Active countries: 2830
Currently Logged in: 214
Currently Logged in: 214
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes. Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There are currently 320 countries in the Cooperation server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Spy Country (#12) | 5730 | $1,685,495 | M | tsuNAmi |
2 | Protector out of Kimdar (#186) | 2879 | $1,474,345 | T | |
3 | Renegades out of Koldof (#296) | 2808 | $1,443,963 | H | |
4 | Navy Lieutenant Crystal (#144) | 5112 | $1,429,468 | M | |
5 | Restless Oyster (#174) | 4791 | $1,331,099 | H | |
6 | Bein Xavor (#168) | 3228 | $1,082,128 | D | |
7 | Rythen Bein Bedic (#219) | 3458 | $1,068,808 | T | |
8 | Dreadbeard Charlotte Scully (#95) | 4627 | $1,040,283 | D | |
9 | Cascadia Subduction Zone (#120) | 6125 | $973,634 | C | tsuNAmi |
10 | The Tidal Bonna (#200) | 11,656 | $943,758 | T | tsuNAmi |
11 | Sterlitamak (#43) | 8108 | $905,734 | R | STR |
12 | Irene Tristan (#17) | 4056 | $899,295 | H | |
13 | Aidan Sildo (#181) | 4384 | $895,143 | H | |
14 | Frozen Zutar (#110) | 5499 | $890,313 | C | |
15 | Peter Klek (#264) | 4451 | $875,286 | H | |
16 | Gosform Tholan (#289) | 4739 | $863,213 | H | |
17 | Escariets Trolls (#51) | 4028 | $861,312 | H | |
18 | Rugged Action Hank (#272) | 3905 | $855,522 | C | TVPP |
19 | Worthy Lobster (#191) | 4335 | $854,070 | H | |
20 | Frederika Orin Neowald (#130) | 4311 | $844,875 | H | |
21 | Sildosyth (#177) | 6133 | $840,412 | C | |
22 | Kid Mouse (#68) | 4478 | $839,203 | H | |
23 | Western Star (#36) | 6039 | $839,144 | F | Evo |
24 | Sad Monkey (#72) | 5392 | $833,233 | C | |
25 | Bernin Masters (#116) | 5569 | $830,686 | C |