Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 203

Free For All Clan: SemperFi (SemperFi)

Twelfth round: Dec 01, 2011 - Jan 30, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 34
Total Networth Rank6 of 34
Average Networth Rank19 of 34
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
250 QM sucks (#6311)  Game profile 7840$92,847,130 I
441 Loose Change (#4791) 27,488$26,254,498 C
475 dixie cup ball (#3182) 7039$22,163,130 R
524 Day America Cried (#4793) 19,693$20,030,689 C
556 Me And You And (#4394) 17,809$18,410,234 C
560 A Dog Named Boo (#4395) 20,360$18,342,468 C
577 fresher still (#3387) 7184$17,341,612 R
588 Solitary Man (#3347) 16,110$17,146,445 C
606 A Wildebeest (#3635) 15,515$16,451,120 I
619 Pay Me (#3726) 15,187$15,609,036 C
677 Dexter (#3146)  Game profile 10,578$13,513,553 I
691 Has Its Thorns (#3346) 17,415$13,051,223 C
730 13m (#5936) 16,315$11,969,594 C
735 que sera (#3409) 7097$11,864,268 R
738 Brother Ray (#4901) 16,809$11,826,508 C
739 Hunch or Consequences (#3188) 6901$11,825,846 R
742 rag doll 2 (#3352) 6980$11,790,152 R
744 oats (#3187) 6964$11,755,891 R
747 lead or get out of way (#3186) 6943$11,621,789 R
749 Devon (#4902) 14,566$11,588,287 C
750 rando gizmo (#3185) 6938$11,586,924 R
751 Hopper2 (#3184) 7036$11,556,777 R
752 peanuts rebellion (#3174) 7055$11,552,049 R
753 third party (#3326) 6944$11,534,640 R
754 ThenCameTheDawn (#3138) 15,789$11,529,788 C
756 your wrong again (#3189) 6957$11,475,267 R
757 Hopper (#3183) 6849$11,468,864 R
761 fresher still (#3391) 6941$11,425,446 R
763 Married 30 years (#3133)  Game profile 8309$11,282,358 I
765 Nutcracker (#3344) 14,823$11,257,826 C
768 Inconvenient Truth (#4792) 17,318$11,220,792 C
811 Age Of Empired (#4756)  Game profile 9694$10,372,285 I
813 JOLLY ROGER (#3351) 6972$10,328,263 R
817 runaway bay (#3178) 7334$10,183,753 R
827 Killing You (#3727) 14,165$10,061,857 C
891 Hahahaha (#3292)  Game profile 1300$8,465,647 T
918 Hahahaha (#3296)  Game profile 1280$8,220,531 T
933 Hahahaha (#3294)  Game profile 1300$8,088,171 T
943 Hahahaha (#3297)  Game profile 1300$7,981,301 T
944 Hahahaha (#3291)  Game profile 1300$7,890,258 T
947 Hahahaha (#3295)  Game profile 1300$7,815,716 T
954 Stargate (#3147)  Game profile 10,426$7,630,320 I
961 Wake Up Call (#4351)  Game profile 10,663$7,474,061 I
969 One Eyed Jack (#3191)  Game profile 9989$7,305,177 I
972 Hahahaha (#3299)  Game profile 1300$7,264,092 T
975 Battle Pirates (#3192)  Game profile 10,479$7,247,734 I
977 Fable III (#5184)  Game profile 7863$7,235,891 I
978 Hahahaha (#3298)  Game profile 1280$7,227,487 T
985 Hahahaha (#3300)  Game profile 1300$7,162,341 T
991 I love my Wife (#5085)  Game profile 7210$6,971,914 I
1001 Hahahaha (#3301)  Game profile 1280$6,840,364 T
1010 Men From Mars (#4804)  Game profile 9124$6,705,372 I
1014 Hahahaha (#3139)  Game profile 1300$6,601,985 T
1016 Columbo (#3193)  Game profile 10,552$6,531,846 I
1017 Tigerwoods (#4228)  Game profile 10,068$6,525,302 I
1020 Hahahaha (#3144)  Game profile 1320$6,517,436 T
1029 Men From Mars (#4805)  Game profile 9102$6,283,887 I
1047 oh henry (#3130)  Game profile 10,811$5,800,876 I
1077 SG1 (#5086)  Game profile 7897$5,457,933 I
1087 yep (#4096)  Game profile 28,211$5,279,890 T
1088 whats your vector victor (#3960)  Game profile 31,194$5,274,217 T
1093 Hahahaha (#3630)  Game profile 1300$5,202,608 T
1094 coal for you (#4097)  Game profile 35,012$5,178,796 T
1129 USA Oligarchy (#3168) 2185$4,711,833 C
1130 i cant read this (#3082)  Game profile 28,669$4,711,170 I
1144 wichita (#3080)  Game profile 24,757$4,414,533 I
1145 nebraska (#3957)  Game profile 30,427$4,358,178 T
1148 2012 (#3166) 3462$4,277,806 C
1150 Att virGin Picks verizon (#1877) 15,069$4,248,459 F
1155 Amazing Grace Pfffffft (#1874) 15,121$4,138,301 F
1157 well get a load of them testes (#3083)  Game profile 23,236$4,128,250 I
1158 dont deny these hairry balls (#3092)  Game profile 30,808$4,124,095 F
1161 Airtight seal of Grandmas Poo (#1873) 14,819$4,091,651 F
1162 ohhhhh ah ah ah ah (#3091)  Game profile 29,277$4,055,418 F
1165 Chu (#3069)  Game profile 12,911$4,022,040 C
1167 reAlly Gross Pudding (#1867) 15,473$4,010,872 F
1170 Botan (#3068)  Game profile 13,412$3,955,608 C
1171 hArd elonGated Pen15 (#1870) 14,590$3,948,936 F
1172 Pu (#3070)  Game profile 12,994$3,898,283 C
1174 Kurama (#3066)  Game profile 12,275$3,847,868 C
1175 Elder Toguro (#3064)  Game profile 13,134$3,842,468 C
1180 the cArnaGe of Pies (#1869) 14,315$3,776,786 F
1183 try And Guess the Pattern (#1872) 14,597$3,750,103 F
1184 nAils Gored uP (#1871) 14,916$3,706,663 F
1185 Genkai (#3071)  Game profile 12,895$3,685,937 C
1187 Urameshi (#3062)  Game profile 13,031$3,652,626 C
1192 Hahahaha (#4932)  Game profile 1446$3,546,795 T
1194 Mailys (#3365)  Game profile 13,288$3,523,099 I
1203 Anna Gunns Poonanny (#1878) 14,231$3,440,830 F
1204 you ate my water (#3095)  Game profile 27,296$3,438,077 F
1207 wicky wicky (#3081)  Game profile 25,030$3,403,879 I
1209 AGP again (#4280) 15,098$3,383,266 T
1210 AGP likes NBK (#5484) 12,915$3,373,248 T
1213 AGP slacker (#4392) 15,106$3,361,532 T
1214 AGP cometh (#4970) 14,186$3,359,773 T
1218 AGP restarted (#4226) 15,335$3,267,902 T
1219 AGP pahooey (#5161) 13,612$3,260,484 T
1221 Shizuru (#4927)  Game profile 11,945$3,222,006 T
1222 fifth country name (#3084)  Game profile 24,039$3,214,413 I
1225 AGP recreated (#4227) 15,187$3,200,948 T
1226 Keiko (#5766)  Game profile 9121$3,198,478 T
1229 Kuwabara (#3067)  Game profile 12,715$3,176,201 C
1230 eleventy seven (#3090)  Game profile 24,265$3,172,941 F
1233 Yusuke (#3061)  Game profile 13,188$3,134,601 C
1236 Hahahaha (#4881)  Game profile 1300$3,086,457 T
1238 Hiei (#4925)  Game profile 12,003$3,063,072 T
1240 Rinku (#4926)  Game profile 12,366$3,032,185 T
1243 dty jdg (#3412)  Game profile 20,927$2,974,561 F
1244 Toguro (#4763)  Game profile 12,569$2,974,080 T
1271 Mailys (#3361)  Game profile 12,257$2,640,970 I
1275 Yukina (#5765)  Game profile 9432$2,585,353 T
1279 Mailys (#3369)  Game profile 10,796$2,555,896 I
1280 Mailys (#3385)  Game profile 12,496$2,535,801 I
1281 Haha (#3109) 1020$2,528,389 I
1283 Klutched (#3096) 1020$2,510,490 I
1285 Isnt it (#3104) 1020$2,506,370 I
1288 Hahahaha (#3110) 1020$2,478,650 I
1292 Hahahahah (#3111) 1020$2,452,845 I
1295 Mailys (#3366)  Game profile 10,677$2,439,813 I
1297 Koenma (#5476)  Game profile 11,072$2,431,838 T
1300 MLg (#3098) 1020$2,395,989 I
1301 Mailys (#3360)  Game profile 10,860$2,384,125 I
1304 Mailys (#3367)  Game profile 10,625$2,358,938 I
1305 roast beef curtains (#3087)  Game profile 23,423$2,345,710 C
1311 May take a while (#3107) 1020$2,312,727 I
1313 Mailys (#3359)  Game profile 10,725$2,296,123 I
1318 Hahahaha (#4933)  Game profile 1390$2,260,488 T
1323 i hate ffa (#3306) 10,062$2,248,726 T
1327 Mailys (#3357)  Game profile 10,629$2,235,030 I
1331 u mad bro (#3388)  Game profile 21,414$2,228,422 C
1338 Amazing or bust (#3099) 1020$2,189,284 I
1344 But we got em owned (#3108) 1020$2,155,603 I
1345 Restarting (#3106) 1020$2,154,734 I
1348 Its the truth (#3105) 1020$2,142,403 I
1353 And will still own (#3102) 1020$2,121,663 I
1356 Yo mama (#3097) 1020$2,104,594 I
1363 Flying High as a Kite (#5393) 1020$2,004,243 T
1364 More kills than NBK (#4835) 1020$1,952,682 T
1365 PG asked me nicely thirteen time (#3691) 9999$1,947,539 T
1375 PG asked me nicely nine time (#5096) 4933$1,844,348 T
1385 blitzkrieg (#3338)  Game profile 2016$1,740,923 T
1386 tooo many damn countries (#3307) 9176$1,729,937 T
1388 blitzkrieg (#5727)  Game profile 1277$1,729,251 T
1390 blitzkrieg (#3340)  Game profile 2491$1,721,396 T
1391 blitzkrieg (#3328)  Game profile 2230$1,718,684 T
1392 blitzkrieg (#3334)  Game profile 1932$1,711,420 T
1394 blitzkrieg (#3332)  Game profile 2118$1,708,853 T
1396 blitzkrieg (#3327)  Game profile 2170$1,694,885 T
1398 blitzkrieg (#3337)  Game profile 2241$1,684,844 T
1399 blitzkrieg (#3335)  Game profile 2459$1,684,560 I
1400 blitzkrieg (#3336)  Game profile 2194$1,683,038 I
1401 blitzkrieg (#4418)  Game profile 2111$1,681,821 T
1402 blitzkrieg (#3331)  Game profile 2057$1,678,673 T
1403 blitzkrieg (#3330)  Game profile 1920$1,677,543 T
1404 blitzkrieg (#3333)  Game profile 2061$1,661,801 T
1405 NBK shouldnt be so sore (#5392) 1020$1,661,701 T
1410 blitzkrieg (#3329)  Game profile 1167$1,596,082 T
1411 blitzkrieg (#3339)  Game profile 2051$1,589,397 T
1412 PG asked me nicely thrice (#5012) 6306$1,560,897 T
1413 RIVAL 31 (#3302)  Game profile 4417$1,535,067 T
1427 PG asked me nicely once (#5298) 4936$1,424,778 T
1441 delirious (#5165) 4838$1,311,598 T
1442 PG took what she wanted (#5175) 4760$1,305,257 T
1443 PG asked me nicely eleven times (#5519) 4568$1,302,593 T
1449 u can kill ill keep restarting (#5430) 3245$1,247,546 T
1452 PG asked me nicely twelve times (#5015) 6124$1,231,917 T
1454 PG asked me nicely ten times (#4972) 5481$1,198,233 T
1455 RIVAL 25 (#3220)  Game profile 3433$1,196,851 T
1463 RIVAL 28 (#3223)  Game profile 4464$1,166,046 T
1469 PG asked me nicely four times (#5571) 3754$1,121,677 M
1488 PG asked me nicely seven times (#5481) 3227$930,242 T
1550 RIVAL 49 (#5336)  Game profile 3025$553,490 T
1555 RIVAL 48 (#5335)  Game profile 3001$504,401 T
1558 5588966331 (#6119) 2040$491,701 T
1560 RIVAL 42 (#4737)  Game profile 1871$481,656 M
1562 only lve (#5802) 2020$478,757 T
1564 RIVAL 51 (#5749)  Game profile 2557$474,090 T
1565 90 (#6091) 2020$470,280 T
1566 love (#5798) 2040$461,121 T
1567 bod (#5796) 2020$460,140 T
1568 56 (#6089) 2040$460,120 T
1569 clans (#5795) 2040$456,185 T
1570 34 (#6088) 2020$455,635 T
1571 AAA (#6321) 978$448,449 I
1572 78 (#6090) 2040$446,672 T
1573 BBB (#6322) 1468$444,729 I
1574 12 (#6087) 2020$441,946 T
1575 DDD (#6324) 887$441,340 I
1578 EEE (#6325) 1387$439,268 I
1579 die u more on (#5803) 2040$437,451 T
1581 sims (#5800) 2040$431,766 T
1583 564 (#6212) 2020$428,056 T
1585 corre (#5799) 2060$425,692 T
1595 NBK (#6383) 1986$406,860 T
1599 HHH (#6328) 1548$403,731 I
1600 FML is NBK Biach 4ever (#6713) 1995$402,128 T
1601 CCC (#6323) 1104$397,047 I
1604 III (#6329) 1461$392,075 I
1605 JJJ (#6330) 1426$389,904 I
1606 FFF (#6326) 802$389,867 I
1607 KKK (#6331) 1461$385,193 I
1612 LLL (#6332) 1482$377,674 I
1626 PPP (#6336) 1040$359,785 I
1655 NNN (#6334) 1418$289,886 I
1947 wagons east (#5647) 440$33,465 M
1948 uncle buck (#5648) 440$33,465 M
1949 yea yea out of tag blah blah (#5686) 440$33,465 M
1970 1 (#2701) 420$32,565 M
1971 2 (#2702) 420$32,565 M
1972 3 (#2703) 420$32,565 M
1973 4 (#2704) 420$32,565 M
1974 5 (#2705) 420$32,565 M
1975 6 (#2706) 420$32,565 M
1976 7 (#2707) 420$32,565 M
1977 8 (#2708) 420$32,565 M
1978 9 (#2709) 420$32,565 M
1979 10 (#2710) 420$32,565 M
1980 11 (#2711) 420$32,565 M
1981 12 (#2712) 420$32,565 M
1982 13 (#2713) 420$32,565 M
1983 14 (#2714) 420$32,565 M
1984 15 (#2715) 420$32,565 M
1985 16 (#2716) 420$32,565 M
2296 RIVAL 55 (#6407)  Game profile 240$14,502 T
2297 RIVAL 56 (#6408)  Game profile 240$14,502 T
2298 RIVAL 57 (#6409)  Game profile 240$14,502 T

Ranked countries: 226 (Show all countries)

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