Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2452
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 391st round: May 22, 2017 - May 28, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 109 countries in the Express server.

1 DeathFromAbove (#3)  Game profile 20,053$57,168,959 DG
2 ally (#7)  Game profile 22,351$43,773,948 HG
3 Bloodstone (#5) 35,635$40,984,551 CG
4 to chew bubblegum (#81) 22,087$36,656,563 DG
5 ashe (#10) 26,292$34,443,452 CG
6 Dark Holocaust (#16)  Game profile 22,610$27,870,719 RG
7 1000 Land Grabs (#91) 42$27,085,259 IG
8 (#72) 12,435$22,810,131 HG
9 Ipardess (#46)  Game profile 17,964$21,806,863 D
10 Latvia (#61) 8086$20,393,927 HG
11 Lex Talianos (#94) 14,983$20,043,537 R
12 Tanjun (#89) 7590$19,330,005 HG
13 NotabotsoIwillretal (#9) 10,721$18,004,663 DG
14 Nissan GTR Black Edition (#18)  Game profile 17,341$17,447,954 CG
15 Raven Blackbeard (#95) 14,691$16,939,869 CG
16 Wardaddy (#96)  Game profile 15,735$14,332,678 CG
17 chianna (#28) 12,762$14,270,345 HG
18 ArOOstOOk (#13)  Game profile 14,170$12,236,534 DG
19 Indestructible Potato (#68) 17,595$11,914,774 RG
20 Master of My Domain (#12) 20,826$10,983,395 FG
21 Monkey47 (#42) 13,128$10,636,018 CG
22 Tech17 ETF (#87) 5881$10,608,165 D
23 Slumberous (#8) 5975$9,763,630 DG
24 Dry Dock (#4) 13,861$9,464,999 FG
25 Lets Shake Hands Instead (#29) 14,609$8,934,378 FG
26 Limited strats (#78) 13,810$8,701,706 RG
27 Pallet is a tard (#37) 13,882$8,438,666 C
28 Digital Essential Finger (#38) 14,642$8,366,442 R
29 Vlador Bitter (#36) 12,271$7,813,067 F
30 24 (#20) 14,743$7,809,578 CG
31 Misty Springbok (#76) 13,608$7,712,274 F
32 Sevestra Amerdan (#51) 14,911$7,691,000 R
33 Aslan Ogres (#74) 14,873$7,277,684 C
34 T Rex (#2) 16,937$6,754,344 RG
35 Lefty Burst (#23) 14,195$6,600,955 R
36 Pirate Spacy (#79) 13,403$6,585,958 C
37 eXodus (#52) 24,925$6,551,190 CG
38 Moon Minimum (#63) 13,226$6,504,690 R
39 ArmyOfOne (#35)  Game profile 14,299$6,486,354 F
40 Taste the rainbow (#75) 17,016$6,358,712 DG
41 Prince Bryce Sangre (#58) 14,356$6,329,527 R
42 Mylene Yesirn (#66) 13,279$6,226,892 R
43 bEE pOO is going down (#100)  Game profile 12,156$6,082,928 H
44 Falcord above the Apotheoses (#54) 14,073$6,046,397 C
45 Teressa (#56) 12,843$6,017,230 F
46 C R O A T I A (#48)  Game profile 12,801$5,832,002 TG
47 Angelica Devil (#73) 14,321$5,824,787 R
48 Lone Tungsten (#31) 12,304$5,784,442 F
49 bEe po goEs gDi thiS timE (#33)  Game profile 8919$5,609,383 IG
50 Capitalism (#98)  Game profile 18,179$5,477,587 RG
51 Overlords of Irmeli (#34) 13,295$5,428,102 C
52 Bella Silverbeard (#21) 14,603$5,222,255 D
53 Tainted Weather (#44) 12,490$5,098,445 C
54 waitdonthitme (#71)  Game profile 12,817$4,909,853 F
55 KGB FORKS WA (#1) 11,297$4,905,728 RG
56 Kumewnity (#41) 10,892$4,677,834 HG
57 Vinegarstrokes (#24)  Game profile 15,032$4,672,201 CG
58 Talberon (#39) 12,764$4,656,678 C
59 The Lights from Rambol (#11) 12,951$4,623,857 I
60 Expanse (#32) 17,138$4,441,492 H
61 Obama Care ACA (#85)  Game profile 11,432$4,403,716 R
62 Gwethanatusdar (#69) 14,728$4,380,622 C
63 Captain Roger Blackman (#27) 13,123$3,916,562 H
64 Keepers of Oblivion (#6)  Game profile 11,770$3,605,099 C
65 Scipio (#83)  Game profile 11,068$3,434,627 C
66 ValcoTraz (#80) 8139$3,400,154 C
67 the Temple (#22) 12,360$3,321,450 FG
68 Count Mezo Screaming (#67) 12,336$3,304,781 D
69 retardomontibon (#59) 8850$3,092,661 C
70 Dingleberry (#86)  Game profile 6742$2,782,871 C
71 Pestilence (#88) 8416$2,665,605 HG
72 Lady Cynthia Griefstrike (#57) 11,542$2,606,139 T
73 Lahorn Elmut Valyn (#77) 11,813$2,552,330 D
74 Merdon Tholan Shardo (#47) 11,802$2,377,031 D
75 (#82) 15,289$2,062,672 TG
76 Rare Logbook (#62) 11,008$1,899,188 T
77 Walker Blackman (#65) 13,326$1,776,920 C
78 Stony Omega (#15) 11,560$1,542,492 R
79 Stoker Henri Davis (#30) 12,844$1,535,585 D
80 Comtesse White Charlotte (#45) 12,669$1,520,004 C
81 Cynthia Ravenblack (#50) 12,558$1,429,209 M
82 Thomas Gully Deadwood (#70) 11,800$1,424,008 D
83 Aldan (#40) 12,938$1,415,270 D
84 Corda Sothale (#25) 12,696$1,321,967 T
85 Focus (#102)  Game profile 11,744$1,301,228 CG
86 Rosewood (#90) 10,166$1,284,370 D
87 Green Beauty Volunteer (#60) 13,375$1,246,960 F
88 BaDonkaDonks (#99)  Game profile 7077$1,141,413 T
89 ketchup (#19) 0$1,136,258 C
90 The great Mordor (#64)  Game profile 4679$986,872 C
91 Methadone (#49) 3698$817,757 M
92 olololollo (#106) 7287$652,829 T
93 Justumbria (#103)  Game profile 5374$651,646 H
94 BaDonkaDonks (#109)  Game profile 3133$484,618 M
95 Earth 2025 (#92)  Game profile 4332$460,442 RG
96 Dollar Store (#26)  Game profile 3436$457,157 M
97 Exandria (#104)  Game profile 2772$335,095 R
98 Blitzville (#17) 2970$236,085 M
99 peaceville (#93)  Game profile 2095$156,779 R
100 biscuits and gravy (#97)  Game profile 1603$103,923 F

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