Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2450
Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 218th round: Jan 27, 2014 - Feb 02, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 155 countries in the Express server.

1 Winnie (#48)  Game profile 21,464$27,042,088 CG
2 flEe to me ReMoTe elF (#100) 17,381$26,640,683 CG
3 TopFeedersSuck (#2)  Game profile 19,600$25,056,636 CG
4 Chinese New Year daw (#102) 15,248$23,803,404 HG
5 ImOkNothnigEverStaysSame (#97)  Game profile 20,775$23,708,020 CG
6 Expensive Tech Domination HAHAHA (#64) 13,030$23,221,006 RG
7 laudomia (#101) 14,936$22,985,933 HG
8 Evil or Live (#27)  Game profile 17,267$22,579,290 HG
9 HydroponicAvocado (#12)  Game profile 10,304$22,523,441 H
10 Vic sucks at netting (#39)  Game profile 20,571$22,239,631 CG
11 John Birch (#4)  Game profile 12,755$18,859,919 RG
12 Vicodin (#60)  Game profile 12,579$18,655,755 DG
13 Who Am I (#54) 14,185$17,984,604 RG
14 fearvendor (#65) 12,349$17,461,502 RG
15 BuLLfrOg (#133) 17,498$17,150,776 C
16 Rusty Trumbone (#25) 16,420$16,080,244 CG
17 One Eye Jack (#74) 9917$15,684,224 H
18 Walls Of Stalingrad (#42) 14,598$15,433,024 DG
19 Turtle (#139)  Game profile 9980$14,910,572 RG
20 Lemming off by a few 100000 jets (#103) 12,850$14,761,869 CG
21 Kamikaze (#41) 9831$14,736,044 H
22 Nova Scotia (#79) 12,108$14,388,319 RG
23 Chadbrochill17 (#24) 9414$14,276,274 RG
24 C R O A T I A (#76)  Game profile 17,531$14,099,485 HG
25 Suicider (#95) 13,706$13,716,364 C
26 Dalsland (#80) 12,801$13,453,424 F
27 ddp (#67) 13,322$13,224,882 C
28 Retals R us (#128) 15,399$12,946,172 DG
29 you grab me and i will grab you (#111) 16,675$12,768,695 RG
30 BaDonkaDonks (#132)  Game profile 9703$12,684,422 HG
31 I R WoG SuperFly (#8)  Game profile 13,934$12,131,684 CG
32 Crimson (#3) 13,027$12,028,404 DG
33 For Your Announce (#30) 20,180$11,959,756 IG
34 maxnoxious (#85) 12,133$11,936,905 R
35 Firestorm (#16) 15,586$11,916,296 CG
36 chap fun (#78)  Game profile 17,100$11,843,788 RG
37 Unfair Use Policy (#44) 12,397$11,285,244 RG
38 Land of the Wilddogs (#87) 13,458$11,182,712 R
39 Sweden (#109)  Game profile 15,874$11,107,608 IG
40 5 Day Retal Window (#45)  Game profile 14,001$11,007,731 CG
41 JBM (#99) 8517$10,517,767 HG
42 Karnage XZ (#23)  Game profile 13,573$10,489,013 CG
43 VicgirlyboyHazzard from XI (#7)  Game profile 12,218$10,474,117 CG
44 iRetal from iPhone (#89)  Game profile 11,367$10,366,447 HG
45 OG Kush (#107) 10,044$10,037,674 R
46 KAMBENG (#50) 9539$9,701,609 RG
47 TokyoJapan (#19) 16,045$9,534,381 DG
48 Tyranny Tech With Chems (#84) 12,182$9,140,531 DG
49 EarthHasDankGraphix (#10) 12,445$9,066,098 D
50 Orjuwan (#51)  Game profile 13,398$8,882,419 DG
51 Itchy Scratchy (#68) 12,469$8,805,731 D
52 TravelingBlues (#69) 11,892$8,728,742 CG
53 darsh (#91)  Game profile 11,237$8,681,476 F
54 lady bug (#92) 7852$8,489,684 HG
55 Imperial Prussian Quartet (#33)  Game profile 13,338$8,319,330 HG
56 suck me sideways (#9) 7922$7,892,793 H
57 Minnie Moos (#14) 9254$7,809,359 DG
58 Confidential Cheese (#57) 13,838$7,733,114 DG
59 Fear The Xninja (#26)  Game profile 10,303$7,597,622 DG
60 Eone (#131) 10,963$7,437,460 HG
61 BiBiGoN (#53)  Game profile 7256$6,713,095 D
62 Cypselos (#108)  Game profile 5343$6,681,001 CG
63 consoLe (#17) 10,641$6,365,607 RG
64 Hate Flirting XpRessive (#124) 12,275$6,335,091 C
65 UntamedNation (#117) 8030$5,770,639 F
66 999 (#35) 5597$5,643,887 R
67 cant win (#46) 9468$5,548,922 TG
68 OMAHA OMAHA (#75) 10,883$5,480,978 HG
69 land of butt plugs (#122)  Game profile 14,221$5,291,149 T
70 Directionless (#146)  Game profile 9300$5,284,338 DG
71 All slaves No bosses (#47)  Game profile 11,510$5,161,692 FG
72 wolverine (#18) 9227$5,103,093 R
73 Aids Land (#123) 9618$5,093,276 DG
74 HappyChineseNewYear (#37)  Game profile 13,341$4,903,873 DG
75 Sirdog (#83) 9229$4,903,292 CG
76 Smurfette is HOT (#6) 7155$4,784,020 MG
77 Vic Carry Me Plz (#82)  Game profile 12,726$4,720,031 DG
78 Rome (#114) 10,363$4,663,506 H
79 Look Up (#49) 14,777$4,651,792 RG
80 VIC feels happy and witty and (#11)  Game profile 9529$4,593,906 HG
81 mink (#55) 9881$4,522,501 DG
82 in line mic with ipod (#20) 13,911$4,467,197 T
83 Australia (#28) 12,083$4,446,326 RG
84 EmpirE (#63) 12,026$4,394,843 RG
85 Drugs Sex and Rock n Roll (#136) 10,184$4,262,924 TG
86 L (#61) 9576$4,241,701 T
87 Butaw (#104) 7859$4,226,972 DG
88 Oops I did it again (#31)  Game profile 6471$4,165,089 CG
89 I ReTal HaRmfullY (#93) 11,736$3,862,019 F
90 SSBN642B (#36) 5558$3,783,724 I
91 Berkshire Hathaway (#38) 9891$3,745,522 D
92 HS (#59) 6451$3,339,041 C
93 The Queen Vic (#119) 10,242$3,114,567 DG
94 logia (#77) 9609$3,063,569 C
95 Optimus Prime (#98) 9068$2,876,130 I
96 Mine (#137) 12,469$2,710,890 D
97 Pakistan (#58) 9164$2,696,217 R
98 ruritania (#52) 9996$2,589,944 D
99 wewewe (#144) 8857$2,435,771 F
100 Vic is a girly man (#88)  Game profile 3411$2,425,792 T

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