Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2451
Currently Logged in: 192

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Sixteenth round: Aug 02, 2012 - Oct 02, 2012 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 3418 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Drinks (#1771)  Game profile 165,459$1,826,373,580 HG TKOwnd
2 A (#1377)  Game profile 1,551,609$1,430,077,981 R TKOwnd
3 Zip supports a mandingo (#942)  Game profile 302,638$1,351,804,285 HG ESD
4 Marlboro Black MenthoL (#1752)  Game profile 75,692$1,007,152,400 DG CC
5 Nevermind Im not drunk enough (#1020) 11,600$993,411,047 D NBK
6 ESDs unKULL Sam (#249) 209,193$911,598,036 H ESD
7 Ive had better (#471) 22,202$845,146,792 R NBK
8 Billy the Kid (#608) 23,252$827,402,543 DG KSM
9 ESDragon (#1804) 119,305$660,199,194 H ESD
10 Jefferson (#644) 23,837$632,462,333 DG FoCuSeD
11 Drinks (#1773)  Game profile 89,638$629,423,232 HG TKOwnd
12 Page 3 (#683) 408,516$591,573,020 F TKOwnd
13 Walls Of Stalingrad (#759) 247,149$530,129,682 H ESD
14 Azarcon (#959) 107,491$461,448,905 F PANLV
15 Crows (#446) 43,770$454,381,534 D TKOwnd
16 Drinks (#1760)  Game profile 104,142$428,649,701 HG TKOwnd
17 Doc Holliday (#609) 22,919$396,804,657 DG KSM
18 Miller Lite (#686)  Game profile 14,070$378,550,374 HG KSM
19 Mickeys (#698)  Game profile 13,087$375,807,868 HG KSM
20 Hyperion (#1903)  Game profile 33,452$374,818,166 H KSM
21 People Can Fly (#1253) 206,097$354,460,487 H TKOwnd
22 Drinks (#1769)  Game profile 90,440$335,021,765 HG TKOwnd
23 FoCuS (#726) 46,391$332,207,444 R FoCuSeD
24 Leinenkugel (#690)  Game profile 12,284$319,612,808 HG KSM
25 Old Maxipad (#412)  Game profile 27,309$317,842,652 DG KSM
26 did you blow already (#800) 10,496$311,802,263 D NBK
27 Mirage (#876)  Game profile 90,825$310,849,176 HG ESD
28 Luxor (#877)  Game profile 90,971$307,881,852 HG ESD
29 Donny (#21)  Game profile 36,040$292,095,844 TG CC
30 Iamgonnahaveagendertransition (#1734) 26,010$290,084,834 H NBK
31 monkeys unKULL (#248) 76,114$289,656,339 H ESD
32 Jaffa (#1314)  Game profile 22,489$289,493,738 DG SG
33 Wyatt Earp (#610) 22,424$287,451,794 DG KSM
34 creighton (#85) 138,877$287,324,981 I TKOwnd
35 yo dick (#651) 117,160$285,488,983 DG PANLV
36 ma dick so hot its stolen (#654) 116,072$284,342,629 DG PANLV
37 yo dick shop at thrifty (#661) 110,196$284,341,966 DG PANLV
38 PRSDragon (#1805) 60,084$284,334,053 H ESD
39 PLV the best dick in the biz (#662) 114,024$282,223,706 DG PANLV
40 Excalibur (#871)  Game profile 92,893$282,053,288 HG ESD
41 Venetian (#875)  Game profile 89,333$281,397,578 HG ESD
42 PS we got dicks like JESUS (#663) 113,898$280,990,409 DG PANLV
43 yo dick look like gary coleman (#655) 117,107$280,214,411 DG PANLV
44 Circus Circus (#869)  Game profile 90,576$279,974,355 HG ESD
45 Tropicana (#870)  Game profile 88,789$279,772,833 HG ESD
46 ma dick is like super size (#656) 111,380$279,737,652 DG PANLV
47 ma dick VIP (#658) 111,977$279,655,361 DG PANLV
48 yo dick needs ID (#659) 114,594$279,278,129 DG PANLV
49 Flamingo (#874)  Game profile 89,170$278,543,443 HG ESD
50 yo dick look like 2 fries (#657) 112,486$278,074,550 DG PANLV
51 ma dick (#648) 108,452$277,928,589 DG PANLV
52 Fremont (#879)  Game profile 90,992$277,826,822 HG ESD
53 yo dick (#649) 114,046$276,819,168 DG PANLV
54 Golden Nugget (#872)  Game profile 89,438$274,663,814 HG ESD
55 Stratosphere (#873)  Game profile 88,139$274,504,306 HG ESD
56 yo dick look like a little kids (#653) 111,768$274,165,834 DG PANLV
57 Golden Gate (#868)  Game profile 87,092$273,726,925 HG ESD
58 ma dick bench press 350 (#660) 114,762$273,109,296 DG PANLV
59 ma dick (#650) 109,989$273,084,158 DG PANLV
60 new landtrading rules (#1155) 101,323$267,467,046 DG PANLV
61 El Cortez (#878)  Game profile 94,222$262,063,977 HG ESD
62 humping and pumping (#1355) 101,165$260,867,012 DG PANLV
63 Sams Town (#881)  Game profile 94,021$259,868,164 HG ESD
64 Basil Wenceslas (#702)  Game profile 46,202$257,345,412 H TKOwnd
65 ma dick bigger than a bridge (#652) 114,395$255,986,551 DG PANLV
66 new landtrading rules (#1156) 102,433$255,076,087 DG PANLV
67 I am gonna tell your mom (#887) 24,884$254,588,617 DG NBK
68 Ryo (#558) 101,706$252,613,789 I ESD
69 A2 (#1737)  Game profile 32,023$251,529,377 H HAN
70 I have a headache (#885) 24,574$250,220,648 DG NBK
71 humping and pumping (#1357) 102,548$248,508,236 DG PANLV
72 5813 (#283) 101,926$248,428,670 DG PANLV
73 ESD (#845)  Game profile 9348$248,006,300 H ESD
74 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#962)  Game profile 76,003$247,374,145 H ESD
75 Bellagio (#880)  Game profile 97,185$246,747,125 HG ESD
76 new landtrading rules (#1157) 99,840$245,655,014 DG PANLV
77 Pabst Blue Ribbon (#694)  Game profile 11,236$245,337,511 HG KSM
78 humping and pumping (#1354) 93,070$245,294,817 DG PANLV
79 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#973)  Game profile 75,209$244,728,896 H ESD
80 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#970)  Game profile 75,549$244,145,459 H ESD
81 humping and pumping (#1356) 99,717$243,211,650 DG PANLV
82 ESD (#847)  Game profile 58,229$242,982,985 H ESD
83 a couple of acres (#899) 101,004$241,775,854 DG PANLV
84 DROLREVO (#968)  Game profile 75,992$241,760,402 H ESD
85 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#976)  Game profile 77,592$241,075,661 H ESD
86 new landtrading rules (#1154) 103,058$240,452,911 DG PANLV
87 Drinks (#1763)  Game profile 98,729$240,294,009 HG TKOwnd
88 Drinks (#1774)  Game profile 104,486$240,286,305 HG TKOwnd
89 UnderTs (#342) 19,873$240,126,306 RG KSM
90 Drinks (#1772)  Game profile 104,845$238,143,265 HG TKOwnd
91 OVERLORD AGENDA (#963)  Game profile 75,818$238,128,832 H ESD
92 a couple of acres (#902) 101,354$238,081,973 DG PANLV
93 esDEMON LORD (#967)  Game profile 75,923$238,027,397 H ESD
94 Eaters Of The Dead (#965)  Game profile 75,707$237,290,085 H ESD
95 GAME OVERlord (#975)  Game profile 75,759$237,091,838 H ESD
96 overLORD OF BOOZE (#966)  Game profile 76,056$236,487,633 H ESD
97 Eaters Of The Living (#964)  Game profile 75,703$235,876,128 H ESD
98 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#969)  Game profile 76,048$235,843,715 H ESD
99 Little Big OverLord (#974)  Game profile 75,005$235,766,589 H ESD
100 a couple of acres (#900) 99,027$235,521,706 DG PANLV

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