Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2450
Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 223rd round: Mar 03, 2014 - Mar 09, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 184 countries in the Express server.

1 TwitchPlaysEarthEmpires (#125)  Game profile 17,335$30,488,573 DG
2 C A N A D A (#23) 20,483$29,319,376 CG
3 FlufftardTopfeeder (#8)  Game profile 15,873$23,888,315 HG
4 DAKILA (#116) 18,140$23,286,014 HG
5 I Take Myself Seriously (#20) 12,703$22,584,934 RG
6 HydroponicAvocado (#95)  Game profile 9190$22,413,838 DG
7 John Birch (#1)  Game profile 13,508$22,365,098 RG
8 neither of us can see (#27) 13,313$21,946,611 RG
9 CYC (#38) 20,310$19,919,331 CG
10 Enterprise NX01 (#31)  Game profile 15,181$19,664,876 RG
11 36 Hours Retal Window (#71)  Game profile 13,306$19,628,984 HG
12 Sweden (#101)  Game profile 13,897$18,227,778 RG
13 sanchin (#85)  Game profile 13,111$17,577,624 DG
14 Orjuwan (#69)  Game profile 14,539$17,466,578 HG
15 C R O A T I A (#83)  Game profile 17,512$16,603,955 DG
16 I fix things like a champ (#91)  Game profile 18,970$16,543,881 C
17 Geometry is Pointless (#120)  Game profile 10,941$16,460,350 RG
18 Sleepy Face (#30) 14,970$16,413,489 C
19 Nasty (#88) 12,602$15,871,253 CG
20 The Legends Get Older (#112)  Game profile 10,183$15,168,383 CG
21 STARBREAKER (#117) 13,360$15,165,340 DG
22 cecilia (#72) 18,234$14,769,005 DG
23 Bugatti Veyron (#78)  Game profile 12,344$13,919,112 CG
24 dingus (#90)  Game profile 16,646$13,862,693 RG
25 2014 (#89) 16,026$13,851,764 RG
26 Imperial Prussian Quartet (#35)  Game profile 13,990$13,310,867 HG
27 Why SuperFly No Make Top 10 (#43)  Game profile 15,323$12,896,337 CG
28 JBM (#109) 9192$12,850,363 HG
29 fLuFfBuTtEr (#48) 14,760$12,804,968 DG
30 dOgMiLk (#59)  Game profile 10,974$12,595,351 DG
31 TNCR TheDragonReborn MD (#119) 15,502$12,408,294 CG
32 Skulls of Dominion (#149) 13,407$12,105,523 RG
33 Land of the Wilddogs (#44) 13,880$11,839,438 R
34 Murder Nova (#4)  Game profile 10,774$11,300,368 TG
35 BB (#86) 10,674$11,228,242 HG
36 maxnoxious (#99) 9474$10,939,062 R
37 canada (#144)  Game profile 10,655$10,828,697 FG
38 (#61) 8546$10,618,336 H
39 BullFrog (#147) 15,519$10,555,002 CG
40 Borat SeXy TiMe (#50) 10,692$10,552,638 RG
41 Request For Production (#135) 14,889$10,545,960 RG
42 LOL I DARE YOU TO LG ME (#156)  Game profile 14,636$10,028,716 IG
43 KorKor (#32) 15,665$9,984,213 CG
44 Fat Stack Pancakes (#122) 20,333$9,931,032 CG
45 Death From Above (#55) 13,789$9,602,528 DG
46 Fat Ass Christy (#124) 10,101$9,496,986 RG
47 Cypselos (#47)  Game profile 11,751$9,368,159 RG
48 Try harder to Troll (#29) 8081$9,011,323 CG
49 Crimson (#2) 11,443$8,941,404 DG
50 KAMBENG (#33) 10,270$8,889,341 RG
51 Purple Trees (#73) 8762$8,651,626 R
52 chemicals of all kinds (#21) 14,190$8,598,183 RG
53 Eone (#123) 12,163$7,865,336 HG
54 killyourspies (#3) 11,889$7,845,347 I
55 Ragtag Misfit (#5)  Game profile 7900$7,803,261 CG
56 BiBiGoN (#63)  Game profile 9083$7,769,126 D
57 Confidential Cheese (#24) 9207$7,707,773 R
58 87 (#82) 11,990$7,512,176 R
59 badjuju (#84) 11,259$7,467,878 C
60 SKA OG (#107)  Game profile 9747$7,399,938 RG
61 Navarre (#142) 10,270$7,388,039 D
62 Mastodon Infantry (#17) 7825$7,207,723 H
63 Linerion (#132) 12,522$7,201,056 C
64 Zombi (#36) 12,737$7,101,131 F
65 Chibua (#60) 14,383$7,067,037 CG
66 Full Metal Jacket (#93) 9172$6,929,000 H
67 CrisCallForDuty (#18) 8610$6,676,363 CG
68 Grab me and i WILL grab you (#118) 20,971$6,401,391 CG
69 RD for LiFe (#158) 14,223$6,331,911 IG
70 Last Exit (#114) 11,751$6,297,356 CG
71 Black Notice (#65) 10,055$6,275,915 DG
72 Miniontopia (#150) 9011$6,271,156 F
73 X (#137) 11,465$6,240,796 D
74 SoLid Strat (#25) 11,250$6,088,996 RG
75 Thunder (#102) 12,126$6,018,342 T
76 Gotham (#131) 12,579$5,953,456 CG
77 133tz (#155)  Game profile 7477$5,760,458 DG
78 all in (#76) 7387$5,592,615 C
79 Australia (#162) 14,387$5,259,850 RG
80 swarn (#121) 7391$5,244,837 DG
81 What (#26) 8559$5,100,415 T
82 Gummy Bears (#68) 10,124$5,009,523 T
83 1SiS (#42) 8964$4,874,324 IG
84 Dickhard Boner (#70) 8626$4,766,833 TG
85 Spyder (#80) 9092$4,757,389 D
86 108IBU 12ABV FTW (#40) 11,331$4,752,449 I
87 Super Swing Sunday (#22)  Game profile 4779$4,559,944 TG
88 Silverton (#152) 7716$4,500,059 DG
89 over time (#160)  Game profile 13,787$4,483,806 FG
90 Chicoland (#54) 5494$4,258,035 F
91 iZ nEttinG (#165) 11,561$4,154,623 IG
92 i have terrible gas syndrome (#97) 6706$3,876,189 DG
93 Mindhunter (#75) 10,311$3,593,529 DG
94 Gamer (#136) 6034$3,520,209 C
95 Stewconia (#113) 7756$3,390,859 C
96 bigmanjman (#111) 10,654$3,297,074 CG
97 testinglol (#153) 6835$3,220,186 C
98 Candyland pKi (#67) 5078$3,215,457 I
99 Cut Throat (#126) 9307$3,209,607 C
100 Dr JAG (#157)  Game profile 11,677$3,191,739 CG

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