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Active countries: 2453
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Forty-fourth round: Sep 27, 2010 - Oct 04, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 99 countries in the Express server.

1 Insance Arpelll (#64) 13,835$20,736,660 CG
2 DEMO (#57) 18,072$19,703,133 H
3 Purple haze (#35) 15,993$15,947,194 F
4 The Hanging Gardens Of Rabilon (#33)  Game profile 10,874$15,785,863 DG
5 CV11 USS Intrepid (#20) 10,340$15,621,971 D
6 Vogons are Stupid (#32)  Game profile 10,074$15,245,336 H
7 RachelMcAdamsDoesntDateFatties (#4) 10,636$13,181,393 T
8 SurelyYoureJokingMrFeynman (#10)  Game profile 10,831$12,364,957 RG
9 SOL Tormentor (#45) 14,433$11,806,835 DG
10 diamonds and guns (#46)  Game profile 15,809$11,275,219 C
11 ImHighOnChickenFat (#42)  Game profile 5055$10,739,922 DG
12 T (#2) 9999$10,526,024 HG
13 Jaxon (#55) 16,914$10,087,069 C
14 Mr Black (#66) 7712$10,004,353 HG
15 Narf (#51) 12,127$9,523,703 FG
16 Zoot (#1)  Game profile 8975$9,383,844 H
17 Smooth Waters (#7) 16,851$8,853,281 R
18 Cyanide (#29) 9575$8,753,710 C
19 Eye M SeKsi (#92) 9432$8,480,428 RG
20 Laichzeit (#5) 13,178$8,381,595 R
21 Banned from France (#31) 9638$8,297,833 DG
22 GOIN ALL D (#25)  Game profile 9160$7,521,717 H
23 THE END (#38) 9288$7,138,043 R
24 What do you REquire (#79) 12,972$6,643,123 C
25 hbomb (#52) 15,091$6,404,705 C
26 Rebel Yell (#22) 10,066$6,302,632 C
27 THUBAN (#72) 15,950$6,053,191 H
28 ezra (#16) 9750$6,045,108 D
29 jurisprudence (#23) 8692$5,682,842 HG
30 SuperMoose (#59) 10,086$5,633,499 R
31 666 (#18) 10,382$5,213,536 C
32 I WIN (#47)  Game profile 12,695$4,595,928 H
33 Walls Of Stalingrad (#48) 13,002$4,511,687 R
34 WhatAreYouGoingToDoBleedOnMe (#13) 12,453$4,342,786 C
35 nlknl (#77)  Game profile 10,549$3,887,992 F
36 Ucards (#27) 14,831$3,730,663 R
37 Twinkle Toes (#44) 3223$3,699,634 TG
38 Forsberg (#80)  Game profile 6586$3,661,974 D
39 Zachelvania (#17)  Game profile 10,242$3,652,025 I
40 Chinese Food For Dinner (#14) 4246$3,535,241 C
41 dagaard keep (#89)  Game profile 8304$3,468,683 T
42 gorachiy (#43) 8914$3,260,041 C
43 I Gets Lots Of Cash (#69) 8253$3,172,476 C
44 ManMeat (#94)  Game profile 9803$3,101,303 I
45 Your A Wedgie And I Picked U (#70) 6539$3,070,395 H
46 gallinub (#67) 10,440$2,984,992 T
47 wanna get chemed then hit me (#26)  Game profile 9951$2,956,301 T
48 serfdom (#60)  Game profile 11,666$2,841,117 RG
49 rawr (#58) 13,531$2,815,397 F
50 Spaceman Spiff (#71) 5243$2,794,199 M
51 balls (#21) 7387$2,570,656 C
52 Hogsbreath (#97) 8540$2,452,815 R
53 Whips and Chains (#39) 6445$2,374,373 R
54 Retard Strength (#61) 6482$1,962,052 I
55 Enterprise NX01 (#40)  Game profile 5840$1,845,842 H
56 Darkcastle (#93) 6657$1,674,355 C
57 infiltr8r3 (#85) 1324$1,668,336 R
58 Tinker (#78) 4934$1,652,649 F
59 CrisRockNroLL (#87) 8758$1,624,920 HG
60 Prohs (#12) 5870$1,620,605 H
61 VF28 (#73) 4566$1,363,720 F
62 Marshal Loves men (#30) 4332$1,346,814 I
63 Neptune (#37) 4976$1,342,268 I
64 ALL CAPS ARE COOL (#83)  Game profile 7687$1,252,931 CG
65 m0bzta (#88) 6394$1,044,642 I
66 FRANKLINFISH (#50) 5315$976,609 C
67 Im back douche bag (#101) 5066$890,960 F
68 SLAP (#100) 6665$869,529 I
69 Sarlat (#104) 3593$675,199 R
70 Spy this (#54) 997$543,263 T
71 Test123 (#96)  Game profile 3679$508,532 M
72 Pain (#15) 3936$500,134 I
73 Imperialism (#107)  Game profile 3475$492,945 M
74 sos (#102) 2665$480,783 M
75 Imperialism (#105)  Game profile 3174$466,086 M
76 show me potato salad (#34) 5627$354,053 I
77 himynameisgregg (#98) 561$292,087 R
78 Watch It (#24)  Game profile 1161$239,017 RG
79 niggz be plz (#63) 4948$237,565 RG
80 If i was a suicider id be dead (#41) 1026$149,558 I
81 dontattackme (#56) 1246$141,701 M
82 Season of the Assassin (#81) 1664$134,051 H
83 GameOver (#99) 413$42,083 M
84 You Ask Me Do I Love You But (#108) 264$23,019 C
85 Going TTT (#76) 140$17,338 D
86 Testest (#106) 191$13,756 M
87 thisISaWARgameYOUknow (#19) 140$6517 M
88 lincoln equals gregg (#62)  Game profile 140$6517 M
89 Lost Empire (#84) 100$6459 R
90 da bears (#95) 120$5617 M
91 New Round time (#3)  Game profile 120$5617 M
92 sad weekend (#68)  Game profile 100$4846 M
93 Plague (#86) 100$4717 M
94 deadblast (#28) 100$4717 M
95 test (#82)  Game profile 100$4717 M
96 justme (#103) 100$4717 M
97 PaoLo (#36) 100$4717 M
98 i loser (#49) 100$4717 M
99 Silberia (#90) 100$4717 M

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