Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2453
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 175th round: Apr 01, 2013 - Apr 08, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 164 countries in the Express server.

1 Freak Me Babe (#100)  Game profile 24,414$29,222,930 CG
2 DeathFromAbove (#66)  Game profile 14,795$28,030,742 HG
3 Swamp Guardians (#44)  Game profile 12,730$24,140,988 RG
4 xinhuan (#9)  Game profile 26,186$22,486,412 CG
5 John Birch (#1)  Game profile 12,253$19,289,573 RG
6 Bo Knows Bukkake (#33) 13,004$18,931,989 CG
7 despina (#101) 8074$17,993,216 DG
8 You can try if you want too (#71) 19,528$17,585,630 CG
9 Dont mind me (#129) 14,351$16,830,246 HG
10 oOMUUMOo (#50) 7571$16,025,116 HG
11 Enterprise NX01 (#4)  Game profile 15,773$15,698,250 HG
12 Great Walls (#41) 15,426$15,396,268 RG
13 Kingme (#46)  Game profile 14,173$14,767,975 HG
14 1234 (#110) 16,201$14,662,128 RG
15 C R O A T I A (#63)  Game profile 17,309$14,357,283 FG
16 Live and Let Die (#122)  Game profile 13,526$13,529,066 HG
17 Ponti (#107) 16,367$13,403,221 RG
18 Jossey Jump Up (#64) 9790$13,369,400 HG
19 LearnersPermit (#102) 12,895$12,985,076 DG
20 oneMINUSone (#76)  Game profile 9764$12,702,746 HG
21 Belicose Rhetoric from DPRK (#89) 15,665$12,157,248 CG
22 shut the front door (#95) 13,568$11,964,182 CG
23 Newbie (#37) 10,041$11,634,276 R
24 dibble dablle (#88) 14,455$11,430,801 DG
25 Arathodoxia (#5)  Game profile 14,454$11,388,214 FG
26 Ayatollah of RockinRolla (#126) 13,517$11,279,095 R
27 Little Miss Pebkac (#42) 14,854$11,210,984 DG
28 Poo (#118) 12,373$10,855,224 CG
29 CrisCallForDuty (#24) 11,592$10,629,891 HG
30 Kentucky Fried Chicken (#38) 13,222$10,419,099 RG
31 Olura (#51) 12,984$9,865,060 R
32 chow time (#25) 4912$9,827,254 H
33 Das ist SoLs Driver (#3)  Game profile 11,931$9,815,150 CG
34 Smell My Cheese (#56) 13,890$9,750,834 CG
35 Lady Caith (#62) 14,029$9,648,214 DG
36 StoneCrows (#27)  Game profile 10,968$9,261,042 DG
37 Sverige (#91)  Game profile 11,327$9,198,383 D
38 Swamp Guardian (#6) 8860$8,788,047 RG
39 Sigma (#137) 10,121$8,248,520 M
40 Mc Lovin (#49)  Game profile 11,836$8,247,363 CG
41 I like big butts (#119) 8253$8,025,324 C
42 Jefferson Starship (#35) 10,503$7,824,485 R
43 neversilence (#2)  Game profile 11,189$7,733,903 CG
44 Asia (#10) 12,860$7,699,414 FG
45 Heaven4theClimateHell4theCompany (#85)  Game profile 6592$7,643,644 HG
46 Missile Factory (#152) 18,161$7,629,815 I
47 Helos (#67) 14,418$7,551,540 H
48 h2o is making me play (#109) 8605$7,477,644 RG
49 jean gary diablo (#123) 16,835$7,437,011 D
50 Mourn (#19) 7540$7,333,910 CG
51 Club Vodoo (#26) 9931$7,289,671 RG
52 BaDonkaDonks (#69)  Game profile 13,881$6,988,278 H
53 WhiteBeard (#36) 12,853$6,903,979 CG
54 I will find and kill Mr Titanium (#65) 14,045$6,822,959 CG
55 RussianRoulette (#22)  Game profile 7808$6,624,853 F
56 I lost all my money in Macau (#83)  Game profile 18,581$6,483,432 C
57 I ROR so do NOT retal (#59) 11,456$6,077,687 CG
58 Im a Ghost Ghost Ghost (#55) 8163$6,005,792 DG
59 KKK (#134) 10,851$5,926,283 CG
60 idiots unite (#81) 13,042$5,915,235 F
61 Tank You (#157) 6242$5,864,283 F
62 bango bongo (#32) 7923$5,825,742 H
63 zell (#139) 6039$5,819,183 D
64 Legalmass (#142) 19,030$5,813,535 C
65 okay lets play with my kitty (#140) 10,692$5,809,925 D
66 im not number 1 this set (#30) 5306$5,620,509 FG
67 Aria (#99) 5253$5,329,352 R
68 JSA PIMP (#135) 11,624$4,858,035 H
69 fallout warriors (#40) 8934$4,841,561 H
70 Tamriel (#112) 6864$4,764,976 H
71 stimland (#16) 8834$4,764,219 C
72 Gotham (#79) 8653$4,644,659 C
73 sup (#29)  Game profile 13,649$4,623,263 R
74 Sorry Number 15 (#114) 9718$4,616,947 HG
75 fat guy strangler (#136) 7910$4,557,711 R
76 I have no army (#156) 9584$4,525,080 R
77 Candyland pKi (#23) 6342$4,400,536 I
78 HUDL (#131) 7888$4,286,403 I
79 Lead your people (#132) 11,958$4,087,473 C
80 One Man Wolf Pack (#106) 13,548$4,085,079 IG
81 fdg (#86)  Game profile 10,522$4,083,888 CG
82 Don Martini (#60) 6926$3,925,010 C
83 JBM (#75) 9530$3,883,259 HG
84 Rank 1 Through 100 (#80)  Game profile 11,963$3,880,378 I
85 NettingPractice (#94) 12,496$3,829,065 FG
86 Velvet Lips (#14) 9965$3,803,517 C
87 Spanktastica (#98) 10,642$3,752,654 H
88 gator (#124)  Game profile 7383$3,708,238 H
89 Peaceland (#20) 9184$3,696,967 C
90 mink (#154) 10,426$3,566,825 I
91 Jersey (#120) 9537$3,564,324 F
92 Rainforest (#11) 6897$3,424,484 CG
93 Plastic Goat (#90) 9682$3,206,555 RG
94 Planet Bob (#113) 11,817$3,096,651 I
95 DO NOT OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY (#141) 11,758$3,071,750 TG
96 Dawgma (#138) 10,906$2,914,806 F
97 Majong (#7) 10,235$2,853,218 RG
98 Yummmm (#159) 7874$2,830,490 MG
99 Mine (#97) 11,208$2,763,558 D
100 Love me Not (#73) 8886$2,674,106 R

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