Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 196

Free For All Clan: Pandora's Last Vikings (Pandora)

Fourteenth round: Apr 02, 2012 - Jun 01, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 42
Total Networth Rank1 of 42
Average Networth Rank3 of 42
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
14 Azarcon (#1983) 114,103$529,035,081 FG
18 Bejeezelbob (#70) 369,108$429,638,921 DG
21 go selanne go (#913) 147,653$413,984,041 DG
26 Nirvana in Hell (#579) 201,692$385,566,642 HG
28 Cerulla Nebula (#130) 201,994$371,394,523 HG
29 Blue Bong Bowser (#501) 201,935$367,279,555 HG
48 Mrs Fun (#890) 217,856$317,920,547 R
62 Plague of Locusts (#582)  Game profile 124,359$286,883,379 DG
63 Murder of Crows (#583)  Game profile 127,479$286,751,746 DG
64 Volumes (#478)  Game profile 123,714$285,675,100 DG
65 Gonna make that wet (#1659) 108,666$285,334,390 D
66 Aliases (#479)  Game profile 120,054$283,181,117 DG
67 Gonna lick that swip (#1658) 108,464$282,526,722 D
68 Give a big old spank (#1656) 108,568$282,283,601 D
70 Interrogate that ass (#1662) 107,823$279,301,458 D
71 Gonna slap that ass (#1655) 105,160$278,153,217 D
72 Gonna take that ass (#1661) 101,191$277,065,972 D
74 (#750) 101,581$276,127,435 DG
75 (#751) 98,972$275,639,662 DG
76 Cast of Falcons (#584)  Game profile 121,374$275,343,829 DG
77 Parliament of Owls (#580)  Game profile 124,408$273,426,232 DG
78 Skyharbor (#476)  Game profile 118,141$273,003,106 DG
79 (#749) 96,157$272,034,327 DG
80 (#748) 101,540$271,531,823 DG
81 humping and pumping (#1469) 42,845$271,481,123 HG
82 humping and pumping (#1467) 40,607$270,823,545 HG
83 Fever of Stingrays (#585)  Game profile 123,930$269,721,779 DG
84 Gonna pop it in ya (#1657) 104,960$269,336,279 D
86 Congregation of Alligators (#581)  Game profile 121,164$267,082,392 DG
90 humping and pumping (#1466) 41,881$265,085,872 HG
94 a couple of acres (#116) 103,796$262,123,498 DG
95 humping and pumping (#1468) 38,881$261,607,041 HG
96 Substructure (#477)  Game profile 116,058$261,271,979 DG
104 a couple of acres (#115) 100,647$258,012,582 DG
108 Gonna dip that head (#1660) 99,516$256,447,234 D
109 lets play (#911) 105,500$256,267,910 DG
110 new set begins (#910) 102,038$255,728,440 DG
111 Wisdom of Wombats (#587)  Game profile 110,876$255,710,597 DG
112 Congress of Salamanders (#586)  Game profile 112,276$255,369,489 DG
115 a couple of acres (#114) 99,628$252,893,065 DG
116 a couple of acres (#113) 97,150$252,719,188 DG
128 Gonna spin it round (#1665) 44,546$242,869,845 D
129 one more year (#912) 105,091$242,561,664 DG
130 Gonna jerk it down (#1664) 41,928$239,121,075 D
131 Gonna grab my junk (#1666) 43,446$237,407,688 D
132 Ill make that pussy fat (#1669) 45,926$237,386,190 D
133 I saw a pussy cat (#1668) 44,182$235,763,524 D
135 Infiltrate that ass (#1663) 43,323$234,791,970 D
137 Jumbo shrimp is your meal (#1670) 47,217$233,802,933 D
143 Gonna show my nuts (#1667) 42,781$226,420,964 D
152 Cloudkicker (#475)  Game profile 41,792$210,850,178 H
155 Meshuggah (#474)  Game profile 42,030$206,956,727 H
164 Vildjharta (#473)  Game profile 40,817$195,030,959 HG
165 Erra (#472)  Game profile 40,773$193,276,277 HG
219 pop pop pop that pimple baby (#1289)  Game profile 93,489$167,523,566 HG
225 ride it like a state fair midget (#1294)  Game profile 94,359$163,519,690 HG
227 Back in Black (#682) 87,857$159,589,895 HG
228 Nemos Dream (#624) 87,498$158,420,959 HG
236 Tears in Heaven (#1097) 87,072$152,282,841 HG
238 Deranged ranger on the loose (#949) 86,930$151,895,305 HG
239 Blind Date (#588) 85,423$151,816,307 HG
240 Meek and timid wins the race (#662) 88,036$151,338,652 HG
242 Funtasitica Olgasm (#861) 87,288$150,824,306 HG
244 Ponchettivetti (#598) 86,693$150,378,961 HG
245 Year of the Dragon (#645) 87,007$150,261,243 HG
248 Faint wisps of smoke (#729) 88,049$149,846,609 HG
252 King Kang Kong (#752) 88,404$146,777,424 HG
254 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2162) 55,624$146,744,555 C
255 Jigglypuff (#774) 87,148$146,435,629 HG
257 (#2125) 94,023$145,884,249 DG
259 lost my shoe up in her (#1280)  Game profile 58,484$145,370,594 HG
266 parkinsons only good to jack off (#1286)  Game profile 58,441$141,518,628 HG
267 tight as a coffee can (#1282)  Game profile 76,055$141,212,100 HG
272 chili hole punched her (#1279)  Game profile 58,708$139,209,165 HG
281 she ate the buffet (#1287)  Game profile 51,119$134,988,982 HG
285 back hair shaved batman symbol (#1291)  Game profile 56,575$133,854,790 HG
288 hung like a horse f (#1283)  Game profile 56,345$132,740,187 HG
291 id like to buy a batman symbol (#1292)  Game profile 56,331$131,380,981 HG
292 try the wheel barrow position (#1285)  Game profile 57,568$130,833,258 HG
296 (#2123) 104,852$128,828,561 DG
298 i can see her soul down here (#1281)  Game profile 56,707$128,273,566 HG
301 i potato sack the ladies (#1284)  Game profile 55,800$127,893,836 HG
303 fairy squishing is sexy (#1288)  Game profile 76,058$127,300,434 HG
305 and another batman symbol (#1293)  Game profile 56,285$126,909,883 HG
307 (#2127) 88,668$125,423,090 DG
308 (#2128) 96,811$125,148,471 DG
309 someday you can go up on me (#1290)  Game profile 49,474$125,071,459 HG
312 (#2130) 86,240$124,073,600 DG
321 (#2131) 90,799$119,857,015 DG
323 (#2121) 110,529$119,562,336 DG
326 Prince Albert (#916) 105,243$117,805,836 R
330 crackpipe (#891) 102,559$116,502,861 R
331 (#2120) 110,520$116,259,105 DG
335 (#2122) 92,796$113,315,626 DG
340 ramen noodles (#967) 101,972$111,711,435 R
343 (#2124) 97,859$110,230,724 DG
348 Thebes (#3334) 56,237$108,457,830 IG
350 Delphi (#3335) 56,159$107,236,363 IG
351 (#2126) 102,521$106,980,755 DG
353 Persepolis (#3333) 55,779$106,615,377 IG
362 (#2129) 114,817$103,907,639 DG
382 5 (#1794) 56,447$93,165,326 RG
389 4 (#1793) 77,727$89,236,473 RG
444 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2163) 25,702$78,719,223 C
450 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2160) 24,526$77,616,814 C
451 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2159) 24,525$77,606,567 C
452 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2154) 24,408$77,328,614 C
454 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2151) 24,132$77,182,965 C
455 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2158) 24,082$76,785,648 C
456 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2161) 24,116$76,692,530 C
458 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2156) 24,160$76,594,289 C
459 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2157) 24,146$76,581,260 C
462 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2153) 24,434$75,824,020 C
465 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2149) 24,085$75,580,160 C
470 Cahokia (#3346) 43,058$74,798,029 IG
473 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2155) 24,121$74,537,700 C
475 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2148) 24,283$74,420,328 C
482 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2150) 23,866$73,587,580 C
483 fElt DeM dOuBlE dEeS (#2152) 23,993$73,555,602 C
494 Machu Pichu (#3340) 41,239$72,118,431 IG
498 Carthage (#3338) 40,659$71,817,480 IG
499 Knossos (#3342) 40,757$71,694,902 IG
502 Teotihuacan (#3344) 40,642$71,223,796 IG
503 Ur (#3347) 40,355$71,000,052 IG
509 8 (#1797) 60,830$70,258,309 FG
510 Angkor (#3341) 39,036$69,890,032 IG
512 Pompeii (#3345) 38,702$69,357,655 IG
516 Babylon (#3336) 38,686$68,978,565 IG
518 Samath (#3343) 38,665$68,961,744 IG
519 Troy (#3339) 38,473$68,838,217 IG
526 Tikal (#3337) 37,721$67,729,033 IG
547 7 (#1796) 53,071$63,997,821 FG
563 3 (#1792) 37,220$61,591,674 RG
575 Eto Sa Yo (#1972) 45,579$59,854,295 C
581 Eto Sa Yo (#1971) 45,847$59,053,277 C
592 1 (#1790) 33,797$57,702,943 RG
601 twelve (#3415) 30,303$54,920,650 F
615 sixteen (#3419) 29,328$50,970,398 F
629 MaryAnn (#1122) 53,218$50,334,862 R
631 Sam Adams (#989) 51,170$50,109,688 R
633 eight (#3411) 29,722$49,957,134 F
636 Captain Kangeroo (#1211) 54,903$48,897,369 R
639 Time Tunnel (#1208) 53,848$48,336,081 R
641 Hannibal (#1278) 52,177$46,679,335 R
646 four (#3407) 27,732$46,423,614 F
654 five (#3408) 29,580$44,563,559 D
663 seven (#3410) 30,622$43,234,261 H
664 thirteen (#3416) 29,441$43,133,269 D
667 fourteen (#3417) 30,593$42,955,788 H
668 Spic and Span (#1981) 34,138$42,895,276 RG
669 eleven (#3414) 28,985$42,501,580 D
673 ten (#3413) 30,269$42,083,042 H
675 nine (#3412) 28,965$41,917,215 D
676 fifteen (#3418) 29,206$41,898,989 D
677 6 (#1795) 28,863$41,705,533 FG
687 three (#3406) 29,874$41,094,874 H
705 two (#3405) 27,739$39,221,097 D
714 Azarcon (#1985) 25,490$37,721,453 FG
718 Azarcon (#1984) 25,421$37,113,632 FG
720 Morning wood (#1301) 52,199$36,798,241 R
722 Morning wood (#1302) 51,610$36,615,762 R
732 10 (#1799) 35,645$34,788,717 FG
733 six (#3409) 29,425$34,620,103 T
735 tree hugger (#986) 53,231$34,554,134 R
742 Eto Sa Yo (#3067) 26,668$34,306,702 C
743 9 (#1798) 29,037$34,123,096 FG
746 Expansion Fanatic (#1980) 26,781$34,045,921 RG
751 12 (#1801) 41,396$33,603,741 TG
756 one (#3404) 28,204$33,430,559 T
757 Eto Sa Yo (#3066) 27,071$33,368,126 C
760 Spanish Fly (#1979) 24,065$33,191,876 RG
764 One Day At A Time (#1210) 51,095$33,112,659 R
777 Halleluiah (#1978) 23,207$32,137,558 HG
780 Mr Magoo (#1209) 51,494$32,006,908 R
790 Halleluiah (#1976) 23,376$31,438,224 HG
799 Teppanyaki Steak (#1982) 24,680$30,853,776 RG
804 Halleluiah (#1977) 21,919$30,677,973 HG
818 Halleluiah (#1975) 22,675$29,922,868 HG
820 16 (#1805) 31,247$29,798,786 FG
844 11 (#1800) 46,225$29,034,395 TG
871 14 (#1803) 38,593$27,107,308 HG
891 Phoenix (#5217) 19,286$25,675,212 IG
899 Azarcon (#1986) 25,899$24,836,518 DG
969 2 (#1791) 15,483$22,035,439 HG
1080 15 (#1804) 11,239$18,258,258 HG
1392 13 (#1802) 17,467$10,464,840 HG
1394 stop killing me (#5954) 10,280$10,436,032 D
1878 please stop killing me (#5963) 11,504$2,656,236 T
1880 please stop killing me (#5962) 11,407$2,621,984 T
1881 please stop killing me (#5964) 11,261$2,619,714 T

Ranked countries: 190 (Show all countries)

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