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Active countries: 2449
Currently Logged in: 193

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 256th round: Oct 20, 2014 - Oct 26, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 104 countries in the Express server.

1 Charoulita (#5) 14,441$27,359,289 DG
2 EyE m SeKsi (#43) 18,828$23,028,102 CG
3 Call The Shot (#58) 12,442$23,012,233 RG
4 Aardvark (#17) 17,032$22,494,302 CG
5 To The Highest Blid (#73)  Game profile 13,060$21,147,427 CG
6 Enterprise NX01 (#20)  Game profile 14,707$20,438,216 RG
7 Cypselos (#33)  Game profile 13,401$20,183,887 RG
8 Mark XX Bolo (#65)  Game profile 17,552$18,759,632 RG
9 llamky (#16)  Game profile 8302$17,559,870 HG
10 BiBiGoN2 (#105)  Game profile 13,122$16,210,908 R
11 Where The Shadows Lie (#2)  Game profile 10,220$15,438,315 RG
12 Crimson (#19) 13,368$14,847,295 RG
13 Bunny Paradise (#44) 13,492$14,779,050 RG
14 HangZhou (#36)  Game profile 14,948$14,385,090 CG
15 mrFORD gave Cable herpes (#75) 16,146$14,309,838 CG
16 BUTTLAND (#41)  Game profile 16,076$14,307,964 RG
17 BYOB (#74) 12,414$14,283,396 IG
18 Orjuwan (#78)  Game profile 12,150$14,263,558 DG
19 Tea bag (#35) 12,233$13,954,803 CG
20 MakeMyDay (#63) 12,057$13,917,208 CG
21 I will grab you back (#104) 18,225$13,061,982 RG
22 Patatepoil (#90)  Game profile 15,146$12,720,710 CG
23 JBM (#61) 11,398$12,062,285 HG
24 Preliminary Report (#91) 14,602$11,864,221 RG
25 Helpme (#94) 15,111$11,129,756 DG
26 Undercover aiv yszeed (#6) 12,444$10,361,387 CG
27 BaDonkaDonks (#27)  Game profile 10,968$10,115,488 HG
28 badjuju (#32) 9738$9,579,998 DG
29 Jack Carter (#68) 9197$8,783,751 CG
30 Kevnuts (#38)  Game profile 9816$8,762,095 I
31 RussianRoulette (#11)  Game profile 14,151$8,595,496 DG
32 I R WoG SuperFly (#24)  Game profile 9213$8,296,589 CG
33 British Petroleum (#88)  Game profile 13,072$8,242,993 HG
34 Enterprise NCC1701D (#12)  Game profile 13,713$7,846,414 CG
35 Nuclear launch detected (#8) 11,887$7,513,804 RG
36 Hatchet Underground (#14)  Game profile 7177$7,201,321 DG
37 foul play (#62)  Game profile 10,532$7,116,392 CG
38 SIEGE (#40) 11,020$6,464,421 RG
39 RT06 (#22) 11,710$6,345,271 T
40 Plain Trouble (#109) 8136$6,331,168 H
41 Baked Vodoo (#9) 10,201$6,272,599 FG
42 Blitzville (#101) 14,220$6,178,433 IG
43 Hawk (#56) 7994$6,033,827 T
44 dOgMiLk (#15)  Game profile 15,093$5,875,415 DG
45 this means war (#21) 13,827$5,712,841 C
46 Valley of the Dead (#55) 10,213$5,575,402 C
47 VeNoM (#3) 7642$5,171,705 I
48 CELPHI (#30) 9253$4,879,571 DG
49 RAzor Biter (#60)  Game profile 8656$4,671,051 F
50 ebola nation (#13) 11,589$4,662,117 M
51 shittyassman (#23) 11,502$4,583,781 CG
52 Darth balls (#46) 10,319$4,359,452 C
53 36 Hours RoRs AllJets (#84)  Game profile 5092$4,174,494 T
54 Northern Lights Oiler (#95)  Game profile 8179$4,058,722 FG
55 TryAgain (#49) 10,946$3,999,085 D
56 Wargasm (#1) 7146$3,707,479 T
57 farm (#99) 12,841$3,677,612 F
58 Peace Smells (#26) 3601$3,237,064 CG
59 Tommy (#53) 10,786$3,214,532 FG
60 The land of HOLY CRAP (#66) 8480$3,161,161 CG
61 Zigar (#10) 8583$3,065,978 C
62 Alins Conspiracy Theories (#77) 7131$2,999,721 HG
63 Taurus (#29) 8930$2,987,206 R
64 BigMac (#45) 12,710$2,976,307 C
65 Flgatorboy89 (#76)  Game profile 9965$2,933,031 R
66 oh fekc (#97) 10,339$2,922,976 R
67 frankaly (#18) 9139$2,556,961 IG
68 Mangra (#48) 2854$2,523,931 TG
69 Superfly is my bff (#107) 5959$2,386,515 TG
70 Ripple (#80) 5291$2,282,198 R
71 O (#96) 12,346$2,140,941 D
72 landfarm (#4)  Game profile 9780$1,972,823 RG
73 IwillPARKINGLOTyou (#72)  Game profile 9586$1,947,863 FG
74 dalaria (#83) 5382$1,805,961 M
75 cheapwhore (#25) 0$1,571,967 C
76 Anyone Attacks War Till Death (#52) 7882$1,459,012 C
77 MrHands (#89) 5511$1,285,178 T
78 Skulls of Dominion (#54) 3536$1,212,723 H
79 Imperator (#51) 11,240$1,191,369 RG
80 IWJ (#47) 2558$1,190,428 H
81 Empire of Dirt (#39) 7532$1,098,937 F
82 Death Of Sudnar (#85) 8389$1,065,613 H
83 SpankUaLot (#93) 5521$1,031,346 C
84 Demo Farmer (#69)  Game profile 6135$986,152 DG
85 jer (#92) 3233$960,332 H
86 bonus (#71) 4210$942,466 T
87 sparky (#100) 8643$880,629 F
88 C R O A T I A (#102)  Game profile 6306$878,999 T
89 Retalwithspyops (#64) 3536$878,421 C
90 s2s2 PrincessCupcakes xx (#37)  Game profile 6746$778,446 FG
91 Branigan (#70) 3085$618,937 RG
92 Hi Im Mr Meeseeks (#34) 4445$531,472 RG
93 Nukerville (#79) 1970$396,507 C
94 donAZEE (#31) 2970$375,317 CG
95 macey07 (#111) 3389$335,504 M
96 farmlandusa (#106) 3148$324,724 F
97 GoTuaLaP (#82) 1729$253,062 T
98 Fuck you (#108) 554$75,894 MG
99 q (#110) 0$23,220 C
100 The Cure for Ebola (#81) 120$5617 M

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