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Active countries: 2443
Currently Logged in: 197

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 407th round: Sep 11, 2017 - Sep 17, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 112 countries in the Express server.

1 DeathFromAbove (#3)  Game profile 19,745$57,673,058 DG
2 Mehul Patels Raging Thunderkawk (#31)  Game profile 14,473$38,368,416 H
3 MakeMyDay (#101) 23,117$38,014,343 HG
4 I Love Lamp (#100)  Game profile 34,684$32,332,504 CG
5 (#13) 29,253$32,211,270 CG
6 serra ab comme de la merde (#30)  Game profile 32,822$30,392,589 CG
7 dOgMiLk (#14)  Game profile 17,309$28,846,387 DG
8 I Do Late Retals So Blow Me (#24)  Game profile 32,119$27,875,047 CG
9 Moon Lighting (#12)  Game profile 16,391$25,577,478 HG
10 Okeedoke (#7) 17,334$16,604,072 DG
11 btf (#53)  Game profile 18,949$16,543,913 RG
12 I owe you (#93) 14,252$14,114,406 CG
13 Smackdown Live (#88) 13,599$13,474,359 DG
14 Incognito (#19)  Game profile 8585$13,398,528 D
15 Beatinest (#27) 15,164$12,977,986 DG
16 KSFforever (#28) 10,421$12,432,963 HG
17 Nuclear (#45)  Game profile 21,497$12,167,944 H
18 Little Blue Bug (#106)  Game profile 17,427$11,225,576 CG
19 Cute Weasel (#71) 13,357$11,088,334 F
20 Obama Care ACA (#104)  Game profile 9754$10,578,827 D
21 TaliWali (#68)  Game profile 11,310$10,370,367 I
22 the Temple (#86) 14,027$10,006,609 RG
23 althoughrandnogdinotabot (#103) 17,848$9,777,029 R
24 Street Outlaws (#20) 8278$9,489,543 H
25 Lactancia (#4)  Game profile 6393$9,441,831 RG
26 Bloody Walker Darkmoon (#56) 11,407$9,211,170 F
27 Birds Nest (#16) 12,220$8,973,734 R
28 hebdomadal (#94) 14,111$8,726,409 RG
29 Zilz Elvar (#66) 12,725$8,331,887 F
30 Family Guy (#79) 9289$8,151,108 HG
31 BaDonkaDonks (#11)  Game profile 7104$7,900,841 H
32 Empty Vulture (#21) 12,091$6,944,952 F
33 Johnny Scarlet Fargloom (#29) 12,578$6,931,326 C
34 Bad Romeo (#41) 12,177$6,914,244 R
35 300 (#34) 14,017$6,701,377 FG
36 Vildar Egmardern (#59) 11,781$6,613,545 C
37 Sign of the Four (#26) 5088$6,539,303 R
38 White Venus (#39) 13,704$6,412,896 C
39 stupified (#108)  Game profile 8615$6,350,841 F
40 Zigmal of the Protector (#78) 9361$6,291,670 R
41 Captain Rosa Scully (#58) 8778$6,016,453 R
42 Dancer Wooden (#74) 11,459$5,833,004 C
43 Norway (#85)  Game profile 9827$5,778,502 D
44 C R O A T I A (#105)  Game profile 10,188$5,722,992 HG
45 Tabithi (#8) 11,915$5,675,120 R
46 Mighty Warrior King of the Fight (#99) 10,521$5,555,140 HG
47 Seagull Edward Blacksmith (#36) 13,464$5,486,737 I
48 Kaldarmathar (#43) 11,064$5,294,639 R
49 Crawhawk Johnny Black (#69) 11,244$5,217,729 C
50 Hermedes (#38) 13,624$5,207,723 R
51 kayden gona try hArdEr (#6)  Game profile 13,062$5,165,148 H
52 Mikes Apartment (#1)  Game profile 11,705$5,034,317 RG
53 (#5) 9114$4,873,955 D
54 Achard Weshin (#73) 12,499$4,776,889 R
55 Iroldak Shardo (#64) 7825$4,725,024 C
56 Lahorn (#49) 12,952$4,653,904 C
57 Arx Lux (#22)  Game profile 13,889$4,613,456 RG
58 Elbane Hildar (#54) 10,454$4,606,916 C
59 Ancestor of Izic (#67) 11,188$4,174,098 T
60 bad blood (#89)  Game profile 13,286$4,160,674 F
61 Bells Z Bubb (#84)  Game profile 16,628$4,030,432 C
62 Strat New (#110)  Game profile 8615$3,706,310 H
63 Elitism (#10)  Game profile 10,279$3,448,544 FG
64 ButtStuff (#83) 7877$3,318,603 D
65 Comtesse Pale Sina (#47) 12,750$3,146,530 H
66 Prisaneeldor (#82) 12,096$2,921,225 H
67 Etran Etar Jihb (#72) 12,324$2,866,040 H
68 Cup Dirty (#95)  Game profile 5834$2,806,760 T
69 Ratzilla (#9) 12,013$2,759,300 R
70 KNOWWAY (#18) 7320$2,669,351 HG
71 Znation84 (#37)  Game profile 5491$2,604,741 D
72 Tote Blutigen Selbstmord (#76) 5173$2,542,417 M
73 Green Sinner (#57) 11,740$2,439,945 H
74 Alien Rare Lobster (#52) 12,380$2,244,217 H
75 Joseph (#91) 7007$2,212,388 C
76 The Goat (#42) 11,776$2,210,106 D
77 GDI Salesman of the Month (#55) 8335$2,030,349 C
78 Rosewood (#77) 14,071$1,973,532 D
79 Freaky Chipmunk (#40) 12,912$1,874,055 H
80 Pure Burst (#62) 12,415$1,804,757 H
81 Superbeef (#115) 9705$1,765,885 C
82 Kilbas (#65) 12,637$1,743,591 C
83 Green Olive Fish (#35) 12,401$1,622,422 M
84 John Darkblade Wormwood (#70) 12,581$1,569,199 C
85 Lord Devil Deathmar (#50) 13,345$1,554,859 M
86 candy cane (#33) 0$1,544,400 C
87 Ghosts of Warmage (#25) 12,536$1,506,612 M
88 Survivors from Ixen (#75) 12,579$1,435,337 M
89 Trying Something Silly (#15) 5141$1,318,503 C
90 Standard Lamp (#32)  Game profile 5751$1,292,591 D
91 T1mb3rl4nd (#63)  Game profile 5430$1,212,074 MG
92 yugo (#116)  Game profile 5386$968,826 T
93 Coming Through The Fog (#2) 5272$848,849 CG
94 Ghost (#112)  Game profile 7192$600,438 M
95 Sanitary Napkin (#117)  Game profile 4799$566,943 M
96 Pulse of the Maggots (#97)  Game profile 2280$448,720 HG
97 ERTYUIPOP (#121) 3763$444,753 RG
98 sbvlasdbvjdsla (#113) 0$321,415 F
99 Jim Kong (#120)  Game profile 1844$237,858 M
100 Crack Trump (#98)  Game profile 2684$235,872 F

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