Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2452
Currently Logged in: 191

Free For All Clan: Kaiser's SchwarzMarkt (KSM)

Nineteenth round: Feb 01, 2013 - Apr 02, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 44
Total Networth Rank1 of 44
Average Networth Rank5 of 44
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
2 Emma Roberts (#1636)  Game profile 84,300$645,270,454 HG
3 garbage collector (#1052) 123$640,581,853 DG
10 Taylor Swift (#1637)  Game profile 79,621$240,148,983 HG
11 What if i WIN (#2118)  Game profile 50,044$214,395,096 DG
14 Reese Witherspoon (#1638)  Game profile 72,714$156,776,140 HG
15 Gemma Arterton (#1715)  Game profile 87,788$150,600,687 DG
16 Kathryn Janeway (#1681) 30,506$148,899,642 RG
18 Kate Middleton (#1635)  Game profile 64,454$137,278,769 HG
19 Zooey Deschanel (#1716)  Game profile 71,439$135,581,034 DG
20 Demi Lovato (#1655)  Game profile 78,888$134,340,783 HG
22 Selena Gomez (#1654)  Game profile 71,219$129,051,657 HG
23 Jennifer Lawrence (#1717)  Game profile 68,186$128,023,391 DG
24 Jessica Alba (#1652)  Game profile 67,562$125,493,082 HG
25 Dakota Fanning (#1653)  Game profile 70,632$121,772,443 HG
27 Jessica Biel (#1714)  Game profile 66,969$116,907,944 DG
31 Worf (#1690) 21,445$89,134,914 RG
32 Olivia Munn (#1801)  Game profile 28,715$84,931,935 HG
33 Amanda Seyfried (#1800)  Game profile 27,657$82,620,863 HG
38 Benjamin Sisko (#1687) 21,391$74,858,475 RG
42 Maggie Grace (#1799)  Game profile 23,082$71,009,627 HG
43 Theresa Palmer (#1798)  Game profile 23,653$70,915,250 HG
73 ColoOutlaw (#184) 10,633$56,595,185 T
74 James T Kirk (#1682) 20,992$54,002,928 RG
79 Miles OBrien (#1688) 22,165$47,301,800 RG
80 Leonard Bones McCoy (#1684) 21,392$46,426,510 RG
82 Geordi La Forge (#1685) 21,393$45,612,317 RG
83 Kira Nerys (#1693) 21,363$45,577,176 RG
98 ColoOutlaw (#187) 15,465$40,131,435 T
109 ColoOutlaw (#182) 11,097$38,577,618 T
135 Spock (#1683) 21,381$33,413,520 RG
137 Jonathan Archer (#1689) 20,452$32,564,810 RG
138 JeanLuc Picard (#1686) 21,382$32,429,380 RG
139 TPol (#1695) 21,685$32,415,187 RG
141 Wrath of DJ (#2186) 19,672$31,805,388 F
143 Wrath of DJ (#2182) 19,714$31,527,514 F
144 Wrath of DJ (#2180) 19,152$31,512,675 F
145 Wrath of DJ (#2173) 20,182$31,443,580 F
147 Wrath of DJ (#2181) 19,566$31,292,021 F
148 Jadzia Dax (#1696) 21,734$31,257,047 RG
149 Quark (#1691) 21,442$31,117,301 RG
150 Wrath of DJ (#2184) 19,939$31,041,792 F
151 Wrath of DJ (#2188) 19,911$31,008,717 F
152 Wrath of DJ (#2177) 19,977$30,972,239 F
153 Wrath of DJ (#2179) 19,266$30,884,280 F
154 ColoOutlaw (#176) 11,640$30,848,369 T
156 Neelix (#1694) 21,364$30,746,857 RG
157 Wrath of DJ (#2175) 19,820$30,695,613 F
161 Wrath of DJ (#2176) 19,817$30,495,420 F
162 Wrath of DJ (#2174) 20,089$30,477,707 F
163 Wrath of DJ (#2183) 19,471$30,186,548 F
164 Wrath of DJ (#2178) 19,008$30,164,164 F
167 Wrath of DJ (#2185) 19,906$29,214,423 F
168 Wrath of DJ (#2187) 19,752$28,680,823 F
169 Chakotay (#1692) 21,345$28,466,286 RG
179 ColoOutlaw (#183) 10,894$26,521,504 T
212 ColoOutlaw (#185) 11,036$20,244,132 T
213 ColoOutlaw (#188) 11,538$20,225,528 T
222 ColoOutlaw (#186) 10,571$19,246,392 T
229 ColoOutlaw (#177) 10,809$18,673,070 T
242 ColoOutlaw (#175) 11,303$17,684,510 T
265 ColoOutlaw (#174) 12,454$16,243,158 T
270 ColoOutlaw (#178) 10,760$16,056,981 T
271 ColoOutlaw (#181) 11,382$15,977,957 T
303 ColoOutlaw (#173) 11,648$13,682,480 T
314 garbage collector (#1051) 9733$13,192,505 R
317 garbage collector (#1053) 9880$13,046,358 R
318 garbage collector (#1050) 9904$12,944,072 R
333 ColoOutlaw (#180) 11,288$12,180,848 T
367 Kicking Fish (#684) 12,978$10,495,430 T
369 Snipe Eel Fish (#690) 13,598$10,405,754 T
372 Black Lotus (#693) 13,485$10,154,095 T
374 ColoOutlaw (#5115) 12,522$10,088,686 T
378 Pike Head Fish (#691) 13,566$9,990,658 T
379 Fighting Fish (#689) 13,493$9,977,939 T
381 Jumping Fish (#685) 13,508$9,867,950 T
384 Eating Fish (#686) 13,361$9,735,411 T
387 Augury of Death (#692) 13,511$9,695,802 T
388 Dark Prison (#696) 12,821$9,694,958 C
389 Dancing Fish (#688) 13,682$9,691,900 T
396 Smoke Fish (#687) 13,524$9,476,276 T
404 Critical Defenses (#695) 13,242$9,364,380 C
436 Deadly Paradox (#697) 12,675$8,737,033 C
442 Black Spider (#694) 12,813$8,546,373 T
446 Death Blossom (#698) 12,295$8,371,921 C
465 Bits in a Database (#898) 10,769$7,867,441 T
486 shine like a turd (#932) 10,839$7,385,017 T
493 Heart of Shadow (#699) 12,548$7,229,591 C
504 1stClass ticket 2 Resurrection (#999) 9721$6,916,550 I
530 DeathGate X (#564)  Game profile 16,202$6,259,682 R
531 Scheme those schemes (#971) 10,857$6,227,965 T
535 Bits in a Database (#897) 10,585$6,145,609 T
537 Bits in a Database (#899) 10,497$6,098,044 T
551 DeathGate XVI (#570)  Game profile 13,720$5,744,987 R
553 DeathGate II (#556)  Game profile 15,081$5,644,406 R
554 DeathGate XIV (#568)  Game profile 14,915$5,641,391 R
555 DeathGate XI (#565)  Game profile 14,897$5,632,153 R
558 DeathGate XII (#566)  Game profile 15,175$5,535,530 R
559 DeathGate I (#555)  Game profile 15,201$5,530,247 R
562 Dumb Bomb (#69) 7252$5,476,162 C
566 DeathGate IX (#563)  Game profile 14,327$5,443,940 R
568 DeathGate XIII (#567)  Game profile 14,852$5,346,123 R
576 DeathGate V (#559)  Game profile 15,092$5,107,114 R
579 DeathGate VIII (#562)  Game profile 15,070$5,083,674 R
581 DeathGate VII (#561)  Game profile 15,232$5,064,595 R
584 DeathGate III (#557)  Game profile 14,927$4,961,512 R
592 DeathGate VI (#560)  Game profile 15,193$4,880,881 R
613 DeathGate IV (#558)  Game profile 14,422$4,566,177 R
619 Snot Slinger (#67) 6692$4,410,761 T
648 BrokenArrow (#76) 6804$4,093,707 T
651 Bite My Bullet (#71) 6902$4,014,160 T
657 KSMComplaintDepartment (#70) 7047$3,958,774 T
662 ShadowMonster (#77) 6953$3,908,325 C
666 Extreme Predjudice (#68) 6737$3,871,118 T
669 Streaking Thru (#74) 6823$3,839,421 T
670 KrazyIvan (#75) 6871$3,825,456 T
672 Thong Bazooka (#66) 6762$3,798,540 T
708 Just Add Fluff (#73) 7510$3,544,940 C
750 MudBall Warrior (#72) 6588$3,090,099 T
768 Univ of Fluff (#78) 6477$2,857,019 T
780 EatMoreSpam (#79) 7217$2,771,424 T
827 Agressive Goats (#80) 4224$2,353,762 T
871 Operation Redemption (#889)  Game profile 8249$2,068,547 C
876 Operation Free Fall (#885)  Game profile 7945$2,054,028 C
886 Operation New Coming (#881)  Game profile 7277$2,004,028 C
892 Operation Shield Wall (#893)  Game profile 7303$1,956,498 C
921 Operation Eye in the Sky (#886)  Game profile 8033$1,806,970 T
979 Operation Moon baby (#892)  Game profile 5686$1,351,155 T
2103 Uasked4it (#81) 432$33,855 C

Ranked countries: 128 (Show all countries)

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