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Top Players - Express

Next Reset 463rd round: Oct 08, 2018 - Oct 14, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 121 countries in the Express server.

1 BREES GOAT (#92) 34,253$53,393,321 DG
2 Always a Bridesmaid (#4)  Game profile 17,730$46,948,339 HG
3 i miss limp bizkit (#111)  Game profile 31,353$41,157,269 CG
4 308 Mossburg (#75) 21,257$31,775,988 TG
5 Mommy Shark Doo Doo Doo (#104)  Game profile 15,715$26,736,886 CG
6 Daddy Shark Doo Doo Doo (#3) 18,289$23,037,812 HG
7 ashe (#89) 10,814$21,190,252 HG
8 Cheap Trick (#96) 15,012$19,822,903 HG
9 Big Show (#31)  Game profile 27,553$19,495,764 HG
10 Lane Kiffin is Pumpkinhead (#100) 20,419$18,582,429 HG
11 Crack to Extinction (#2) 10,392$18,118,981 DG
12 net skills with warrior heart (#93)  Game profile 11,216$16,020,582 HG
13 Somewhere Over The Ratski (#50)  Game profile 12,703$15,084,869 RG
14 Arthos (#12) 12,744$14,806,961 RG
15 Pahwygsjibdbehqhhw (#34)  Game profile 15,203$13,436,600 HG
16 Will he Wanka (#112)  Game profile 14,868$12,843,635 TG
17 Angel Of Helll (#29) 15,197$12,330,437 FG
18 fg (#10) 13,828$12,273,379 CG
19 Little Blue Bug (#97)  Game profile 15,502$12,166,266 DG
20 Lichen A Noose (#63) 14,778$12,146,607 DG
21 Boron (#106)  Game profile 16,248$11,892,462 I
22 TurnSpill (#11) 8792$11,315,737 RG
23 Tuba Tasty (#68) 13,793$10,885,727 R
24 MrBully2U (#51)  Game profile 10,600$10,393,943 I
25 Weeknight Persistent (#78) 14,904$9,402,695 R
26 Bathelie (#58) 14,908$9,314,500 R
27 Warm Duck Baby (#83) 14,180$9,176,954 R
28 We Drive East (#28)  Game profile 18,616$9,096,536 FG
29 Top of Key ITS GOOD (#23)  Game profile 13,667$9,037,036 HG
30 Captain John Ravenbeard (#73) 13,134$9,030,934 R
31 Fences Make Good Neighbors (#17) 13,583$9,002,324 IG
32 Erim (#71) 13,959$8,654,324 DG
33 Rocky Mountain (#52) 5320$8,511,871 D
34 blink twice for beer (#38) 9184$8,450,890 H
35 Ninth Warehouse (#56) 14,528$8,267,752 D
36 Akiadask (#32) 5056$8,198,100 D
37 Lock 9 (#8)  Game profile 11,237$8,023,222 RG
38 Simon Silvergrim Ravenblack (#41) 13,634$7,848,287 F
39 Bullet Lost (#27) 5119$7,793,614 HG
40 Horde of Uhrd (#16) 14,402$7,731,156 F
41 Barbaric Vilder (#22) 4837$7,645,117 H
42 Zestia (#1) 5973$7,217,030 D
43 Nadale of the Limbo (#47) 5527$7,060,266 D
44 Steve Fargloom Redbeard (#42) 6266$6,996,748 DG
45 Senira (#37) 5534$6,996,138 D
46 Tonica Sutlin (#46) 13,762$6,846,172 D
47 BaDonkaDonks (#67)  Game profile 5053$6,826,373 HG
48 Yamadut Dharma Dhawaj Rakshak (#101)  Game profile 9955$6,782,220 T
49 Slimy Ocelot (#77) 5059$6,687,089 DG
50 Metric (#72)  Game profile 13,072$6,508,569 R
51 Third Snake (#53) 14,496$6,485,998 I
52 Maximum Duckling (#62) 5375$6,455,803 D
53 Migornchidak (#86) 13,650$6,344,644 F
54 Corndogger (#15) 13,916$6,017,774 C
55 Billy Darkmoon (#81) 14,154$6,002,971 F
56 Kriptonight (#13) 17,574$5,876,848 FG
57 Rysdansyth (#26) 14,608$5,839,411 R
58 Magdelena Incubus (#87) 5581$5,657,669 TG
59 Silent but Violent (#117) 7433$5,576,064 T
60 Blackbeard Brutus Gully (#57) 5351$5,459,738 TG
61 Count Greste Dementoio (#66) 14,515$5,362,515 RG
62 Cool Rebel (#61) 13,618$5,258,611 IG
63 return of kings (#33) 12,292$5,240,329 CG
64 Advocate of Light (#110) 14,012$4,915,009 R
65 Barker vs Gilmore (#45)  Game profile 13,717$4,854,556 DG
66 Big Daddy (#105)  Game profile 11,930$4,743,272 C
67 AMR (#79)  Game profile 11,696$4,722,193 TG
68 Phoenix (#6) 12,901$4,696,267 H
69 GASCONADE (#7) 8733$4,685,703 R
70 Running Toothbrush (#76) 12,964$4,664,974 R
71 THOMAS (#88) 13,261$4,263,532 D
72 Brick Ishthouse (#9) 7385$4,150,531 H
73 Ryno (#5)  Game profile 9185$4,080,907 R
74 pie (#115) 12,953$4,073,774 F
75 Harsh Beam (#69) 10,374$4,022,362 C
76 Los Yodelers (#30) 12,274$3,981,378 M
77 make your mom great again (#113) 11,055$3,903,072 F
78 Tespan above the Warriors (#54) 11,980$3,726,722 C
79 Vanessa Screaming (#59) 11,259$3,653,890 C
80 Touck (#44) 12,085$3,627,260 C
81 Free Beer and Hot Wings (#99) 10,964$3,608,057 C
82 Eritai above the Overlords (#91) 12,518$3,578,725 FG
83 Elik Elik Othelen (#94) 10,601$3,500,432 C
84 Jezebel Morrisey (#14) 10,498$3,420,805 C
85 Blackstroker John Hawkins (#49) 10,288$3,052,800 C
86 Anne Seagull (#24) 10,102$2,966,949 C
87 Milens Spirits (#39) 9508$2,966,939 C
88 Los Skunk (#64) 9902$2,945,955 C
89 Baboon Drunken (#84) 10,017$2,877,023 C
90 Yakkityyaks Runners (#70) 12,357$2,865,155 M
91 Gallie The Cheerleader (#40) 8107$2,841,572 RG
92 z (#119)  Game profile 4366$2,824,143 M
93 Bloody John Gull (#80) 12,465$2,800,994 M
94 Yerpal (#20) 11,603$2,610,725 MG
95 frogger (#108) 10,994$2,599,884 F
96 Wanar Demons (#35) 12,459$2,515,736 C
97 Steve Shelley (#19) 8448$2,388,211 CG
98 Daburnzytan (#65) 12,257$2,115,899 D
99 Stabilo (#25) 3795$2,042,539 R
100 Seagull William Fargloom (#85) 13,644$2,027,373 M

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