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Active countries: 2452
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Forty-second round: Sep 14, 2010 - Sep 19, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 98 countries in the Express server.

1 Pit Bull Kennel (#2)  Game profile 16,990$17,367,057 H
2 Enterprise NX01 (#1)  Game profile 11,373$16,753,608 HG
3 I run multies (#22) 11,819$15,321,627 RG
4 BURN ALL SCHOOLS (#83)  Game profile 10,664$13,495,937 H
5 ChuckNorris Makes JackBauer Cry (#47)  Game profile 12,895$13,281,358 R
6 Finger Of Doom (#20) 5926$13,010,194 HG
7 Walls Of Stalingrad (#39) 9566$12,557,456 H
8 HoofArted (#38)  Game profile 5707$12,033,302 DG
9 Dagaard Keep (#73)  Game profile 15,883$11,376,958 C
10 PerfectionThyNameIsRachelMcAdams (#3) 11,042$11,248,715 D
11 Happy Valley (#11) 14,064$11,175,896 C
12 Soul Tormentor (#55) 12,639$10,678,453 DG
13 Suicide (#31) 10,222$10,087,106 FG
14 Valinor (#43) 7956$10,004,428 FG
15 iM cRaZy LiKe ThAt (#78) 14,905$9,598,853 H
16 good on ya mum tip tops the one (#53) 12,568$9,054,774 CG
17 Smooth Waters (#29) 15,708$8,747,581 C
18 Wanna get chemed then hit me (#19)  Game profile 13,962$8,477,947 F
19 Fade Into The Ocean (#35)  Game profile 9334$7,406,384 HG
20 poo (#75) 14,861$7,388,593 C
21 IfTheyMoveMyDeskOneMoreTime (#7) 12,700$7,360,357 C
22 Neptune (#27) 11,037$7,082,867 H
23 Tinfoil Hat (#80) 9618$7,063,105 I
24 MightyMouse Lives (#67) 12,151$6,731,125 RG
25 Fried brown but paSte (#4) 13,028$6,579,641 C
26 Jaxon (#58) 10,220$6,512,742 F
27 FusterCluck (#54)  Game profile 16,750$6,479,540 I
28 diamonds and guns (#15)  Game profile 14,471$6,412,552 C
29 Cyanide (#26) 14,149$6,092,748 RG
30 ButtSexVille (#25) 8236$5,840,774 C
31 be cult (#28) 12,876$5,469,864 FG
32 (#6) 10,089$5,157,605 H
33 Eliasss (#74) 6077$5,054,745 T
34 Heroes And Villians (#50) 9151$5,043,371 R
35 Kakco (#46) 14,264$4,894,311 H
36 AROG ANRC (#14) 11,928$4,815,598 C
37 bubba army (#63) 9662$4,700,054 I
38 DiplomacyIsForGirls (#17) 9249$4,630,656 FG
39 I Love You All (#48) 8770$4,577,540 FG
40 hjccbz (#52) 6802$4,479,831 C
41 Poopy Pants on Head (#33) 11,421$4,273,174 TG
42 One Time (#12) 10,867$4,243,619 I
43 PRS Dragon (#41) 11,103$3,995,422 IG
44 AtlantisAP (#57) 12,075$3,819,332 F
45 Global Warming Believer (#71) 9346$3,791,828 F
46 Death Becomes You (#8) 6290$3,744,819 I
47 How do you get 10 mil plus (#16)  Game profile 8564$3,671,809 C
48 2012 (#49) 5342$3,487,938 R
49 some fluffing bastard (#68)  Game profile 11,029$3,304,650 M
50 Navan Vanilla Cognac (#13) 4920$3,245,402 I
51 Why you all are below me (#30)  Game profile 9102$3,026,771 D
52 go go gadget fingers (#51) 9847$2,948,077 T
53 Lost Empire (#87) 4686$2,866,054 TG
54 Zachelvania (#66)  Game profile 10,669$2,770,114 I
55 If i was a suicider id be dead (#62) 11,592$2,739,937 IG
56 Your new nation requires a name (#59) 5788$2,432,190 FG
57 undertaker (#77) 8600$2,414,493 H
58 KSFisWIN (#32) 9470$2,262,659 RG
59 Reverof FSK (#37) 7987$2,218,756 D
60 Makaveli (#64) 6459$2,142,649 H
61 The Necronomicom (#36) 4207$1,969,231 T
62 testing (#70) 7340$1,890,258 I
63 weeeee (#56) 4914$1,805,712 IG
64 South Africa (#61) 2156$1,708,735 C
65 jklj (#60)  Game profile 6326$1,553,988 M
66 FRANKLINFISH (#40) 4878$1,435,978 C
67 Fluff EE (#93)  Game profile 6739$1,304,260 R
68 Happy (#5)  Game profile 7190$1,229,191 T
69 Ages of strife (#44) 8461$1,163,565 FG
70 Test (#90)  Game profile 5725$977,624 C
71 Ozzite Hates You (#88) 5044$974,893 T
72 TonyTown (#45) 3176$715,362 R
73 watchit (#21)  Game profile 2872$552,062 RG
74 rawr (#34) 3834$498,193 F
75 Compton (#96) 2303$329,808 C
76 Roddsville (#85) 2246$323,453 I
77 farmer start up test (#86)  Game profile 1909$168,165 R
78 TurboKill (#97) 1356$133,136 T
79 Yes Its Like That (#79) 1311$104,128 H
80 Deerhunter LIVES (#24) 763$64,123 T
81 Michigan (#89)  Game profile 463$37,149 M
82 assssa (#72) 400$31,765 H
83 ganjah babe (#98) 568$29,221 M
84 tearinitup (#91) 297$16,127 M
85 the untouchables (#82) 203$15,389 M
86 hi (#99)  Game profile 177$14,459 R
87 SkillN (#92) 136$10,158 F
88 Orakul (#94) 100$9952 M
89 Republic Farmer Start Up Test 2 (#95)  Game profile 151$8866 R
90 Dopplegangah (#23) 140$6517 M
91 Mambo Mambo Mambo (#42) 120$5617 M
92 test1 (#69) 120$5617 M
93 zulu homeland (#101) 100$5045 M
94 43 BLOWS GOATS (#100) 100$4717 M
95 segyio (#84) 100$4717 M
96 10 (#10)  Game profile 100$4717 M
97 its me (#76)  Game profile 100$4717 M
98 i retal a LOT (#65) 0$3667 M

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