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Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2452
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 380th round: Mar 06, 2017 - Mar 12, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 110 countries in the Express server.

1 Numba (#2) 33,607$43,558,789 CG
2 ally (#31)  Game profile 17,997$30,518,602 HG
3 Flowers for Algernon (#49)  Game profile 13,202$30,435,838 T
4 Malwarebytes (#75)  Game profile 18,256$26,098,099 HG
5 dOgMiLk (#6)  Game profile 27,494$25,781,893 RG
6 (#91) 13,808$23,846,852 TG
7 Tech17 ETF (#96) 7724$23,740,107 D
8 HappyValley (#47)  Game profile 8152$21,136,238 HG
9 erd4tfg (#84)  Game profile 10,268$20,368,287 I
10 C R O A T I A (#82)  Game profile 21,687$18,941,698 TG
11 chianna (#28) 12,872$13,944,357 HG
12 ashe (#46) 26,367$13,707,658 FG
13 (#94) 7238$12,438,730 RG
14 I retal with ABs final warning (#10) 12,661$12,247,220 TG
15 Tanjun (#59) 8261$11,985,644 HG
16 Cyborg Commandos (#13) 15,633$11,766,850 CG
17 egru (#78) 13,081$11,684,275 DG
18 X (#76) 16,565$11,217,957 RG
19 bOOgEr (#25)  Game profile 13,519$11,165,585 DG
20 BaDonkaDonks (#100)  Game profile 18,747$11,150,590 HG
21 Robrtopia (#7) 13,316$9,892,092 RG
22 Fusillade (#24) 13,213$9,046,578 TG
23 X x X (#8)  Game profile 9089$9,007,133 RG
24 Las Cruces (#9) 16,500$8,542,850 HG
25 Darkbeard henry vadar (#105) 10,082$8,201,280 C
26 On the Naughty List (#102) 16,119$8,025,956 R
27 Vipers Nest (#4) 10,753$7,723,307 CG
28 josh2007 (#1) 11,286$7,707,037 D
29 Riandur (#23) 14,822$7,668,211 R
30 Macaroons (#68) 18,553$7,663,030 R
31 Scipio (#33)  Game profile 13,530$7,436,310 R
32 Nina Nocturne (#77) 10,861$7,136,356 D
33 WINTER IS COMING (#90) 9747$6,867,123 R
34 Kiddie Pink (#83) 15,175$6,848,922 R
35 (#18) 17,875$6,639,453 CG
36 Galore nomore (#32) 15,002$6,619,241 H
37 Hidden Goldfish (#51) 11,456$6,524,107 F
38 Doran Fildon Draghone (#64) 13,823$6,494,829 C
39 Cute Juggler (#44) 12,917$6,461,589 C
40 Venom Teal (#66) 13,743$6,416,720 F
41 Zutar (#71) 13,978$6,397,924 F
42 No tomorrow (#65) 11,183$6,340,299 I
43 I R WoG SuperFly (#21)  Game profile 15,761$6,307,683 CG
44 mmmmmk (#92)  Game profile 16,771$6,284,801 T
45 Saints out of Bohl (#36) 13,282$6,281,369 D
46 Tybellsuktar (#38) 13,202$6,074,846 R
47 xChaoSx (#80) 26,386$6,010,840 T
48 Dreadbeard Luna Redbeard (#34) 13,188$5,873,468 C
49 Next Furious Beta (#89) 13,583$5,825,319 C
50 Darkboon Fronar Cyton (#29) 12,180$5,599,173 C
51 Golden Panther (#41) 9264$5,532,678 D
52 Nilex Necrophilip (#39) 13,427$5,410,193 C
53 Prince Raphael Vinther (#69) 15,216$5,348,868 C
54 Dirty Omega (#26) 12,894$5,254,347 R
55 Dismer Sabalz Tristan (#56) 12,051$5,165,930 F
56 iwillneverusethatnameagain (#101) 135$5,009,634 R
57 Ledals Angels (#74) 13,533$4,818,619 C
58 Ogres from Nythil (#81) 12,210$4,691,489 F
59 17 Beers Thanks (#17) 13,127$4,569,176 TG
60 Syr (#86) 12,864$4,490,297 R
61 Famgarii4 (#106) 7267$3,561,685 HG
62 macdaddy (#103)  Game profile 13,974$3,526,746 T
63 The Gods of Lox (#19) 11,027$3,513,400 C
64 ready or not (#14) 9175$3,479,859 HG
65 Small Nymph (#37) 12,741$3,381,511 T
66 Zestia Bloodrayne (#52) 13,480$3,081,814 H
67 Count Greste Scarlet (#42) 11,270$3,064,144 T
68 Meridan (#57) 13,037$2,979,209 D
69 Hordes out of Lurd (#62) 11,276$2,975,851 H
70 Escaflowne (#30)  Game profile 8260$2,863,814 CG
71 X (#104) 7099$2,794,399 F
72 Zona (#67) 13,589$2,673,128 D
73 Grand Marais (#87)  Game profile 9723$2,569,060 C
74 ValcoTraz (#93) 6077$2,325,397 C
75 Blitzville (#3) 6925$2,271,082 T
76 Thomas Hobbes (#54)  Game profile 6678$2,075,614 HG
77 22134 (#98) 9854$1,983,773 F
78 Rapid Spider (#60) 14,219$1,968,187 M
79 El Goldbeast (#55) 13,752$1,836,936 D
80 Beeron Ipdorn (#15) 12,947$1,828,200 C
81 Blackbeard Edward Hawkins (#5) 13,598$1,810,421 H
82 Knight Rat (#40) 11,879$1,464,932 M
83 Salty Jack Crawhawk (#70) 12,660$1,277,302 F
84 Donatel Hecton (#45) 11,995$1,244,571 T
85 Mine (#95) 11,061$1,100,209 D
86 Razmataz (#16) 11,595$1,078,993 C
87 TheVelourFog (#79) 14,998$1,051,547 F
88 StG (#53) 3215$981,050 C
89 kissez4kittenz (#20)  Game profile 6581$860,789 D
90 Avalon (#99) 3956$807,665 RG
91 Moonpie Rising (#88) 3501$727,022 M
92 I R WoG Superfry (#85) 5184$701,233 CG
93 Friendly Grass Smokers (#111) 5339$459,139 M
94 HANZO (#110)  Game profile 4607$446,899 C
95 roadkill (#11) 0$392,212 C
96 TheVenusProject (#97) 3055$365,946 C
97 Crimson (#12) 120$5617 M
98 test (#107) 120$5615 M
99 333 (#109) 100$4717 M
100 country (#108) 100$4717 M

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