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Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 512th round: Sep 16, 2019 - Sep 22, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 114 countries in the Express server.

1 whoodathunkit (#53) 4990$42,392,511 DG
2 InsaneInTheMembrane (#23)  Game profile 18,492$38,884,812 HG
3 Music from the Death Factory (#76)  Game profile 25,293$37,250,386 CG
4 I suck at this (#79)  Game profile 18,607$21,923,499 DG
5 da raiders (#4)  Game profile 22,222$21,517,452 CG
6 Where The Shadows Lie (#2)  Game profile 11,572$18,090,779 HG
7 FIRE LANE KIFFIN (#6) 17,779$17,308,665 MG
8 Tigress (#96)  Game profile 16,240$15,815,653 F
9 Patoche (#104) 20,572$15,638,354 H
10 chickendog (#108)  Game profile 22,345$15,533,960 RG
11 CX LaE is my spirit animal (#24)  Game profile 24,727$15,145,259 CG
12 Cichlids Welcome Here (#102)  Game profile 23,807$14,766,432 CG
13 vramool (#103) 17,784$14,123,903 DG
14 SwordOfFrost (#69) 17,241$12,144,499 DG
15 Guess Who (#22) 24,556$11,431,542 TG
16 Intensive Python (#48) 14,783$11,362,045 RG
17 GASCONADE (#19) 12,546$10,818,070 HG
18 ThePassage (#86) 15,826$10,197,641 RG
19 Boris Kensington (#83) 15,728$10,050,080 R
20 Meaningful Dinosaur (#73) 14,421$9,748,026 R
21 Official Shower (#68) 14,190$9,701,219 R
22 And then (#3) 15,863$9,586,605 TG
23 Pink Brutal Salamander (#33) 15,112$9,337,429 R
24 Irona Sithik (#63) 14,901$8,993,552 R
25 Ipdorn Kelar (#88) 14,441$8,984,275 RG
26 Tombstone (#91)  Game profile 17,779$8,945,135 H
27 Soviet Red Army (#28) 20,351$8,714,324 C
28 Eaglet Reborn (#1) 5219$8,249,344 H
29 Fuggle and Stramine (#8) 10,227$8,087,950 DG
30 Madon (#17) 5100$7,991,855 DG
31 Salty Simon Davis (#37) 5281$7,179,009 D
32 Willy Forgotten Sun (#82) 5054$7,138,557 D
33 Home Fries (#58) 13,546$7,137,320 FG
34 Antartica (#78) 13,484$7,114,450 HG
35 Nervous Moose (#47) 4998$6,806,556 D
36 Light of Merklin (#56) 14,954$6,795,632 F
37 CrackaDoodleDoo (#60)  Game profile 10,841$6,752,457 TG
38 Target Renegade (#34)  Game profile 5517$6,549,465 H
39 MIKE (#95) 12,266$6,473,623 F
40 Smokey Pig (#62) 5898$6,441,850 D
41 Straw Panther (#52) 5089$6,437,566 D
42 Asta Lightning (#21) 14,893$6,248,464 F
43 I retal 21 LL (#39) 7912$6,201,055 HG
44 Brutal Pottery (#36) 14,515$6,190,065 R
45 you smell funny (#61)  Game profile 11,954$6,151,827 C
46 Lady Purple Melancholia (#46) 12,315$6,057,247 R
47 Edith Thanatos (#42) 5572$5,992,407 HG
48 O R A C L E (#16)  Game profile 13,036$5,941,716 HG
49 Captain Chinchilla (#41) 13,345$5,790,576 F
50 William Grimbeard (#72) 5382$5,765,823 D
51 I love galleri (#55)  Game profile 9181$5,692,241 M
52 Grimbeard James Black (#87) 5080$5,656,358 DG
53 The Protector of Nadorn (#67) 4956$5,470,404 DG
54 Der Goldfish (#27) 5313$5,401,817 HG
55 the Temple (#71) 5648$5,323,913 H
56 exMachina (#10)  Game profile 7785$5,287,718 HG
57 Princess Sennetta Schneeky (#77) 4727$5,201,565 HG
58 idk (#11)  Game profile 10,341$5,196,735 TG
59 Kressara (#49) 12,388$4,857,462 C
60 NotTheDroidsYouWereLookingFor (#93)  Game profile 12,550$4,849,698 R
61 RatZilla (#5) 12,767$4,765,132 TG
62 hasta la vista baby (#7) 13,040$4,722,946 FG
63 RUINS 2 (#32)  Game profile 8172$4,705,681 C
64 PoopTroop (#81) 10,329$4,576,040 C
65 Rolling Cute Bear (#57) 5082$4,560,188 TG
66 Maroon Dinosaur (#31) 13,806$4,426,449 F
67 Barbaric Lion (#51) 13,961$4,356,318 R
68 Wet Mountains (#20)  Game profile 10,261$4,276,240 D
69 Star Hidden (#54) 12,512$4,214,008 C
70 Richard Cranium (#26) 11,406$4,085,887 I
71 Klek Rosa Ravenbeard (#44) 11,691$4,051,128 C
72 Uther (#74) 10,543$3,946,432 C
73 Mujardin Nildale (#89) 10,669$3,940,307 C
74 Tristan Tildor (#14) 12,422$3,933,657 C
75 Rythen (#84) 12,023$3,827,836 C
76 Jack Darkblade (#29) 12,210$3,717,483 C
77 Turlas (#98)  Game profile 11,786$3,654,030 HG
78 Billy Coldbane Stoker (#94) 12,086$3,587,662 C
79 Chosen Juan (#100) 2934$3,341,777 I
80 C137 (#105)  Game profile 11,202$3,280,389 F
81 Forgotten Baboon (#30) 12,367$3,251,027 M
82 Deletedmygame (#106) 2276$3,134,666 F
83 Oxpars Rebels (#80) 12,484$2,998,746 H
84 White Peter Ravenblack (#59) 10,307$2,899,195 I
85 Syth Conquerors (#65) 12,950$2,861,692 C
86 Kressara Dismer (#66) 12,825$2,691,606 FG
87 OoOoOoO (#109)  Game profile 9738$2,675,062 C
88 Lord Anfarc Nephilim (#75) 12,402$2,542,800 M
89 Whelp Bare (#85) 13,873$2,533,420 D
90 Brutal Captain Bullet (#40) 13,165$2,493,531 M
91 Joe Wormwood Scarlet (#90) 13,309$2,433,349 M
92 Shardo (#25) 13,055$2,267,153 I
93 Dog Vital Fisherman (#45) 12,613$2,140,145 M
94 Meridian 59 (#18) 12,589$2,020,792 TG
95 Folmer Keran (#70) 12,773$1,952,710 M
96 porkchop (#12) 0$1,825,413 C
97 Tusdar (#35) 12,257$1,700,983 F
98 Mine (#110) 12,006$1,564,520 D
99 Spartans for Hire (#50) 7786$1,450,678 F
100 Retal Hard (#43) 6482$1,281,678 M

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