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Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 177

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 159th round: Dec 10, 2012 - Dec 16, 2012 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 163 countries in the Express server.

1 Pagani Zonda (#45)  Game profile 26,416$32,526,450 CG
2 I R WoG SuperFly (#2)  Game profile 19,793$25,167,495 CG
3 Toni Bulloni (#80) 25,486$20,068,671 CG
4 The Marshes (#17) 11,199$19,883,630 HG
5 I am bored (#133) 15,975$19,842,509 FG
6 Enterprise NX01 (#19)  Game profile 18,408$19,556,465 RG
7 Walls Of Stalingrad (#65) 12,237$19,276,482 DG
8 Quintillion (#53) 13,918$19,203,424 HG
9 C R O A T I A (#60)  Game profile 17,348$18,430,049 HG
10 lol (#28)  Game profile 16,667$16,488,446 RG
11 John Birch (#10)  Game profile 14,077$16,015,219 FG
12 Mrivendahl (#37) 12,805$15,671,256 CG
13 Top 10 Country (#40)  Game profile 13,552$15,638,744 HG
14 Big Ks Empire (#101)  Game profile 10,577$15,003,568 HG
15 assAssin is an Ars whole (#3) 16,372$14,627,094 CG
16 Superfly WoG I R NOT (#98) 8664$13,702,674 DG
17 Green Crack (#146)  Game profile 14,479$13,375,702 RG
18 HotTubMakeMeSweat (#93) 12,860$12,926,710 H
19 GOD (#74)  Game profile 10,456$12,855,617 CG
20 Top 50 No Problem (#33)  Game profile 11,428$12,496,989 RG
21 Commie FTWWWWWWWWWW (#115) 16,799$12,099,700 CG
22 Little Miss Pebkac (#100) 12,439$12,072,403 DG
23 Jaxon (#4) 10,583$11,780,059 HG
24 Jay (#90)  Game profile 15,406$11,663,685 FG
25 Helos (#68) 14,174$11,430,593 HG
26 She wants the D (#72)  Game profile 17,266$11,401,928 C
27 Dead (#138) 20,297$11,040,841 CG
28 October (#116) 10,670$10,892,888 C
29 BLADEMASTER (#81) 8934$10,821,843 RG
30 BioHazzard from XI (#1)  Game profile 13,075$10,502,205 CG
31 I want More Cowbell (#62) 12,703$10,036,193 HG
32 MYPABbED CJIOHOB (#57) 11,968$9,794,073 RG
33 Hultahult (#110)  Game profile 13,751$9,659,017 H
34 The End (#6) 11,560$9,105,240 HG
35 Superfly WoG R I (#52)  Game profile 19,475$8,947,471 TG
36 umadbro (#48) 14,390$8,906,503 HG
37 Skribblez (#82) 6664$8,869,235 H
38 True Grit (#30) 11,842$8,859,951 H
39 USSR (#129) 12,266$8,847,857 RG
40 I Have Mad SKiLLs (#95)  Game profile 12,375$8,746,694 IG
41 criscallforduty (#46) 12,941$8,706,129 HG
42 Triple D (#113) 12,086$8,628,172 DG
43 dittie (#50) 9647$8,493,661 H
44 Ram Horn Smoth (#124) 12,011$8,386,110 RG
45 Zachelvania (#9)  Game profile 10,494$8,139,139 RG
46 zackayou (#12) 9159$8,014,511 DG
47 Cash Bushels and Hoes (#112) 13,961$7,921,768 FG
48 WebFilings (#27)  Game profile 15,244$7,842,090 RG
49 EveryRoundExactlySame (#49) 6650$7,811,999 HG
50 PHOENIX (#15) 9535$7,702,887 RG
51 i will ruin your set (#56) 13,904$7,527,976 TG
52 KRASNODAR (#36) 14,007$7,514,912 I
53 xDFAx (#54)  Game profile 9324$7,511,816 FG
54 123 (#107) 11,173$7,444,980 C
55 PaRaDiSo (#136) 9190$7,385,694 D
56 Manbearpig (#66) 13,810$7,305,855 C
57 Pallas (#21) 13,317$7,161,704 C
58 Snooze Ya Loose (#39) 11,001$6,637,647 RG
59 Im a Ghost Ghost Ghost (#22) 7114$6,310,068 HG
60 Vengence (#96) 8007$6,133,856 D
61 saud arabia (#118) 9115$6,105,237 FG
62 Platinum (#108) 7146$5,943,364 R
63 A Bowl of Petunias (#61) 11,661$5,690,857 D
64 grimshaw (#44)  Game profile 10,781$5,561,393 IG
65 New Bataan Compostela Valley (#144) 6436$5,552,867 F
66 Mars (#132) 22,773$5,415,273 T
67 scarberia (#92) 7864$5,363,790 H
68 Badonkadonks (#109)  Game profile 12,838$5,208,352 HG
69 Grackus (#23) 12,851$5,170,155 CG
70 KORSEKNOT (#104)  Game profile 7501$5,156,155 HG
71 L O C U S T (#43)  Game profile 12,176$5,110,180 HG
72 douch bager (#32) 10,766$4,895,197 TG
73 Rivers End (#147) 8598$4,752,768 RG
74 StressedDepressedButWellDressed (#94)  Game profile 8033$4,549,487 HG
75 I AM A HONEY BADGER (#29) 7269$4,477,247 CG
76 Imaginary Nation (#89) 7317$4,456,321 T
77 steelernation (#121) 6567$4,246,169 C
78 C11H15NO2 (#26)  Game profile 11,841$4,172,174 CG
79 Reboot (#123) 7069$4,026,187 H
80 Imaginary Omegan (#134) 5576$3,918,410 M
81 Zhqzhhz (#83) 9149$3,915,709 R
82 Ryma (#126) 11,602$3,890,284 RG
83 Calico (#38) 10,866$3,867,576 IG
84 NorWestNaturalsPaintballdotCom (#122) 9781$3,779,208 C
85 Homeboy (#103) 8955$3,649,748 R
86 vinikaun (#148) 7337$3,409,771 F
87 Pakistan (#151) 11,760$3,380,382 R
88 wifi (#105) 12,312$3,281,723 T
89 god complex (#78) 9762$3,279,680 C
90 Land of the Kings (#117)  Game profile 9992$3,197,040 CG
91 Glass House On Hilly SLopes (#34) 8645$3,152,663 C
92 Sleeper Service (#120) 5245$3,121,075 D
93 JBM (#137) 7033$3,114,364 H
94 captain karls pizza ship (#64) 9807$3,034,644 HG
95 Perhaps perhaps (#114) 8561$3,007,901 C
96 Moshiach (#85) 2434$2,920,768 HG
97 Pimpin (#31) 6475$2,828,330 C
98 Box Fan (#70) 11,121$2,786,765 RG
99 Stormwall (#77) 9827$2,748,302 HG
100 Nemo Dream (#18) 5271$2,656,572 DG

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