Active countries: 2469
Currently Logged in: 205
Currently Logged in: 205
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Networth | Land | Top 100 | Top 10 | Best 3 | Attack Success |
Kills | Deaths | Pop Killed | Attacks | Missiles | Defends |
Total Attacks
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of attacks they have done across all rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Prev Page | Next Page |
Rank | Name | Score |
1401 | BigRedDog2846 | 871 |
1402 | bywh | 869 |
1403 | Silver | 867 |
1403 | HellraZor | 867 |
1405 | Bablo | 866 |
1406 | Nico Robin | 864 |
1407 | Billy0454 | 863 |
1408 | aznj | 862 |
1409 | johnp1986 | 861 |
1410 | okkilla | 860 |
1411 | Rico | 859 |
1411 | ExportXXXDry | 859 |
1413 | Millentillion | 854 |
1413 | Snarf | 854 |
1413 | Plumbermandan | 854 |
1416 | THRESHIN | 850 |
1417 | Jaaamm | 849 |
1418 | Loki | 848 |
1419 | norrit | 845 |
1419 | MustangGT | 845 |
1421 | GDave | 843 |
1422 | se3p | 842 |
1423 | Wanhoop | 841 |
1423 | HomeTurf | 841 |
1425 | st0ny | 840 |
1426 | trainboy | 839 |
1427 | HeeroMD | 835 |
1428 | SweetSinner | 833 |
1429 | blink | 832 |
1430 | Unlinked Account | 831 |
1431 | fatsy | 828 |
1432 | Namineff | 823 |
1433 | BishanGay | 821 |
1434 | Unlinked Account | 815 |
1434 | Vinag | 815 |
1436 | JackalSoC | 813 |
1437 | EBOLATHRAX905 | 810 |
1438 | chia | 809 |
1439 | Jwhame | 807 |
1440 | DonStealth | 803 |
1441 | kwannn | 802 |
1442 | Notorious | 801 |
1443 | Aanien | 797 |
1444 | Warbunny | 792 |
1444 | Rip It Up | 792 |
1446 | Marxist | 790 |
1447 | Unlinked Account | 789 |
1447 | dustyroads | 789 |
1449 | Paladine | 788 |
1449 | Ageon1 | 788 |
1451 | misterp | 787 |
1452 | sb | 786 |
1453 | Tjoe | 784 |
1454 | Piker | 780 |
1455 | whorespower | 779 |
1456 | iwar | 778 |
1456 | not sure | 778 |
1456 | consoLe | 778 |
1459 | Fuzzy Logic | 777 |
1460 | Shadow1986 | 776 |
1461 | Unlinked Account | 774 |
1462 | hplar29 | 768 |
1463 | Oblivion | 767 |
1464 | Sandford Crown | 762 |
1465 | MrScarlet | 760 |
1466 | slowtrem | 758 |
1467 | arthurmickey | 755 |
1468 | ElrondMD | 754 |
1469 | Shinjin | 753 |
1470 | devilpup | 749 |
1471 | lhxo | 747 |
1472 | ripple | 746 |
1472 | Unlinked Account | 746 |
1472 | Stuffle88 | 746 |
1475 | tacodatown | 744 |
1476 | proteus | 743 |
1477 | Dannymat | 741 |
1477 | Formaldehyde | 741 |
1479 | brandon84 | 740 |
1479 | krathmor | 740 |
1479 | ELIJAHKJ | 740 |
1482 | Fooglmog | 739 |
1482 | TNT | 739 |
1484 | Hikago | 736 |
1484 | Apollo13 | 736 |
1486 | Kelts | 735 |
1487 | Jizzy | 732 |
1487 | rexhepiq | 732 |
1487 | Cassidy | 732 |
1490 | duckosof | 726 |
1490 | geos | 726 |
1490 | Unlinked Account | 726 |
1490 | Naked_Man | 726 |
1494 | Trixx | 724 |
1495 | KingKunta | 723 |
1495 | MrFister | 723 |
1497 | AbRaMcHiK | 722 |
1497 | Ewoks | 722 |
1497 | dougbawks | 722 |
1500 | zloiche | 719 |