) 707$373,448 T
IMAG HAS NEVER WON A WAR (#1098) 0$3397 T
5th times a charm (#1100) 5774$1,841,589 T
low6 (#1104) 598$109,717 M
Without inspiration (#1113) 98$16,287 M
Still Not Going Away (#1117) 549$48,197 T
1063 Is Noob (#1121) 828$43,206 I
Syntax Error (#1123) 2216$145,027 T
Last but not least (#1126)  Game profile 2346$1,310,269 M
Tir Na Sol aris 12 898 995 1087 (#1127) 4388$1,257,253 T
Mrs SoL alive (#1129) 2956$880,334 T
Never Going Away (#1131) 894$201,510 T
something4 (#1132) 1430$1,310,483 T
IMAG STILL HAS NEVER WON A WAR (#1135) 140$192,669 M
931 Is Noob (#1136) 2986$171,916 M
plttttttt7 (#1141) 1594$820,562 T
consoLe (#1155) 3902$282,118 D
sampaul (#1184) 3201$833,024 T
6rh time around (#1199) 1570$826,089 T
nvbbv (#1208) 0$232 M
1111 is Noob (#1231) 468$42,072 M
sampaul returns (#1233) 1507$144,808 M
Mrs SoL again (#1234) 0$10,854 T
1167 is Noob (#1267) 897$49,198 M
GonzSOL 6 (#1281)  Game profile 5175$2,269,359 T

Total countries: 240 (Show ranked countries only)

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