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Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Fifty-first round: Nov 15, 2010 - Nov 21, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 123 countries in the Express server.

1 Baby Jebal Geuui Soneul Japjima (#29) 16,585$24,494,000 RG
2 Suciding On Just One GRAB (#98) 11,111$23,128,391 HG
3 smoke nubs all day every day (#52) 15,880$21,533,424 CG
4 Haecceity (#93) 18,770$19,135,156 CG
5 Thanks Canada For Rachel McAdams (#11) 13,099$17,916,264 HG
6 Sane Asylum (#69)  Game profile 14,239$17,863,635 CG
7 u got some gregg on ur face (#68) 14,488$17,480,309 HG
8 Walls Of Stalingrad (#1) 9863$17,471,482 HG
9 Taylor Swift (#86)  Game profile 14,723$17,196,347 RG
10 diamonds and guns (#89)  Game profile 13,678$16,781,485 CG
11 Fishermans Wharf (#9)  Game profile 13,797$16,712,852 RG
12 I pawn numberone (#63) 15,292$16,660,394 C
13 nation without a name (#82) 9711$16,216,330 HG
14 Season 2 (#51) 14,816$16,034,521 CG
15 Trainboy (#87) 13,326$15,107,188 HG
16 You Misunderestimate Me (#45) 5852$14,894,840 HG
17 Overlords r teh l33t (#60)  Game profile 8225$14,712,454 HG
18 EyE M SeKsI (#58) 10,166$14,563,312 HG
19 rock dot ghqnet dot com (#94)  Game profile 14,216$14,059,178 FG
20 Dunno (#74) 16,232$13,877,468 RG
21 Intrepid (#99) 12,437$13,527,759 D
22 Drinks (#83)  Game profile 11,036$13,041,761 HG
23 stockpile those missles (#37) 9888$12,757,731 H
24 BattLeHuNgeR (#6) 11,248$12,586,557 I
25 Whores (#16)  Game profile 5114$12,384,701 R
26 Goodbye Horses (#95) 10,000$12,236,328 R
27 E N G LA N D (#70) 10,780$11,365,840 R
28 Missiles for Jets (#55) 8793$11,197,439 HG
29 Not funny anymore (#23) 7541$10,975,142 DG
30 CrisX has you cheesburger (#41) 4656$10,885,950 DG
31 shaney (#110) 6487$10,875,772 RG
32 Recon (#15) 14,173$10,589,250 R
33 last set sucked4me (#59)  Game profile 6495$10,553,110 DG
34 69 (#28) 9161$9,351,391 RG
35 IHaveSexForFood (#107) 11,354$9,133,660 DG
36 Fillin Time (#2) 16,952$9,054,614 RG
37 Vengeance is Sweet (#19) 9077$8,868,187 HG
38 Electric Ladyland (#53) 6670$8,852,150 D
39 Gongshow (#105)  Game profile 14,285$8,734,164 I
40 The Land of jaabaa (#17) 11,411$8,286,806 RG
41 eeshnaw (#67) 10,054$8,232,620 RG
42 TroubleMaker m0nz0 (#25) 11,264$8,177,713 CG
43 Pagron (#36) 8162$8,145,823 RG
44 Killer of the Night (#46) 10,105$7,863,765 C
45 Sector Z (#88) 10,328$7,781,677 D
46 ImaGetYou (#113) 7297$7,361,906 H
47 greed (#85) 9010$7,132,139 I
48 Famiglia La (#48) 12,746$7,047,616 HG
49 Third And Long (#80) 6648$6,925,265 H
50 Elastic the Spastic (#44) 12,933$6,880,264 F
51 Topgun0073 (#14) 8900$6,407,354 HG
52 ARSENAL (#57) 11,313$6,184,102 R
53 SpaceMonkeys (#92) 8399$5,868,414 R
54 Lisa Yong (#111) 10,118$5,642,499 I
55 Nicos OP (#5) 9194$5,406,117 F
56 MIcro (#104) 13,970$5,259,900 RG
57 Wanna get chemed then hit me (#30)  Game profile 8987$5,119,432 C
58 welcome back gregg (#112) 13,405$5,025,853 IG
59 Suicider (#13) 7628$4,974,231 M
60 Where The Shadows Lie (#119)  Game profile 12,242$4,934,259 C
61 Wave Of Mutilation (#114) 6074$4,739,784 C
62 Ragville (#117) 7012$4,500,383 C
63 leaning forwards grasping (#50) 8085$4,431,182 C
64 PENIS EL GRANDE (#103) 11,143$4,341,786 C
65 Uriah Heap (#26) 11,542$4,284,197 IG
66 EDSA Revolution (#54) 9417$3,914,774 C
67 Fear of a Black Planet (#66) 8091$3,851,106 R
68 Death Becomes You (#21) 10,005$3,693,041 IG
69 Toon Army (#38) 12,246$3,677,499 HG
70 eat a dik (#109)  Game profile 9700$3,509,808 C
71 Vossler (#33) 10,722$3,444,776 H
72 No need for excessive LGs (#100) 9010$3,399,384 F
73 Zachelvania (#7)  Game profile 10,301$3,385,754 I
74 YourOwnStupidity (#96) 8239$3,355,607 F
75 Thirteen Year Old Girl (#49) 10,731$3,273,808 C
76 KWA (#121)  Game profile 12,661$3,203,447 R
77 LioN KinG (#8) 11,239$3,071,795 HG
78 United colonies (#76) 10,328$3,000,642 M
79 ZeroFear (#12) 8753$2,613,651 C
80 Pandamonium (#31) 8514$2,549,519 H
81 Sick my Duck (#34) 6388$2,386,534 C
82 Chemo Limo (#79)  Game profile 7799$2,336,626 I
83 Socratic (#81) 7547$2,080,616 C
84 DarkMoose Returns (#62) 5645$2,064,492 M
85 Young Theb (#4)  Game profile 10,995$2,016,256 T
86 Rimera (#73) 9399$1,936,979 C
87 i will feed u missiles (#27) 5041$1,788,547 C
88 As rare as a Blonde virgin (#10)  Game profile 4668$1,667,020 TG
89 Iris (#91)  Game profile 8748$1,621,062 HG
90 I decided to win (#56)  Game profile 5018$1,562,286 C
91 Simple Man (#35) 5350$1,558,636 C
92 Country Name (#22)  Game profile 3769$1,544,009 I
93 christine (#84) 297$1,428,902 TG
94 Candyland (#118) 7276$1,350,618 C
95 Theyre all gonna laugh at you (#65) 5970$973,443 RG
96 falconer (#102) 51$900,041 D
97 Sid The Kid (#40)  Game profile 6775$882,746 R
98 Nulland (#3)  Game profile 2753$553,427 RG
99 Happy when the Wizard walks by (#75) 1218$442,856 T
100 sadflkj (#125) 2875$329,593 C

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