Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 192

Free For All Clan: Hells Saints (oSAINTSo)

First round: Jan 18, 2010 - Mar 20, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank14 of 55
Total Networth Rank48 of 55
Average Networth Rank49 of 55
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
2382 Somebody (#17)  Game profile 236$16,270 D
2399 red x is a ponce (#2105)  Game profile 230$15,389 H
2412 (#2106)  Game profile 192$14,091 C
2436 EDSA Siete (#1264) 100$7994 M
2437 EDSA Ocho (#1267) 100$7994 M
2447 EDSA Dos (#1257) 100$6562 C
2448 EDSA Tres (#1260) 100$6562 C
2450 EDSA Revolution (#1256) 100$6440 R
2451 EDSA Nueve (#1268) 100$6440 R
2452 EDSA Diez (#1269) 100$6440 R
2456 EDSA Quatro (#1261) 100$6146 M
2457 EDSA Seis (#1263) 100$6146 M
2458 EDSA Cinco (#1262) 100$6146 M
2518 eight (#363) 100$4717 M
2530 arcade fire (#247) 100$4717 M
2535 ah balls (#336) 100$4717 M
2536 for eli my star (#343) 100$4717 M
2537 made me feel like a piece of sh1 (#357) 100$4717 M
2538 and they called you ten (#367) 100$4717 M
2539 12 (#372) 100$4717 M
2543 join the remnant empire 1a (#382) 100$4717 M
2545 the last stand (#385) 100$4717 M
2768 galleri haz me (#2104)  Game profile 100$4717 M
2769 Heres lookin at you Red (#2109)  Game profile 100$4717 M
2783 Science vs Religion (#2242) 100$4717 M
3002 were is BSS (#4011) 100$4717 M
WeNeedMoreWins (#114) 10,676$3,377,054 I
bummy (#250) 2803$713,672 C
white diamonds (#339) 3696$479,516 C
FFA is (#351) 3191$234,305 R
hate creating names (#365) 2765$210,703 M
alzerrya (#370) 749$94,896 M
ogt loves my balls (#381) 3521$531,661 M
red x is a pank (#504) 4991$4,437,875 T
red x likes cream cheese (#505) 7331$3,684,222 T
red x thinks hes a turtle (#507) 12,743$5,942,921 T
i dont know this red x guy (#510) 12,914$6,771,065 T
your water is on fire (#511) 13,872$6,739,283 T
pb and banana sandwich (#521) 13,157$6,330,788 T
im just misunderstood is all (#524) 9165$5,900,300 T
spank combo (#530) 11,113$5,800,645 T
BCMA (#532)  Game profile 16,779$6,574,963 C
BDTA (#533)  Game profile 14,206$4,944,304 F
TheVille (#534)  Game profile 27,253$12,183,739 C
Wharfed (#535)  Game profile 21,592$10,541,346 R
Potato (#537)  Game profile 2633$2,471,684 R
ay ecks ay (#543) 9821$8,073,410 T
ay ecks ay backwards (#547) 14,109$7,308,139 T
6022x10tothe23 (#549)  Game profile 23,459$6,354,059 R
im getting bored of names (#550) 13,013$7,412,433 T
rum is for drinking and sexing (#554) 18,402$5,658,554 T
i sandwiched red x (#560) 13,610$4,376,552 T
oh and red x liked it (#561) 14,330$5,905,005 T
country 16 take that pang (#563) 0$3,922,944 T
Orange Creme (#567)  Game profile 24,736$9,970,025 R
Einstein (#568)  Game profile 35,735$13,630,941 RG
Schrodinger (#570)  Game profile 14,595$3,889,207 F
lingenfelter (#573)  Game profile 8283$3,018,652 R
horse shit (#574)  Game profile 37,808$10,708,421 F
I haz AoS (#802) 4109$447,907 M
martian ruined me (#805) 2267$242,985 M
I seen marshal kissing Red (#813) 2226$224,507 M
I lub girls (#850) 2255$206,129 M
Pants on the ground (#851) 0$15,999 M
I have AxAs rum (#866) 0$7918 M
Zeus wishes I was his Syn (#867) 0$6247 M
Ketchup wanted to be Mustard (#868) 0$5396 M
I sammich Kess and Kuari (#870) 0$6925 M
Skulls of Dominion (#1098) 13,795$6,348,278 C
Bones of Dominion (#1101) 12,706$5,285,005 C
skulls of Dominion2 (#1103) 11,804$4,820,822 C
Skulls of Dominion3 (#1104) 12,479$5,232,600 C
Skulls of Dominion4 (#1108) 0$3,361,334 C
Republic Of Hopewell (#1114) 6576$1,044,034 M
HS ftw (#1115) 6665$603,334 M
pang effect (#1119) 0$127,813 F
I like pie (#1120) 6885$740,394 R
lets tag steel (#1122) 6676$659,266 M
your mom goes to college (#1123) 6830$775,783 M
i hate start ups (#1124) 6787$642,612 R
going for top 10 (#1126) 5791$568,902 M
I like netting (#1128) 6239$574,016 M
you suck (#1129) 5896$574,997 M
just open your eyes (#1130) 5777$544,241 F
Netgain or Die (#1134) 6110$576,485 M
Society X (#1135) 6107$611,626 M
Immortal Seawolf (#1136) 5255$531,229 M
Skulls of Dominion5 (#1138) 11,989$4,993,159 C
Skulls of Dominion7 (#1139) 12,238$5,093,326 C
Skulls of Dominion6 (#1140) 11,805$5,340,178 C
Skulls of Dominion8 (#1141) 12,215$5,450,328 C
Skulls of Dominion9 (#1143) 11,058$5,289,191 C
Skulls of Dominion10 (#1144) 12,377$5,472,725 C
Skulls of Dominion11 (#1145) 11,097$5,709,081 C
Skulls of Dominion12 (#1146) 0$3,377,361 C
Skulls of Dominion13 (#1147) 0$4,238,458 C
Skulls of Dominion14 (#1149) 0$5,948,298 C
103 (#1324) 14,658$5,024,008 I
106 (#1327) 254$4,885,941 R
Did Caesar really live here (#1552)  Game profile 7684$8,084,905 T
We are the 3 best friends (#1554)  Game profile 11,630$6,364,191 F
Paging Dr Phil (#1556)  Game profile 9586$4,534,316 T
Not at the table Carlos (#1558)  Game profile 7354$7,078,505 F
He was a re tard (#1564)  Game profile 8299$10,422,557 F
GallyHasBigB00bs (#1651) 14,749$7,405,115 I
I Spyopped Your Mom (#1665) 5763$877,962 R
Underpants Gnomes (#1666) 0$2077 R
IfYaThinkYerBadNuff (#1783) 6592$3,128,443 M
ItsOnlyGheyIfYouMeanIt (#1784) 8542$2,196,321 M
DaRkAnGeLsRiSiNg (#1785) 8730$3,335,786 M
I Wanna Do Real Bad Things To U (#1789) 8182$1,903,425 M
Fr33k A L33k (#1791) 8487$2,194,470 M
DaRkAnGeLsFaLLiNg (#1792) 8529$2,276,222 M
Beotch From Hell (#1794) 9580$3,679,503 M
Galleri Lobo and Kuari OH MY (#1795) 8574$2,707,062 M
Kemo Likes His Nuts Roasted (#1796) 11,957$4,338,712 M
All Up In Yer Biznizz (#1797) 8605$3,734,390 M
NEVER trust a fart (#1798) 8553$2,073,020 M
Beltz is a seksi beast (#1799) 7883$3,298,144 M
GotARestrainingOrderFromSatan (#1800) 0$13,614 M
iMeTookMyHeadAndWontGiveItBack (#1801) 8730$3,770,059 M
SupercalifragilisticXpialidocous (#1802) 11,601$3,719,380 M
One Time (#1978) 9489$4,599,714 M
Two Late (#1979) 10,617$7,500,306 C
Three Dogs (#1980) 10,765$6,279,878 C
Fore (#1981) 10,603$3,140,718 M
cwg (#1982) 11,652$4,715,694 F
Take Five (#1983) 10,550$4,384,903 M
BOL (#1984) 15,606$4,768,309 F
Six Six Six (#1985) 10,885$4,804,520 M
Lucky Seven (#1986) 8922$3,767,353 M
luxy (#1987) 13,177$5,767,656 F
Eightball (#1988) 9336$3,846,445 M
run (#1989) 13,528$5,685,230 F
bgd (#1990) 13,677$5,502,901 F
Nine Lives (#1991) 10,493$4,721,056 M
dog (#1992) 14,543$5,870,770 F
Total Ten (#1993) 10,174$5,128,384 C
kat (#1994) 13,098$5,444,458 F
hpa (#1995) 13,834$5,153,357 F
ics (#1996) 13,015$5,926,765 F
toll booth (#1997) 4557$5,108,804 F
Roll an Eleven (#1998) 9872$4,492,664 C
AF (#1999) 13,696$5,427,436 F
Twelve Pack (#2000) 11,597$4,386,703 R
milret (#2001) 13,056$5,508,697 F
pol (#2002) 10,679$5,167,762 F
pos (#2003) 14,122$5,935,431 F
Sweet Thirteen (#2004) 9873$4,199,187 M
crapimback (#2005) 12,155$5,161,564 F
Fourteen (#2006) 11,468$4,533,865 R
Fifteen flushes (#2011) 6019$3,501,850 M
Legacy of Morwen (#2032) 14,472$6,412,621 I
punished by death (#2179) 0$362,350 C
The Earth Is Flat (#2240) 0$1,440,791 T
They should call em rapies (#2284)  Game profile 4796$6,227,807 F
Not you fat Jesus (#2285)  Game profile 12,491$3,451,013 R
ill hit an old man in public (#2286)  Game profile 13,201$7,254,549 F
Looking for strippers and cocain (#2287)  Game profile 10,849$6,476,298 F
Tigers love cinnamon (#2288)  Game profile 2537$3,540,370 F
fp caved (#2317) 5934$753,627 M
fp caved 2 (#2318) 7311$1,010,638 M
FeetHitTheFloorLuciferSaidOhSHIT (#2854) 8548$1,603,824 M
IMP ONE useless (#3541) 0$141,172 R
Could you call ONE AND IMP CLANS (#3542) 1714$255,654 R
ABC OWNED ONE (#3545) 0$126,453 R
1408 (#3642)  Game profile 5658$1,788,281 R
Orange (#3643)  Game profile 6794$582,873 R
Giggity (#3644)  Game profile 2248$348,033 T
Ghey Buttsecks (#3645)  Game profile 1928$3,880,926 T
Ride me like a Pony (#3646)  Game profile 8796$3,888,577 T
The guy below me is horny (#3647)  Game profile 6608$3,147,892 T
my blowup dolls name is Sally (#3648)  Game profile 7950$3,833,206 T
Oranges (#3649)  Game profile 14,813$1,457,386 R
MayDay (#3650)  Game profile 5290$783,984 R
May Day (#3651)  Game profile 6308$1,299,311 R
keeping to myself 1 (#3691) 0$7765 R
keeping to myself 2 (#3692) 0$14,962 R
keeping to myself 3 (#3693) 0$7982 R
keeping to myself 4 (#3694) 0$7899 R
keeping to myself 5 (#3695) 0$8362 R
keeping to myself 6 (#3696) 0$23,596 R
keeping to myself 7 (#3697) 0$16,033 R
keeping to myself 8 (#3698) 0$9150 R
keeping to myself 9 (#3699) 0$6181 R
keeping to myself 10 (#3701) 0$11,291 R
mushroom (#3705)  Game profile 7994$1,969,548 R
mushroom (#3706)  Game profile 0$2,119,605 F
shitake (#3707)  Game profile 7481$1,895,958 R
lard (#3708)  Game profile 5566$2,045,237 R
portabello (#3709)  Game profile 6370$2,096,645 R
bballbbackin (#3761) 6224$651,123 T
nignogizum (#3762) 7808$1,125,300 T
IWouldntShytYouYerMyFavoriteTurd (#3776) 3125$355,885 M
keeping to myself LIMP IMP (#3812) 0$126,426 R
aaa (#3821) 7766$2,208,071 R
bbb (#3822) 7583$1,792,813 R
ccc (#3823) 7618$2,035,242 R
ddd (#3824) 7897$2,055,137 R
eee (#3825) 0$2,028,687 R
fff (#3826) 7617$2,022,613 R
ggg (#3827) 7753$2,227,988 R
hhh (#3828) 7598$2,391,777 R
iii (#3829) 7429$2,158,331 R
CWG forever (#3844) 8112$2,219,142 T
My Sweet Dumb Dutchie (#3851) 9665$2,882,080 I
jjj (#3870) 7475$2,031,360 R
kkk (#3871) 7846$2,013,670 R
AoDTBoughtOutMyStonewall (#3901) 6904$1,258,917 T
GettinMyFr33kOn (#3955) 5675$490,124 M
IGotzThaVapors (#3957) 0$416,171 M
1103 defends broke the game (#4035)  Game profile 6465$955,892 T
lll (#4038) 7781$2,061,864 R
mmm (#4071) 6566$1,067,481 R
Primeval is a cheater (#4145)  Game profile 6141$1,173,713 T
ShakinWhatMyMommaGaveMe (#4159) 4134$259,013 M
ForIAmACreatureBornOfChaos (#4160) 3418$193,528 M
IFellAndBumpedMyHead KissIt (#4197) 3450$186,782 M
Calypso is an IMPoster (#4353)  Game profile 1506$132,541 T
MyGrandmaCanKickYourGrandmasAss (#4473) 0$5945 M
e (#4743) 7473$1,639,565 R

Total countries: 221 (Show ranked countries only)

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