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Top Players - Express

Next Reset 131st round: May 28, 2012 - Jun 03, 2012 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 160 countries in the Express server.

1 Dem Farmer De Israel (#92) 22,001$35,806,109 DG
2 xxxThexAmishxRiflexxx (#48) 20,983$26,637,282 CG
3 Twelve Dreams of Dr Sardonicus (#67)  Game profile 12,902$24,567,297 RG
4 Recitivism (#63) 15,483$20,509,117 HG
5 John Birch (#2)  Game profile 15,304$20,044,998 RG
6 Face Eating Zombies From Hell (#108) 21,190$18,510,465 CG
7 Happy Birthday Dad (#6) 13,694$17,834,112 RG
8 Doe Boieee from Doral Mecay (#59) 13,693$17,110,999 FG
9 LaFers need a doctor (#16)  Game profile 15,755$17,069,507 CG
10 Kelton Seltori (#37)  Game profile 17,414$16,394,578 HG
11 The Muppet Show (#4)  Game profile 16,484$16,031,021 CG
12 B Town (#65) 15,713$15,778,577 CG
13 Duque Does Dallas (#50)  Game profile 16,386$15,326,646 CG
14 Tank (#75) 22,046$15,317,397 CG
15 killshot MD (#78) 9162$15,313,649 HG
16 I Am Metygl (#88) 23,601$13,982,110 CG
17 Expressive (#15)  Game profile 14,936$13,936,089 RG
18 doble seX (#66) 12,720$13,741,131 C
19 ingle (#51) 14,364$13,594,569 FG
20 Walls Of Stalingrad (#33) 13,829$13,346,775 DG
21 Land of the Kings (#122) 8590$12,851,667 DG
22 TheGandhiWhoDoesntGiveBack (#39) 18,028$11,728,962 CG
23 Helos (#79) 10,329$11,590,033 HG
24 Noob (#109) 17,173$11,281,375 DG
25 ThereCanBeOnly1AndImNotIt (#117) 17,315$11,215,879 C
26 Really (#105) 15,045$10,937,096 CG
27 AL (#112) 8663$10,863,878 HG
28 Haha (#69) 11,061$10,805,519 CG
29 Merry Widow (#110) 10,572$10,289,038 FG
30 thatswhatshesaid (#149) 10,769$10,224,383 FG
31 BioHazzard from XI (#22)  Game profile 11,478$10,206,736 CG
32 The Great Bambino (#86) 16,569$10,007,053 CG
33 BiBiGoN (#101)  Game profile 13,189$9,947,020 F
34 dfgd (#138) 21,025$9,748,555 CG
35 Jaxon (#12) 10,749$9,590,984 RG
36 JoinTheLordsOfChaos (#71)  Game profile 12,998$9,449,555 RG
37 V I E T N A M (#113) 14,641$9,174,486 D
38 tartarus of maids (#8) 9729$9,133,655 T
39 Rugged Tundra (#70) 10,848$8,827,328 FG
40 PB comu casher (#34)  Game profile 10,057$8,727,922 H
41 Panzer (#31)  Game profile 15,860$8,604,164 DG
42 Crackhouse (#119) 12,201$8,295,897 R
43 11d11 (#76)  Game profile 11,990$8,171,100 FG
44 LOL (#47) 9705$8,064,927 H
45 mr multi again (#57) 15,672$8,050,303 HG
46 popcopy (#61) 10,926$7,813,887 F
47 Ranma Half (#132) 9068$7,760,590 R
48 I Love Orange Tic Tacs (#28) 12,328$7,712,429 CG
49 Little Foot Long Foot (#24) 9928$7,699,591 R
50 Green Tea (#44)  Game profile 12,070$7,691,577 DG
51 Matthew (#5) 13,647$7,654,282 CG
52 rainbow casher farmer indy oiler (#62) 9367$7,651,072 R
53 Heres My Number Grab Me Maybe (#90)  Game profile 18,601$7,603,914 CG
54 Pac Man (#115)  Game profile 13,553$7,521,527 H
55 A Rocket To The Moon (#103) 11,385$7,477,248 IG
56 Imaginationland (#68) 9494$7,400,682 R
57 Dust (#114) 6706$7,398,426 DG
58 Tractorpulled (#96) 12,162$7,342,761 F
59 My bones saw (#102) 5931$7,070,841 C
60 NAZI (#74) 9389$7,000,851 DG
61 This Crack Shack of Ours (#99)  Game profile 17,550$6,376,045 I
62 Niflheim (#121)  Game profile 10,551$6,043,345 HG
63 Agent J (#7)  Game profile 9764$6,007,407 FG
64 philosians (#29) 12,399$5,909,421 D
65 Ultra Vires (#38) 10,516$5,812,869 IG
66 SHUT THE FRONT DOOR XI (#111) 10,264$5,726,170 F
67 Pocket Rocket (#107) 10,392$5,610,299 C
68 Perditor (#41) 13,776$5,598,167 RG
69 bug (#95)  Game profile 11,366$5,496,722 RG
70 Smell My Finger (#85) 9614$5,211,565 D
71 Exoplanet (#94) 9189$5,033,795 I
72 Ridge (#120) 6412$4,983,603 H
73 iSigma (#72) 7231$4,862,715 H
74 i want to ruin your set (#93) 7013$4,680,134 R
75 I forget to play this country (#19) 8436$4,594,472 I
76 Rubicon (#35) 11,130$4,575,823 DG
77 missiles and tanks (#91)  Game profile 8681$4,542,875 H
78 IAmAMultiHearMeRoar (#27) 8166$4,535,732 F
79 AzN (#83) 5460$4,287,325 TG
80 MayZerG (#80)  Game profile 10,607$4,233,187 FG
81 shamwow (#53) 6341$4,101,783 H
82 Balls Mahoney (#81) 8271$4,015,129 C
83 Wowsers (#137) 8776$3,772,164 C
84 C R O A T I A (#42)  Game profile 9567$3,677,920 D
85 Kanga (#43) 5453$3,607,868 I
86 PooP Weener (#45) 5240$3,600,072 T
87 Demon (#106) 10,581$3,585,972 RG
88 Rippin it (#13) 9108$3,553,262 FG
89 1 (#1) 7234$3,537,944 TG
90 The Jiggly Room (#36)  Game profile 6273$3,485,127 CG
91 hagahong (#126) 7499$3,302,915 R
92 LandofME (#82) 6599$3,181,889 D
93 Loners (#3) 6808$3,014,740 C
94 Tandor (#54) 8902$3,013,831 MG
95 ZeiTgeiSt (#23) 7858$2,984,293 C
96 tjululu (#40) 5672$2,956,743 M
97 Sadie Ann (#155)  Game profile 6236$2,882,962 M
98 Freezeromy (#130) 4235$2,824,865 C
99 Shes got the Jack (#60) 8738$2,766,032 I
100 jolt cola (#150) 10,957$2,702,682 FG

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