Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2433
Currently Logged in: 213

Free For All Clan: ESD (ESD)

Eighteenth round: Dec 02, 2012 - Jan 31, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 38
Total Networth Rank3 of 38
Average Networth Rank3 of 38
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
3 Uncle Zip (#296)  Game profile 736,083$1,366,962,451 H
10 ww Frost Nova (#1011) 96,839$582,373,036 H
12 Questionmark (#1200) 62,679$575,667,453 H
16 Busidential District (#120)  Game profile 91,257$416,437,133 H
23 Las Vegas (#264)  Game profile 98,717$321,373,215 FG
26 Las Vegas (#268)  Game profile 97,458$317,896,980 FG
28 Las Vegas (#269)  Game profile 97,408$316,651,472 FG
29 Las Vegas (#265)  Game profile 96,424$315,782,213 FG
30 Las Vegas (#267)  Game profile 97,044$315,154,998 FG
32 Las Vegas (#270)  Game profile 97,154$312,907,692 FG
33 Las Vegas (#266)  Game profile 95,474$312,574,186 FG
34 Las Vegas (#271)  Game profile 96,552$311,891,445 FG
44 ww Ifrit (#1018) 127,327$291,976,238 I
45 Little Big OverLord (#582)  Game profile 85,416$287,057,445 H
46 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#581)  Game profile 85,528$286,798,582 H
47 OVERLORD AGENDA (#588)  Game profile 85,422$285,172,185 H
48 DROLREVO (#583)  Game profile 87,013$284,222,607 H
49 OVERLORD xESDx (#578)  Game profile 83,803$284,136,057 H
50 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#586)  Game profile 85,082$284,068,280 H
51 PROJECT OVERLORD (#580)  Game profile 84,399$283,696,205 H
52 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#574)  Game profile 84,596$283,478,718 H
54 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#577)  Game profile 85,521$283,400,020 H
55 Eaters Of The Dead (#575)  Game profile 84,453$282,872,834 H
56 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#573)  Game profile 83,912$281,519,873 H
57 esDEMON LORD (#587)  Game profile 85,014$281,285,621 H
58 Eaters Of The Living (#576)  Game profile 84,335$281,050,594 H
59 GAME OVERlord (#585)  Game profile 84,885$280,654,012 H
61 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#579)  Game profile 85,513$280,304,314 H
63 overLORD OF BOOZE (#584)  Game profile 84,074$277,561,409 H
148 ww Cataclysm (#1017) 125,242$176,936,916 I
150 ww Transmogrify (#1015) 116,773$173,111,841 I
151 ww Chainfire (#1019) 116,541$169,861,532 I
154 ww Inferno (#1012) 105,429$168,230,650 I
155 ww Immolate (#1016) 120,477$166,946,028 I
157 Las Vegas (#278)  Game profile 107,287$162,613,192 F
158 Las Vegas (#279)  Game profile 107,435$162,471,942 F
159 ww Ultima (#1014) 108,314$162,213,551 I
160 ww Bone Spear (#1013) 108,593$161,628,136 I
162 Las Vegas (#274)  Game profile 106,276$161,414,421 F
163 Las Vegas (#276)  Game profile 106,237$161,176,469 F
164 Las Vegas (#275)  Game profile 106,880$161,080,682 F
168 Las Vegas (#273)  Game profile 106,661$160,466,362 F
169 Las Vegas (#272)  Game profile 106,728$160,333,089 F
172 Las Vegas (#277)  Game profile 104,542$158,824,905 F
215 Great Wall Street of China (#118)  Game profile 72,575$136,215,510 H
245 Frankenwarrior (#116)  Game profile 57,207$114,396,020 H
255 Dragon Trooper (#114)  Game profile 52,213$108,229,154 C
291 ww Chain Lightning (#1008) 48,997$95,149,682 H
295 ww Firestorm (#1010) 48,694$93,230,272 H
300 ww Fireball (#1004) 46,094$92,646,914 H
301 ww Quake (#1009) 48,160$92,639,231 H
302 Whore Houses of Whoville (#199)  Game profile 49,208$91,973,687 H
303 ANGELTRON the Cashisizer (#195)  Game profile 60,578$91,905,259 H
306 ww Lifedrain (#1006) 45,696$90,603,689 H
307 ww Flare (#1007) 45,577$90,365,114 H
309 Giraffe (#1199) 55,927$89,655,569 H
310 ww Magic Missile (#1005) 44,585$89,447,353 H
315 KILL WHITEY (#137)  Game profile 62,210$86,810,067 H
327 Red (#423)  Game profile 28,873$77,748,362 H
329 El Casho Drawro (#172)  Game profile 40,950$76,218,389 H
340 KONGZILLA Housepet to ESD (#196)  Game profile 52,324$70,638,588 R
386 nine (#1193) 39,772$65,021,845 R
389 TRIPLE CROWN FTW (#310)  Game profile 18,334$64,567,521 H
391 three (#1187) 35,537$64,336,061 R
392 TNW ANW WHAT (#309)  Game profile 17,703$64,150,391 H
396 seven (#1191) 37,104$63,461,486 R
398 eight (#1192) 37,307$63,266,046 R
402 five (#1189) 35,445$62,451,390 R
404 ten (#1194) 35,480$62,301,337 R
405 fourteen (#1198) 34,052$62,124,471 R
406 two (#1186) 31,754$61,851,822 R
410 Yertle (#311)  Game profile 17,375$61,337,998 H
411 one (#1185) 32,397$61,307,395 R
419 eleven (#1195) 34,389$60,846,795 R
420 ForceFukkin yer Face (#117)  Game profile 51,153$60,837,833 F
423 twelve (#1196) 31,820$60,596,504 R
425 Saint of Sinners (#301)  Game profile 19,473$60,259,312 H
426 Viper pwns Sweden (#298)  Game profile 25,379$60,258,248 H
427 six (#1190) 33,385$60,229,376 R
430 four (#1188) 30,581$59,184,479 R
436 thirteen (#1197) 30,979$57,165,386 R
489 Netting Knights of Nee (#119)  Game profile 39,384$49,341,533 D
509 Fort Knocks yer Socks Off (#193)  Game profile 29,726$47,384,200 H
517 Potfields of Prosperity (#194)  Game profile 29,707$45,870,531 H
521 Million Mayan Militia (#138)  Game profile 29,582$44,912,831 C
526 PRSDragon (#425)  Game profile 20,029$44,192,110 H
559 Walding (#426)  Game profile 19,579$41,648,926 H
571 Slash (#424)  Game profile 19,929$40,594,412 H
675 The World War Store (#171)  Game profile 17,074$29,210,164 R
681 This is a Retal (#115)  Game profile 21,260$27,994,829 C
1020 Azygos05 (#2818)  Game profile 41,290$14,642,016 F
1025 Restexap02 (#2815)  Game profile 18,711$14,276,901 C
1129 Pade Jenn (#300)  Game profile 8295$10,649,182 R
1146 Abludo03 (#2816)  Game profile 32,292$10,299,871 R
1160 E S D (#308)  Game profile 7052$9,753,345 R
1178 Wizard of the West (#306)  Game profile 6056$9,182,653 R
1180 Dr Agon (#299)  Game profile 5704$9,021,451 R
1184 DaaaAaA BEARS (#303)  Game profile 6302$8,430,549 R
1189 Aimless Member (#307)  Game profile 5313$8,321,866 R
1204 miniii is HUGE (#305)  Game profile 5734$7,643,798 R
1206 Mambo Mufasa (#297)  Game profile 6477$7,572,571 R
1218 Aserbus04 (#2817)  Game profile 43,584$7,362,097 F
1242 Gray Mustache (#304)  Game profile 5619$6,841,398 R
1244 Amenex the Destroyer (#302)  Game profile 5476$6,806,943 R
1340 Defacto06 (#2819)  Game profile 10,727$4,754,043 H
1390 KULL 1 (#1661) 11,473$3,379,929 D
1391 Aesthetis 10 (#3141)  Game profile 7877$3,346,124 C
1396 KULL 9 (#1669) 11,359$3,147,009 D
1397 KULL 16 (#1676) 11,514$3,132,067 D
1398 KULL 8 (#1668) 11,399$3,116,650 D
1399 KULL 11 (#1671) 11,382$3,114,696 D
1400 KULL 12 (#1672) 11,495$3,114,209 D
1401 KULL 10 (#1670) 11,493$3,113,362 D
1402 KULL 13 (#1673) 11,507$3,113,191 D
1403 KULL 15 (#1675) 11,490$3,099,543 D
1404 Gravity Well 12 (#3143)  Game profile 8280$3,090,503 D
1405 KULL 5 (#1665) 11,372$3,082,151 D
1406 KULL 3 (#1663) 10,559$3,078,404 D
1407 KULL 4 (#1664) 10,936$3,070,081 D
1409 KULL 2 (#1662) 10,368$3,022,072 D
1410 KULL 14 (#1674) 11,441$3,021,357 D
1415 KULL 6 (#1666) 9950$2,926,061 D
1419 KULL 7 (#1667) 9498$2,879,793 D
1431 Defunct 09 (#3140)  Game profile 8794$2,702,450 H
1433 Refraction 08 (#3139)  Game profile 9524$2,699,753 C
1438 Mitosis 14 (#3145)  Game profile 8777$2,606,509 F
1439 lliill 10 lliill (#1353) 9629$2,602,323 H
1440 lliill 13 lliill (#1356) 9629$2,601,567 H
1441 lliill 09 lliill (#1352) 9629$2,601,520 H
1442 lliill 12 lliill (#1355) 9629$2,599,143 H
1443 lliill 15 lliill (#1358) 9629$2,593,730 H
1445 lliill 16 lliill (#1359) 9629$2,584,906 H
1446 lliill 14 lliill (#1357) 9629$2,574,348 H
1450 lliill 11 lliill (#1354) 9150$2,542,233 H
1459 Bumblebees are Awesome 11 (#3142)  Game profile 7543$2,430,372 H
1460 Plickplock 15 (#3146)  Game profile 9213$2,428,512 F
1464 This is Just another Country (#3137)  Game profile 10,531$2,267,320 R
1473 Protomass 16 (#3147)  Game profile 9841$1,837,301 R
1480 Ionosphere 13 (#3144)  Game profile 9605$1,644,881 H
1486 Academorok 07 (#3138)  Game profile 7855$1,564,136 C
1515 lliill 06 lliill (#1349) 10,101$961,798 H
1516 lliill 03 lliill (#1346) 9894$951,598 H
1521 lliill 08 lliill (#1351) 9601$919,780 H
1523 lliill 04 lliill (#1347) 9176$882,212 H
1529 lliill 07 lliill (#1350) 8381$820,992 H
1538 lliill 05 lliill (#1348) 7667$766,353 H
1556 lliill 01 lliill (#1344) 6745$689,314 H
1568 lliill 02 lliill (#1345) 6467$660,335 H

Total countries: 148

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