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Mar 5 - Mar 9
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Active countries: 2472
Currently Logged in: 190

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 425th round: Jan 15, 2018 - Jan 21, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 110 countries in the Express server.

1 ashe (#72) 33,218$47,442,341 CG
2 noshoesnoservice (#4)  Game profile 11,013$34,747,819 HG
3 Dichcjanshxcudhdbdhdu (#84)  Game profile 13,406$34,690,362 HG
4 Doomsday (#1)  Game profile 17,163$29,772,535 HG
5 Skol (#6) 20,250$23,564,027 TG
6 1998991 (#15) 19,951$22,565,134 CG
7 Alfa (#64) 14,025$21,902,287 HG
8 Guns Linger (#14) 13,060$21,034,377 RG
9 swan song (#8)  Game profile 16,278$20,420,940 IG
10 (#75) 15,797$19,801,254 TG
11 HatchetUnderground (#2)  Game profile 22,288$18,985,249 RG
12 Asdfghjkl (#101) 12,564$18,360,281 CG
13 Vimanicale (#36) 12,951$15,396,275 DG
14 Need2kNow (#82) 16,194$15,277,991 RG
15 retarded loser (#52) 21,435$15,001,535 C
16 Zika Head (#106) 11,269$14,381,462 D
17 Hey Ho (#73)  Game profile 16,806$14,274,195 CG
18 kAYdEn (#9)  Game profile 10,460$12,363,164 DG
19 BaDonkaDonks (#25)  Game profile 16,317$11,929,089 HG
20 3fpm (#95) 13,946$10,555,154 IG
21 Obama Care ACA (#98)  Game profile 12,533$10,098,959 HG
22 sh hole country (#76) 32,506$9,152,631 I
23 Znation84 (#27)  Game profile 19,083$9,144,226 TG
24 Rocking Cute Baroness (#81) 12,075$9,067,052 F
25 Pashri (#93) 4465$8,554,369 HG
26 Sanchong (#22)  Game profile 16,126$8,093,712 CG
27 Gruesome Peasant (#58) 13,098$7,973,614 R
28 ItsThatTImeAgain (#70)  Game profile 14,369$7,791,005 CG
29 m0bzta (#7) 10,307$7,738,400 HG
30 Wild Compass (#26) 12,004$7,650,935 F
31 oo0Rusty0oo (#41) 16,121$7,606,489 IG
32 Margies Realm (#38)  Game profile 10,561$7,553,886 CG
33 BEAST MODE (#56)  Game profile 14,368$7,443,140 H
34 TheLynxArmy (#67)  Game profile 13,081$7,399,430 TG
35 Dirty Tumbler (#51) 11,630$6,889,153 R
36 Harambe Still Lives (#3)  Game profile 11,405$6,829,431 CG
37 KGB FORKS WA (#17) 13,005$6,736,584 HG
38 Flower Trooper (#34) 12,777$6,635,731 C
39 Amarizisanthil (#44) 12,076$6,456,738 C
40 Xenil Helmon (#66) 11,787$6,418,037 F
41 Skinny Juggler (#59) 13,205$6,389,308 C
42 Richard Cranium (#12) 12,160$6,223,876 IG
43 Comtesse Scarlet Irana (#74) 13,414$6,197,926 C
44 Anothercountry (#5) 12,249$6,175,239 D
45 dierland (#11)  Game profile 10,410$6,165,385 D
46 Eloon Atgur Dosman (#78) 11,134$6,064,036 R
47 Reaper Xelx (#28) 10,126$5,966,474 R
48 Treble (#91) 14,771$5,941,448 F
49 Ledal (#23) 11,199$5,935,127 R
50 Keepers of Oblivion (#21)  Game profile 24,708$5,908,523 H
51 Orinelvar (#18) 11,338$5,815,363 R
52 Cloudy Epsilon (#68) 11,685$5,668,815 R
53 Dingus (#40) 8258$5,543,241 C
54 Together Again (#80) 10,164$5,414,981 R
55 Lord Gabriel Raven (#61) 11,350$5,181,573 F
56 Navy Xylophone (#83) 6577$5,145,047 R
57 Rainbow Scoreboard (#49) 11,645$5,010,281 C
58 White Plutonium (#79) 11,933$4,857,681 C
59 Zek (#53) 11,206$4,813,560 R
60 AB4Retal (#87) 10,234$4,518,091 H
61 South side struggle (#105)  Game profile 11,837$4,401,871 I
62 Dactor Redtooth (#13) 13,676$4,247,729 I
63 Zak Orin (#69) 10,108$4,138,541 C
64 IM EASY (#50) 7433$3,776,608 C
65 Detroit Diesel (#71) 22,843$3,775,689 T
66 DA40 (#20)  Game profile 8384$3,768,772 T
67 Socrates (#94)  Game profile 13,924$3,765,971 RG
68 Adamantha Drak (#63) 11,624$3,560,825 I
69 DingDong (#90)  Game profile 10,774$3,503,411 H
70 Cyton (#37) 12,105$3,341,220 T
71 Meth Head (#97) 8375$3,220,282 C
72 Pakistan (#46) 11,353$3,211,985 M
73 Hot Beam (#62) 8955$3,069,289 T
74 Philadona Veldar (#47) 12,191$3,032,823 D
75 Everyday Temple (#77) 9692$2,983,457 T
76 Bingbong (#43) 5664$2,861,285 C
77 Ratzilla (#10) 8298$2,816,594 HG
78 XPEH KO3E (#29)  Game profile 11,314$2,815,482 T
79 Seagull Roger Harker (#57) 9501$2,690,533 D
80 Kilia (#32) 10,264$2,589,401 T
81 C R O A T I A (#48)  Game profile 7074$2,547,094 DG
82 Ruthless Desiree (#39) 6654$2,517,610 C
83 Acele Acholate Bolrock (#42) 11,899$2,478,417 H
84 Udderly outrageous (#104)  Game profile 7560$2,422,151 F
85 ILIGAN CLAN (#89)  Game profile 9275$2,123,436 F
86 Justalyne Elthen Dosman (#35) 12,913$1,852,688 R
87 Trump train (#85)  Game profile 3723$1,783,374 H
88 Devil Vladimir (#55) 12,321$1,506,908 M
89 Count Kafar Devil (#60) 12,440$1,501,818 M
90 Tatertotania (#100)  Game profile 6895$1,411,371 I
91 Lord Zek Van locker (#30) 12,160$1,290,087 C
92 Dinosaur Sienna (#45) 11,349$1,261,849 M
93 Pitman (#96)  Game profile 7383$1,254,369 R
94 Squirrel Appreciation Day (#86) 4439$1,096,498 IG
95 Decahedron (#65)  Game profile 5466$997,077 MG
96 Jibar Riss Silco (#110) 6408$976,728 M
97 login (#19) 0$895,245 C
98 d0gMiLk (#33) 2414$622,742 C
99 t (#102)  Game profile 2560$536,000 H
100 Little Blue Bug (#88)  Game profile 2874$268,757 D

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