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Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 450th round: Jul 09, 2018 - Jul 15, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 122 countries in the Express server.

1 Stardog (#94)  Game profile 22,949$57,503,250 DG
2 junmai daiginjo (#93)  Game profile 20,577$49,221,254 HG
3 Fake boobs and tramp stamps (#99) 31,328$41,819,988 CG
4 (#76) 16,332$36,030,426 IG
5 Ted Dibiase (#2)  Game profile 17,542$23,682,883 H
6 Now im 5 (#8) 29,063$21,193,912 HG
7 Experimental Sex Toy (#18) 13,592$20,308,823 RG
8 ImNotABot (#37) 22,339$19,061,462 H
9 Beyond The Sword (#106)  Game profile 16,010$18,318,423 RG
10 Melon (#27)  Game profile 9739$18,311,194 RG
11 Nissan GTR Twin Turbo (#52)  Game profile 28,424$13,920,082 CG
12 Amish Paradise (#9)  Game profile 14,735$13,555,439 HG
13 Little Blue Bug (#14)  Game profile 17,299$12,991,369 D
14 I wont enjoy this (#31) 21,715$12,962,113 C
15 Dongs (#112)  Game profile 7944$12,192,271 H
16 Riddler (#10) 17,596$11,872,055 T
17 Santhil Mylo (#92) 5250$11,605,917 H
18 Smackdown (#111) 7108$11,241,820 TG
19 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#4) 12,576$11,037,944 R
20 DeathFromAbove (#1)  Game profile 15,056$10,139,890 TG
21 Captain George Klek (#47) 3992$10,107,872 D
22 Double Tapped Ebert Again (#54) 16,597$9,899,580 I
23 Zoucka Zerin (#68) 15,893$9,818,430 R
24 festeron (#40) 14,248$9,719,951 CG
25 The People of Leeds (#104)  Game profile 11,529$9,161,282 C
26 The Ox (#73) 14,669$9,117,510 R
27 Nimaya Pendus (#57) 5666$8,643,536 HG
28 The Beasts of Sermak (#42) 5314$8,616,858 HG
29 Tea Strong (#88) 14,225$8,530,229 RG
30 Kassina Deathstrike (#83) 14,784$8,263,425 R
31 Aphrodite (#108) 14,160$8,243,091 C
32 88 (#60)  Game profile 7954$8,185,198 HG
33 Sweet Otter (#23) 15,073$7,749,689 RG
34 Ladok Icing (#32) 5189$7,632,497 T
35 Aggressive Ostrich (#78) 14,358$7,596,873 R
36 Anfarc Bloodrayne (#28) 14,711$7,518,545 RG
37 Cos (#43) 15,127$7,464,506 R
38 HatAss (#24)  Game profile 14,047$7,302,960 TG
39 yatgnos (#36)  Game profile 13,955$7,280,878 HG
40 Xelx (#53) 14,600$6,933,546 R
41 Teressa Qupar (#56) 14,638$6,921,206 R
42 Mezo Darkmoon (#58) 14,755$6,882,752 R
43 Gluttony (#7)  Game profile 20,039$6,713,038 I
44 Land of the raptors (#12)  Game profile 15,550$6,670,653 H
45 Wanera Reaper Leith (#67) 4999$6,670,603 HG
46 Jack Deadwood Black (#29) 12,285$6,640,901 C
47 The 100 (#89) 16,561$6,488,828 R
48 Erak (#39) 13,469$6,487,213 C
49 Darkboon (#69) 13,801$6,418,019 C
50 Orin (#34) 13,707$6,384,945 C
51 Cute Major Nymph (#51) 12,978$6,178,964 D
52 Puppy Rolling (#71) 14,239$5,783,446 DG
53 Enro Weshin (#72) 5088$5,762,863 D
54 Silco (#81) 13,936$5,730,706 F
55 Count Zutar Drakul (#59) 10,936$5,631,826 C
56 Xylophone Official (#64) 11,229$5,617,148 C
57 Tespan of the Runners (#74) 13,698$5,514,054 C
58 Kafka (#87)  Game profile 16,564$5,443,428 R
59 you like my root beer belly (#44) 9532$5,437,584 T
60 Zestia Lahorn (#96) 14,368$5,416,669 R
61 Zema (#21) 13,523$5,086,771 F
62 Jackson (#103) 12,430$5,032,573 H
63 Lady Gruesome Dementia (#26) 12,936$4,867,580 F
64 Yelp (#118) 5266$4,853,793 R
65 Pink Kangaroo (#97) 4397$4,800,779 H
66 Jack Seagull Moonship (#61) 13,361$4,766,417 IG
67 Sythini Fydar (#46) 12,828$4,729,950 D
68 Steel Head (#22) 10,074$4,726,836 HG
69 Lolz (#123)  Game profile 10,554$4,356,217 RG
70 Silver Roadrunner (#77) 4189$4,107,410 HG
71 Win some lose some bone them all (#41) 13,686$3,992,919 C
72 Reboot (#13) 13,884$3,905,661 R
73 Harker Walker Coldbane (#66) 12,927$3,843,353 FG
74 Blackbeard Bot Commie (#115) 9668$3,749,918 H
75 Teslanartamil (#25) 12,740$3,521,823 M
76 LesChanceNoir (#38)  Game profile 14,860$3,442,357 I
77 Mean Gene (#102)  Game profile 9560$3,382,103 H
78 yo mamma (#120) 6906$3,231,543 F
79 just passin thru (#98) 8080$3,208,714 D
80 Violette (#15)  Game profile 9968$3,207,906 R
81 Bare Whelp (#95) 11,232$3,024,214 HG
82 Chives88 (#116)  Game profile 10,757$2,871,937 D
83 Captain Curmudgeonly (#114) 5125$2,846,808 T
84 100 Warfare (#91)  Game profile 14,832$2,760,452 C
85 Oops (#131)  Game profile 31,218$2,647,217 I
86 Kiddo Gangster (#55) 11,385$2,625,732 H
87 Stormy Jockey (#90) 11,684$2,524,847 M
88 Scarlet Simon De Belleville (#100) 11,015$2,353,904 C
89 Tara Na (#11)  Game profile 9404$2,297,232 C
90 Mehandedrophar (#70) 13,541$2,243,859 R
91 Too Funk to Drunk (#20) 8635$2,087,615 HG
92 Angel Blackbeard (#5) 12,208$2,040,519 M
93 InvisibleBully2 (#48)  Game profile 7468$1,876,638 T
94 Amara (#85) 12,412$1,811,155 D
95 Captain Jacob Gull (#50) 12,489$1,784,143 M
96 The Runners of Elpenor (#35) 12,862$1,782,315 F
97 Beacon Mountain (#65) 12,375$1,769,084 T
98 Chaoshof (#75) 11,381$1,733,097 M
99 Mine (#110) 10,113$1,542,576 D
100 Silver Zak (#80) 12,710$1,472,890 F

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