Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2477
Currently Logged in: 201

Free For All Clan: Xtreme Idiots (XIdiotas)

Seventeenth round: Oct 02, 2012 - Dec 02, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank8 of 35
Total Networth Rank17 of 35
Average Networth Rank18 of 35
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
452 Pat Stay (#2810)  Game profile 42,054$55,047,640 H
1017 DONNY still gay (#3207)  Game profile 10,703$9,227,397 H
1123 DONNY still gay (#3208)  Game profile 9069$6,544,497 H
1157 DONNY still gay (#3209)  Game profile 6823$6,079,669 H
1287 Pat Stay (#2718)  Game profile 7152$2,931,609 T
1316 BioHazzard (#3595)  Game profile 17,858$1,803,159 T
1325 Teabags For Your Mom (#3265) 27,574$1,653,622 F
1335 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3465)  Game profile 12,691$1,424,106 T
1344 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3506)  Game profile 7170$1,164,952 M
1351 Pat Stay (#2681)  Game profile 6321$953,108 T
1353 Create Countries IMP (#3435)  Game profile 7913$930,802 M
1354 Create Countries XI (#3434)  Game profile 7783$907,306 M
1355 Snakey Mile High Drunken Killah (#3337)  Game profile 7375$896,902 M
1356 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3453)  Game profile 7789$877,506 M
1357 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3505)  Game profile 7864$871,575 M
1358 XI (#3943)  Game profile 7289$865,987 D
1359 Snakey Mile High Drunken Earther (#3398)  Game profile 7563$852,800 M
1360 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3467)  Game profile 7118$845,011 M
1361 Create Countries IMP (#3436)  Game profile 7773$831,971 M
1362 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3466)  Game profile 7965$811,167 M
1364 1 (#3323) 7518$757,075 H
1366 Mephisto (#3274) 10,061$754,569 F
1368 6 (#3328) 8083$744,202 H
1371 5 (#3327) 8086$740,125 H
1375 2 (#3324) 6434$735,599 H
1377 3 (#3325) 7928$718,163 H
1380 Andariel (#3275) 9621$701,757 F
1386 4 (#3326) 6526$671,854 H
1395 Duriel (#3276) 10,338$648,209 F
1396 You Eat Out of My Butt (#3387) 6656$639,333 F
1397 XI (#3944)  Game profile 5338$632,887 H
1398 FAQ2 (#3402) 6279$630,018 F
1400 Neo Maxi Zoom Dweebie (#3388) 6150$618,113 F
1401 8 (#3330) 6475$608,492 H
1402 OUCH Quit It (#3331) 5988$604,631 F
1403 Teabags For Your Mom (#3789) 6519$601,350 F
1404 SFGiants 2012 World Series Champ (#3882)  Game profile 5805$599,501 M
1406 FAQ (#3401) 5999$583,977 F
1407 Jack (#3499) 6312$583,795 F
1408 7 (#3329) 6190$578,584 H
1410 Rakanishu (#3277) 5491$573,901 F
1412 OUCH Quit It (#3332) 5694$561,298 F
1414 Moe (#3498) 5981$554,093 F
1426 Manny (#3497) 5393$514,527 F
1436 DGAF (#3438) 4779$474,578 F
1438 wyatt earp (#88) 3152$464,033 H
1467 Obamaniacs fucked US all (#4157)  Game profile 3195$384,908 T
1499 chem slut (#2772) 1851$320,284 I
1500 Hi Theo (#1023)  Game profile 3792$320,140 F
1512 porkless poop (#1099)  Game profile 2872$304,424 F
1513 OFFwithYurSKuLL (#1290)  Game profile 2390$300,747 F
1515 five bucks five bucks five bucks (#1289)  Game profile 2689$295,071 F
1521 Bring it I Got My CAPS Lock On (#1799) 2694$289,539 F
1525 frank james (#90) 1957$280,546 M
1527 im back bitch (#2768) 1768$273,668 I
1530 suck on my warhead (#2769) 2089$269,308 I
1548 Eh to Zed (#1340)  Game profile 2169$231,360 F
1550 BOO (#1102)  Game profile 2058$228,609 F
1555 F R I E D E H (#1022)  Game profile 1887$212,749 F
1558 Feed me MORE (#1101)  Game profile 1897$208,918 F
1564 Daves over there (#1119)  Game profile 1838$195,601 F
1582 Zippity doo daw (#1287)  Game profile 1923$180,223 F
1584 NOmnms4U (#3788)  Game profile 1858$178,709 F
1590 Frankenweinie (#1286)  Game profile 1829$174,269 F
1591 Booteefull (#1149)  Game profile 1851$171,769 F
1615 Which Witch is Which (#1120)  Game profile 1293$155,328 F
1632 Xtreme Budinator (#1180)  Game profile 1601$148,618 F
1633 Long live The King (#1121)  Game profile 1245$147,495 F
1787 orgasm in a nuke (#2771) 1053$73,032 I
1904 kid curry (#92) 406$37,918 C
2179 cole younger (#91) 252$24,114 I

Ranked countries: 71 (Show all countries)

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