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Active countries: 2482
Currently Logged in: 193

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 313th round: Nov 23, 2015 - Nov 29, 2015 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 122 countries in the Express server.

1 FallulaH (#89)  Game profile 22,394$34,167,128 CG
2 Sexual Fantasy Bot (#93)  Game profile 18,678$29,214,151 DG
3 Mihawk (#34)  Game profile 24,988$27,323,979 CG
4 rybka (#18) 21,861$25,307,175 FG
5 mrs shipleys ghost (#10)  Game profile 16,135$23,242,631 RG
6 RustyNails (#33) 14,970$20,675,453 RG
7 Terriblesleep (#57) 20,290$19,097,442 CG
8 the Temple (#36) 11,755$18,964,516 RG
9 BiBiGoN (#51)  Game profile 16,013$18,500,568 CG
10 Never Get To Finish (#20)  Game profile 13,476$18,365,385 HG
11 Assa (#45) 6978$18,233,640 HG
12 Enterprise NX01 (#35)  Game profile 16,161$18,214,984 RG
13 mFrost (#61)  Game profile 12,590$17,412,672 HG
14 Flipper (#79) 11,051$16,035,589 DG
15 Stormreavers (#92) 9527$15,838,254 HG
16 Crimson (#11) 15,142$15,517,819 CG
17 X X X (#13)  Game profile 13,989$14,434,553 FG
18 Gratulation (#15) 12,477$14,110,502 CG
19 PooP (#40)  Game profile 14,359$13,231,710 DG
20 Petoria (#80) 16,252$13,007,966 CG
21 Blindmage (#9) 15,452$12,215,230 FG
22 wats expres servar (#73) 18,326$12,100,262 CG
23 Antiestablishmentarianism (#70) 15,411$11,848,479 CG
24 T O P F E E D (#23) 16,164$11,804,106 IG
25 ashe (#21) 12,450$10,487,930 RG
26 Rocky Outpost (#111) 11,097$10,029,294 RG
27 Risky Affair (#96) 14,150$9,198,685 I
28 I R WoG SuperFly (#24)  Game profile 22,646$8,696,217 CG
29 Look up my skirt (#25) 6861$8,596,655 H
30 C R O A T I A (#27)  Game profile 16,790$7,960,255 FG
31 fakken packeez (#112) 16,108$7,691,056 R
32 Puthor (#72) 5333$7,525,030 D
33 RzT (#14) 10,802$7,424,307 CG
34 Love thy Neighbor (#98) 13,527$7,009,587 H
35 01101 (#16) 9863$6,775,578 HG
36 MatthewBooker (#17) 7772$6,733,261 DG
37 Gimme a Drink (#108) 12,672$6,499,587 RG
38 slap (#86) 13,573$6,388,754 H
39 Fruitville (#87)  Game profile 12,729$6,270,469 F
40 RiverFishin (#38) 14,474$6,208,817 F
41 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#64)  Game profile 9413$6,064,529 IG
42 spectre (#84) 8621$6,059,505 DG
43 Crackers (#91) 9077$6,030,474 H
44 Latzaf (#47) 5789$5,817,428 T
45 Ilse Spidergrim (#67) 5727$5,734,181 T
46 Titkowo (#110) 6067$5,570,341 I
47 burbon (#22) 15,237$5,502,588 IG
48 Zhrug (#77) 5990$5,309,314 T
49 3rd Shock Army (#46) 11,212$5,264,331 T
50 Banana Hammock (#82) 11,836$5,256,187 R
51 S E R B I A (#12)  Game profile 9942$4,841,942 DG
52 Tidy Duckling (#62) 5684$4,785,584 T
53 sz (#109) 10,469$4,450,050 CG
54 ISIS SUCKS PORK CHOPS (#43) 11,228$4,384,153 HG
55 Tgiving (#94) 12,762$4,267,177 CG
56 Darkwing Duck (#30)  Game profile 6583$4,264,762 C
57 Silverbeard Henri Darkmoon (#53) 13,499$4,110,248 R
58 Happy Thanksgiving (#1)  Game profile 6839$4,107,912 T
59 Temple of the Gods (#71) 10,424$4,058,100 CG
60 Supersonic Rubber (#97) 5675$4,039,167 T
61 Roll Your Own (#6) 11,345$3,981,594 IG
62 Cupcakes and Tea (#52) 7667$3,866,079 RG
63 cissie (#100)  Game profile 9545$3,855,504 HG
64 Fiend Dreaded (#63) 12,672$3,736,170 R
65 Ghosts from Durmark (#78) 12,567$3,720,116 R
66 Johnny Bravo (#32) 14,254$3,708,288 C
67 Prince Sergei Ravenlock (#3) 12,770$3,639,370 R
68 Caraxes (#88) 14,077$3,630,047 I
69 Relic Hunter (#75) 8472$3,609,095 CG
70 Koldof Wekmar (#31) 10,669$3,474,937 F
71 JennyCraig is a FAT WUBUS (#28) 6808$3,446,755 IG
72 Mr Perfect (#95) 11,162$3,168,761 C
73 Tron returns MFs (#123) 9504$3,123,174 C
74 Cakeland (#114) 10,715$2,907,620 C
75 The Ancestor of Kildar (#74) 11,992$2,406,459 C
76 Lone Lizard (#26) 9500$2,297,497 F
77 Yes (#76) 10,761$2,063,432 D
78 Synestra Xithyl (#113) 9800$1,759,033 I
79 Lana Adams (#19) 10,830$1,752,217 C
80 John Stoker Redbeard (#29) 9346$1,595,846 C
81 hit me and you get a cookie (#66) 6291$1,400,437 CG
82 your nick (#85) 6519$1,305,712 M
83 Antiauthority (#2) 8079$1,272,130 IG
84 Limousine Harsh (#69) 9495$1,251,889 C
85 aaa (#54) 5500$1,234,842 HG
86 Sinatemil (#44) 10,774$1,221,150 C
87 Forsaken (#115) 6349$1,158,054 F
88 Desiree Vhampir (#119) 6820$1,060,331 C
89 landfarm (#7)  Game profile 9381$1,042,731 DG
90 Fiends of Galin (#59) 11,176$1,007,293 C
91 Solid Emerald (#105) 6061$839,718 M
92 The Cake Is A Spy (#117) 2407$747,460 CG
93 Vigoth Bitter (#55) 4884$668,497 M
94 Helenia Celthric Relboron (#50) 4329$625,011 M
95 Ardaxia (#103) 1112$615,943 F
96 kainic (#42) 4900$590,539 M
97 Knight Club (#99) 1278$558,249 TG
98 Altoeria (#102) 4099$549,962 I
99 Kurdistan (#118) 4505$516,684 M
100 The Rollers of Seth (#39) 5869$505,395 C

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