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Active countries: 2443
Currently Logged in: 196

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 187th round: Jun 24, 2013 - Jun 30, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 191 countries in the Express server.

1 ALL REPS WILL DIE (#24)  Game profile 24,353$30,745,379 CG
2 Rapist (#101)  Game profile 25,262$28,901,718 CG
3 talkw3rds (#7) 14,513$28,477,486 RG
4 ingle (#16) 19,415$26,590,197 CG
5 DeathFromAbove (#73)  Game profile 14,912$22,009,548 HG
6 LearnersPermit (#109) 6939$21,138,111 DG
7 Nokia E72 (#60) 18,810$19,789,317 RG
8 Please I Have No Defense (#70) 13,617$19,634,258 RG
9 John Birch (#4)  Game profile 12,597$18,863,686 RG
10 Got Oil (#64)  Game profile 20,466$18,091,073 CG
11 Resist Unlearn Defy (#10) 11,018$17,554,887 RG
12 xyz (#142) 11,897$16,977,297 RG
13 MariGold Peel Fresh (#40)  Game profile 18,256$16,606,588 HG
14 Sweden (#166)  Game profile 14,140$16,502,091 RG
15 i will forget to destock (#23)  Game profile 12,721$15,823,604 RG
16 sordid turbidity standards (#148)  Game profile 15,863$15,380,919 CG
17 Jossey Jump Up (#6) 9745$15,028,436 HG
18 testing (#2)  Game profile 10,956$14,962,491 HG
19 dagohoy (#21) 16,709$14,379,191 CG
20 TheEnigmaticLabyrinthianEmpire (#47) 16,701$14,226,818 CG
21 Crimson (#19) 12,121$13,919,701 HG
22 Alabama Hot Pocket (#58) 10,871$13,387,327 H
23 The End (#112) 13,004$13,085,716 FG
24 I R WoG SuperFly (#48)  Game profile 15,193$13,007,905 CG
25 Jaberwokie (#53) 7360$12,245,522 RG
26 100 turrents (#165) 15,351$12,147,897 CG
27 Praetor (#62) 13,680$12,123,229 FG
28 Enterprise NX01 (#68)  Game profile 13,639$12,066,920 HG
29 NotTheTANKS (#11)  Game profile 12,803$11,838,681 DG
30 RussianRoulette (#26)  Game profile 7978$11,779,449 H
31 valdrada (#117) 11,926$11,719,870 RG
32 Baked Vodoo (#14) 11,620$11,634,874 HG
33 Georgetown (#91) 11,479$11,340,599 RG
34 New school techer (#113) 10,661$10,662,197 RG
35 Killville (#28) 11,652$10,290,899 RG
36 C R O A T I A (#63)  Game profile 13,415$10,126,490 RG
37 S34SON4L (#90) 14,908$9,594,256 CG
38 NASTYfacccck (#5) 15,342$9,402,658 CG
39 Blow Stock to Retal (#138)  Game profile 15,864$9,317,946 RG
40 Chitshow (#128) 1557$9,126,556 DG
41 Jamaican Bobsled Team (#104) 20,723$8,644,907 CG
42 Robrtopia (#145) 13,224$8,532,323 TG
43 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#103) 13,738$8,466,234 D
44 CrisCallForDuty (#15) 11,417$8,350,473 CG
45 tgff (#67) 10,877$8,244,068 F
46 National Secret (#59) 11,255$8,112,955 T
47 Ace of Spades (#87) 15,022$8,056,294 FG
48 Land of Pebkacs Land (#71) 12,679$7,919,228 I
49 Torn Empire (#33) 12,732$7,692,710 R
50 As Seen on TV (#131) 10,539$7,539,953 R
51 Eone (#122) 5905$7,441,572 H
52 Gylippo (#45)  Game profile 8060$7,369,507 C
53 Olura (#146) 11,068$7,298,905 H
54 RISE ABOVE HATE (#98) 14,022$7,007,330 C
55 49 or 51 i really dont know (#50) 16,925$6,970,786 CG
56 The Round Table (#76) 14,213$6,824,534 IG
57 Kim Jong Skill (#56) 12,102$6,822,501 HG
58 maKaveli (#135)  Game profile 12,256$6,720,330 CG
59 isnarn (#82) 13,282$6,614,414 CG
60 JBM (#93) 8273$6,332,236 HG
61 Sheep Enjoys Xylophones (#17) 6740$6,318,643 HG
62 Mink (#12) 12,749$5,941,050 DG
63 No Internet Last Set (#43)  Game profile 10,513$5,913,868 HG
64 I Know How to Retal (#35) 10,673$5,633,706 CG
65 ClownZee (#75) 12,966$5,565,950 CG
66 UnoFiveFive (#155) 15,207$5,523,572 CG
67 Red Dog (#89) 7922$5,329,387 R
68 beer (#41) 9456$5,196,460 M
69 Ralphinatorz (#54) 13,791$5,059,526 H
70 Zimmerman Defense Team (#137) 10,147$4,992,713 R
71 MiningBoom (#42) 9106$4,974,879 T
72 Trying out this game (#134) 11,903$4,648,315 RG
73 rossomerry (#132)  Game profile 9526$4,470,656 HG
74 IHate3 (#190) 8448$4,460,306 C
75 Tekniques (#106)  Game profile 11,454$4,352,922 R
76 9 more mins til pizza (#161)  Game profile 8495$4,318,499 IG
77 Gas (#49)  Game profile 13,054$4,255,417 F
78 bango bongo (#85) 5402$3,949,167 DG
79 Saxybeast (#55) 7802$3,863,660 H
80 Loservillistan (#74) 10,371$3,796,708 C
81 NettingPractice (#120) 7368$3,757,572 T
82 HillBillysRevenge (#83) 6999$3,698,254 IG
83 COPENHAGEN (#86)  Game profile 10,289$3,646,803 HG
84 Asshole Magnet (#34) 4680$3,613,568 I
85 K U N O I C H I (#38)  Game profile 10,730$3,609,183 MG
86 Jews wear funny hats (#22) 10,917$3,597,411 F
87 BaDonkaDonks (#149)  Game profile 14,213$3,578,868 H
88 Ted (#66) 11,597$3,473,241 M
89 jackwagon (#105) 8719$3,393,616 C
90 Roman Empire (#84) 12,690$3,364,129 R
91 Fancherland (#57)  Game profile 9376$3,344,005 M
92 What It Look Like (#125) 10,091$3,242,544 C
93 The Doctor (#167) 10,611$3,190,558 DG
94 GargleThis (#110)  Game profile 8047$3,025,944 RG
95 Here we go again (#20) 1648$3,013,315 TG
96 Shinra (#27) 5800$3,002,124 R
97 rots (#111) 8310$2,969,312 RG
98 MaKeORBreAk (#150) 9258$2,927,189 HG
99 Disintegrator (#72) 7149$2,924,980 I
100 Right Where It Belongs (#118) 8814$2,864,064 R

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