Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2442
Currently Logged in: 198

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Second round: Dec 13, 2009 - Dec 17, 2009 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 321 countries in the Express server.

1 NannyState2 (#158)  Game profile 4346$3,916,104 H
2 Land of Shadow (#164) 10,792$3,843,583 C
3 Gesundheit (#178) 9502$3,591,314 C
4 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#45)  Game profile 9727$3,562,383 C
5 phx (#116) 8799$3,555,555 C
6 Dans Lil Pwny (#212) 9167$3,497,858 C
7 SMOKEWEEDTALKSHITLIKELANEKIFFIN (#171)  Game profile 10,932$3,185,149 C
8 I R WoG SuperFly (#24)  Game profile 10,454$3,142,509 C
9 dum dee dum (#225) 8523$3,085,352 R
10 Hello (#105) 9691$3,039,604 C
11 K i t e S u r f i n g (#30)  Game profile 6144$2,966,615 RG
12 Mijn Feyenoord (#145) 7857$2,962,784 C
13 I Grabbed Your What (#44) 9950$2,882,410 C
14 Leathery Exoskeleton (#190) 7654$2,878,751 R
15 Black Mamba (#12) 8235$2,797,513 C
16 Lets get it on (#238)  Game profile 9700$2,760,391 CG
17 Doomed to Fail (#77) 8930$2,690,059 F
18 guess whos back (#234) 7654$2,585,026 C
19 Elmer Gantry (#109)  Game profile 9691$2,580,480 C
20 putsthelotionon (#136) 9491$2,552,783 C
21 ExxoC (#150) 8515$2,548,383 D
22 Madman (#119) 6291$2,527,229 C
23 RaHLs Black Heart (#88) 8052$2,461,968 C
24 shotgun (#254) 8466$2,431,437 C
25 Flesh for Fantasy (#112) 7858$2,392,167 C
26 upupandawaywego (#34)  Game profile 5306$2,325,538 H
27 Mr Gainsboro (#60) 9827$2,311,897 C
28 haveapickl (#134) 2510$2,301,498 R
29 M D I B T Y D (#205) 8298$2,268,288 C
30 Love in the air (#70) 7432$2,253,366 C
31 QZ and Pang 2012 (#23)  Game profile 6164$2,252,704 F
32 Mycoxyphlopin (#75)  Game profile 8889$2,247,317 C
33 iMeIsAMeanieHead (#189) 5040$2,220,561 CG
34 The Great Gig In The Sky (#259)  Game profile 7036$2,215,072 C
35 suck it (#245) 7943$2,124,308 C
36 pangs speedos (#29) 8496$2,070,811 F
37 m0 m0ney (#92) 8936$2,055,379 C
38 Nek (#251) 6823$2,047,687 C
39 gypsy (#111)  Game profile 5840$2,025,447 C
40 U700 for Php4600 complete (#87) 8456$2,022,926 C
41 Swampys (#39) 7253$2,008,666 M
42 suck it homer (#181) 8011$1,971,253 R
43 Standard (#230) 5001$1,963,877 I
44 The Grim Reaper (#128) 5730$1,927,327 C
45 oOo B O I N K oOo (#65) 4644$1,916,090 R
46 Americana (#138) 7875$1,909,781 C
47 Lets Do The No Pants Dance (#36) 10,149$1,905,569 I
48 Bastile (#131) 6756$1,889,540 C
49 LocketIsGoD (#200) 7992$1,888,269 F
50 tassadar (#252) 6898$1,876,964 C
51 hadoooken (#256) 6603$1,874,835 C
52 Smooth Waters (#97) 9025$1,836,216 R
53 I AM WIN (#223) 8274$1,828,978 R
54 clarret (#209) 6897$1,815,932 C
55 jatora (#208) 6799$1,694,545 C
56 Toothpaste (#133) 5223$1,689,322 C
57 OMG (#204) 5248$1,660,982 C
58 Cyanide (#3) 9449$1,638,226 F
59 raspberries for all (#217)  Game profile 7096$1,631,467 C
60 Land Of Fire (#140)  Game profile 6757$1,625,303 C
61 Nazarine (#241) 7756$1,615,031 TG
62 carlitaxyrus (#9) 6001$1,604,436 C
63 kwmis house (#115) 3865$1,591,785 D
64 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#56)  Game profile 8860$1,564,025 T
65 NBK (#264) 5793$1,561,737 C
66 Land of Uc (#172) 7518$1,550,713 R
67 fargonasphere (#81)  Game profile 5273$1,538,442 R
68 lIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl (#73) 7224$1,536,435 DG
69 MooSeHeaD (#108) 8287$1,528,994 FG
70 Qwerty (#141) 7055$1,517,766 FG
71 Kingdom KH (#8) 6060$1,516,091 C
72 Rampage (#100)  Game profile 7966$1,514,467 H
73 Vaginal Secretions (#13) 6641$1,488,533 F
74 Land of Lost Socks (#246) 4955$1,471,992 C
75 Long Live Fluff (#143)  Game profile 7291$1,465,530 T
76 Caligula (#98) 5276$1,465,336 M
77 Santa Klausia (#203)  Game profile 7943$1,464,437 R
78 Windreach (#93) 7737$1,445,588 R
79 Little Butt Nugget (#243) 4265$1,436,366 M
80 Xninja Overlord of Chaos (#198)  Game profile 7692$1,435,156 T
81 LightingStrikes (#99) 6272$1,433,394 C
82 purrrfaless2 (#135) 7589$1,401,784 RG
83 Vlissingen (#213)  Game profile 5363$1,386,401 H
84 SancTuarY on Top (#231)  Game profile 6887$1,364,667 C
85 tiger48 (#47) 6929$1,360,181 R
86 Sifos (#201)  Game profile 7361$1,334,644 T
87 kLASTOVIA (#89)  Game profile 7152$1,331,216 C
88 Dopplegangah (#32) 7982$1,325,340 C
89 Rogue or Broke (#107) 6627$1,312,803 IG
90 Kingdom of Children (#54) 6987$1,299,545 DG
91 Well That was Fast (#149)  Game profile 5384$1,297,210 C
92 Where The Shadows Lie (#199)  Game profile 8686$1,286,259 R
93 Taomi (#22) 3623$1,283,857 C
94 panzer 2 (#38) 6932$1,263,638 I
95 Pandemonia (#226) 6889$1,252,166 R
96 Teholdsedare (#154) 9130$1,240,975 R
97 Im NOT Jayr (#257) 5213$1,240,521 H
98 Command and Control (#207) 5782$1,236,168 H
99 h y p e r b o r e a (#79) 8666$1,201,780 F
100 MUFFINS (#53) 6114$1,194,947 CG

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