Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2480
Currently Logged in: 201

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 435th round: Mar 26, 2018 - Apr 01, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 123 countries in the Express server.

1 soul stripper (#58)  Game profile 19,359$33,604,110 DG
2 Armed and Hammered (#92)  Game profile 18,287$32,990,926 HG
3 m0bzta (#89) 21,261$32,885,144 CG
4 spring trainng (#20)  Game profile 20,507$25,163,759 HG
5 readyroom (#53) 13,561$20,231,909 TG
6 (#83) 13,315$19,822,857 TG
7 OneFinalCut (#34)  Game profile 21,631$17,899,773 RG
8 you like my beer belly (#8) 13,339$16,737,046 DG
9 Little Blue Bug (#46)  Game profile 16,610$16,484,176 D
10 Ultra Miami Was EDM Fire (#4)  Game profile 23,032$16,176,720 CG
11 Tiny Farmer (#82)  Game profile 24,678$16,013,084 I
12 BioHazzard from XI (#2)  Game profile 8802$15,541,474 DG
13 Deep State Secret Society (#114) 17,670$14,406,832 F
14 Cynotilapia (#49)  Game profile 8719$14,179,995 DG
15 null (#44) 36,864$13,836,868 I
16 Roger Gull Redblade (#27) 5281$13,746,201 HG
17 TheLynxArmy (#40)  Game profile 500$13,422,304 HG
18 HACPATb (#39)  Game profile 14,735$12,995,432 C
19 whErE dId bEE pOO gO (#13)  Game profile 14,459$12,547,716 DG
20 NikoBellic (#24)  Game profile 17,705$10,934,500 RG
21 gingerbread man (#96)  Game profile 13,471$10,879,771 R
22 BaDonkaDonks (#60)  Game profile 5720$10,864,294 HG
23 Somalia (#105)  Game profile 16,745$10,814,181 H
24 Vladi Requiem (#1) 7720$10,416,460 D
25 Irene Baduk (#23) 15,707$10,233,102 RG
26 Chaoshof (#33) 14,374$9,927,104 R
27 Henri Scully (#77) 5311$9,851,626 TG
28 Lord Zytan Adams (#37) 5053$9,629,258 H
29 Over and over again (#11)  Game profile 16,258$9,510,477 CG
30 Tiger (#56) 13,383$9,390,489 RG
31 Simile (#70)  Game profile 15,588$8,341,618 TG
32 Lady Natasha Morrisey (#21) 14,670$8,130,330 F
33 SAND MADE OF CASTLES (#3) 14,613$8,070,508 TG
34 dabears (#48) 16,741$8,044,401 FG
35 Im Back (#90) 15,473$7,589,169 M
36 RatZilla (#6) 18,131$7,566,780 RG
37 Gottabetechsavvy (#110) 15,520$7,487,877 D
38 Bill Darkblade Klek (#73) 15,261$7,006,773 I
39 Sister Jean (#62) 16,017$6,998,025 MG
40 Piotr Allegheri (#28) 13,387$6,902,211 RG
41 Akara (#79) 13,648$6,678,301 CG
42 Zoucka Riss Meldin (#88) 14,784$6,674,475 RG
43 Potatos Land (#22)  Game profile 9423$6,546,849 RG
44 Zathe (#78) 15,317$6,464,780 R
45 Quaker Oats (#65) 9594$6,424,357 C
46 Morphle (#115)  Game profile 9140$6,300,772 RG
47 Ackmard Requiem (#14) 12,432$6,251,716 C
48 Eloonxavor (#41) 15,568$6,119,242 R
49 Realkoyo Shillen (#42) 6484$5,860,312 TG
50 Wormwood William Gully (#69) 13,338$5,803,421 C
51 Lord Lector Kensington (#86) 14,301$5,636,726 R
52 Iroldaks Survivors (#66) 14,781$5,486,269 FG
53 Ravenbeard Steve Ravenbeard (#29) 11,287$5,327,657 C
54 Morbid Spider (#99) 14,215$5,301,465 C
55 Gauthus Kildar (#19) 13,395$5,279,539 CG
56 Astalyne (#84) 10,928$5,261,647 C
57 Freaky Weather (#61) 14,999$5,203,439 RG
58 Lords from Nilex (#63) 13,360$5,152,622 R
59 Soda Machine Ate My Money (#32)  Game profile 11,378$5,119,863 TG
60 Trux (#16)  Game profile 16,114$5,072,284 C
61 Princess Vanessa Von richter (#94) 12,454$5,067,453 C
62 Davis Thomas Seagull (#93) 15,318$5,053,635 RG
63 Murdin (#103) 15,211$5,034,507 RG
64 Lol (#122)  Game profile 8495$4,943,030 C
65 Turtle Heavy (#54) 12,566$4,843,867 C
66 Nimaya Zerin (#31) 13,367$4,746,414 F
67 Lady Gabriella Silver (#64) 12,281$4,683,155 C
68 Brave Firecracker (#26) 14,224$4,471,454 F
69 Prince Dokohan Thanatos (#91) 14,024$4,431,450 DG
70 Dingus (#36) 11,254$4,328,906 C
71 Silverblade Simon Klek (#74) 12,292$4,260,871 C
72 Berry Cheesecake (#104) 4954$4,187,289 R
73 TheVenusProject (#109) 11,438$3,971,621 C
74 Morelos (#120)  Game profile 14,000$3,795,888 C
75 Meth Head (#7) 7193$3,631,621 M
76 The Rebels of Sythril (#47) 5479$3,147,890 T
77 Jim Bo (#108) 9449$2,965,395 C
78 Furious Gravel (#71) 12,396$2,916,836 IG
79 Reborn Olive Galaxy (#67) 5657$2,616,827 HG
80 the Temple (#76) 4257$2,382,964 HG
81 The Beasts of Grim (#52) 5359$2,295,183 T
82 Ritic Eloon (#72) 6614$2,276,556 T
83 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#10) 10,398$2,208,340 F
84 Count Slovak Endless (#102) 4341$2,045,087 H
85 Sally Moonship (#97) 5108$1,866,813 T
86 Enoona Tholan Kib (#57) 4401$1,838,528 HG
87 CNM Enterprise (#12)  Game profile 8863$1,794,596 C
88 Der Yodelers (#30) 11,321$1,759,506 H
89 Cyton (#80) 12,842$1,545,634 R
90 Beleplox (#55) 15,175$1,529,643 R
91 Kaldar Lords (#100) 13,308$1,497,679 C
92 grilled halibut (#106)  Game profile 10,056$1,474,418 IG
93 darkside (#117) 12,599$1,466,584 TG
94 new nation (#35) 0$1,344,991 C
95 Eagle Doctor (#45) 12,207$1,330,998 M
96 Guinea Icy (#75) 11,748$1,330,729 M
97 Airmaria (#112)  Game profile 6970$1,303,671 R
98 The Sons of Puthor (#25) 13,561$1,280,498 T
99 Billy Stoker (#50) 13,068$1,231,116 T
100 The Lords of Staafsak (#85) 12,580$1,218,004 D

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