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Active countries: 2451
Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 507th round: Aug 12, 2019 - Aug 18, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 128 countries in the Express server.

1 Solar (#120)  Game profile 26,942$43,345,848 CG
2 Ask not for whom the bell tolls (#5)  Game profile 17,383$43,263,639 H
3 Suicidal Ideation (#56)  Game profile 26,451$40,300,113 DG
4 ScopeCreep (#62) 31,026$38,378,527 CG
5 BaDonkaDonks (#3)  Game profile 11,492$24,350,850 HG
6 (#86) 8393$19,104,997 DG
7 GoW TSUL NoN Backwords (#31)  Game profile 22,713$17,143,296 C
8 Where The Shadows Lie (#6)  Game profile 10,720$16,399,763 RG
9 Kinky Under Pants (#16) 19,794$15,449,801 TG
10 PukiMaEE (#43) 21,612$15,296,513 RG
11 Pepperidge Farms Remembers (#20) 10,175$15,202,651 HG
12 wep wep (#4) 11,524$14,481,885 HG
13 let me hit u back later (#38) 15,636$14,385,006 IG
14 Little Guitars (#37)  Game profile 17,326$14,028,958 HG
15 Im your Huckleberry (#65)  Game profile 9509$13,130,497 H
16 I Retal Noob vs Pro Style (#30)  Game profile 24,057$12,254,213 CG
17 Dorns Ancestor (#52) 4924$11,920,339 H
18 Kevro (#9)  Game profile 10,517$11,817,960 D
19 14741112222 (#58) 14,685$11,802,583 D
20 Noob (#106)  Game profile 18,296$11,355,524 C
21 honk honk (#2) 7039$11,179,421 D
22 Extra Life or Extra Power (#7) 14,065$10,217,513 RG
23 Rebels out of Valyn (#1) 5946$9,905,834 H
24 dr feelg00d (#109)  Game profile 12,664$9,694,442 CG
25 Row boat gently (#24) 14,084$9,682,908 HG
26 20 Minute Loop (#26)  Game profile 15,333$9,458,129 RG
27 Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#17) 14,774$9,381,121 TG
28 Tok Fenrirr Ledal (#77) 4400$9,215,107 DG
29 Pleasantville Island (#104)  Game profile 16,692$8,943,341 R
30 Nightmare (#15) 15,916$8,887,638 TG
31 Hope u get diarrhea if u grab me (#67) 14,972$8,689,678 T
32 The Living Infinite (#54)  Game profile 9440$8,084,969 FG
33 Maverick Ranch (#69)  Game profile 12,654$8,048,801 C
34 Blacksmith Simon Hawkins (#63) 15,118$7,452,215 R
35 Famine (#23)  Game profile 11,352$7,420,054 FG
36 RustyNails (#115) 14,842$7,310,420 DG
37 Bithon (#78) 13,604$7,199,932 R
38 Princess Lelana Schneeky (#87) 5284$7,039,640 HG
39 Richard Cranium (#49) 10,453$6,989,207 I
40 Neptune Meaningful (#108) 14,486$6,888,102 R
41 Dimitri Frozen (#22) 5067$6,793,039 H
42 Einstein (#117) 10,798$6,781,424 IG
43 Efar (#13) 15,058$6,774,760 RG
44 Nymia (#68) 14,570$6,747,729 I
45 Klek James Bloodrayne (#88) 16,011$6,691,437 RG
46 Gvene Hecton Letor (#48) 14,467$6,664,065 RG
47 Discarded Xylophone (#27) 5354$6,569,106 DG
48 Machine Learning (#28) 11,717$6,545,576 I
49 Migorn Mujardin (#97) 5070$6,529,647 T
50 ChickenNcheese (#18)  Game profile 13,017$6,505,194 C
51 Walker Seagull Dreadbeard (#93) 13,299$6,474,354 RG
52 Luna Vladimir (#83) 14,877$6,329,948 R
53 Astalyne (#47) 5313$6,297,457 H
54 Rusty Icy Eagle (#42) 5161$6,280,678 HG
55 Golden Fox (#103) 14,981$6,274,638 RG
56 Princess Trustee (#73) 13,406$6,148,086 R
57 Darkmoon George Ravenbeard (#57) 5219$6,043,695 DG
58 Modum Suktar (#72) 5101$5,840,010 D
59 Deadwood Jack Crawhawk (#61) 12,894$5,491,268 FG
60 Boris Moonbeam (#36) 14,369$5,454,081 R
61 Sally White Bloodrayne (#96) 12,081$4,840,313 D
62 Blackstroker Jack Scarlet (#81) 13,614$4,831,906 F
63 Nilex (#41) 12,889$4,759,907 D
64 Monsters from Sithik (#71) 13,580$4,445,175 FG
65 MorningStar (#113)  Game profile 11,009$4,384,102 F
66 Scissor Cruel (#39) 12,340$4,202,187 C
67 sam i am (#11)  Game profile 8563$4,077,015 T
68 Flying Scattered Lantern (#76) 13,869$4,020,558 F
69 Sonia Dybbuk (#74) 12,330$3,969,217 C
70 HighVoltage (#35) 15,247$3,828,753 H
71 Erik (#82) 5056$3,766,854 D
72 Ursula Darkland (#59) 11,425$3,597,594 C
73 The Wolves of Realkoyo (#60) 11,464$3,593,073 I
74 Kimdar (#34) 12,525$3,461,927 C
75 Helpless Street (#89) 11,294$3,413,052 C
76 Bill Scarlet (#45) 12,673$3,312,387 D
77 Comtesse Barbaric Dementia (#70) 12,634$3,226,730 C
78 Karl Marx (#44) 11,041$3,156,710 T
79 Rollers of Vacon (#75) 12,974$3,060,744 M
80 Bloody George Redbeard (#105) 13,520$3,023,836 H
81 Freedom (#111) 10,801$2,997,132 F
82 FU It Still Happens (#8) 11,083$2,878,509 HG
83 Tildor (#29) 10,215$2,814,172 I
84 Poppy bum (#124) 5202$2,801,787 T
85 Serane Mardin (#79) 10,489$2,660,879 CG
86 Arina Oceloth (#40) 12,428$2,562,043 I
87 Nope (#53)  Game profile 10,064$2,520,663 C
88 Gvene Lurd (#25) 11,617$2,495,915 M
89 NoDmination (#21) 11,043$2,272,368 HG
90 Foxtrot (#32)  Game profile 8348$2,248,878 RG
91 Rage is SoFt (#91) 10,108$2,232,066 R
92 Troopin n Poopin (#92) 7565$2,222,634 C
93 Tumbler Lefthanded (#85) 13,059$2,201,976 C
94 Ordensstaat Burgund (#94)  Game profile 9598$2,138,208 HG
95 Strong Python (#90) 12,789$2,100,065 M
96 Sangre Thomas Blackstroker (#19) 7872$1,968,113 CG
97 Bequest (#116) 9958$1,896,585 R
98 Mine (#114) 10,461$1,856,060 D
99 Sevz (#12)  Game profile 7828$1,823,734 F
100 Fathers of Espardo (#55) 12,515$1,784,661 M

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