Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 203

Free For All Clan: Xtreme Idiots (XI)

Twentieth round: Apr 03, 2013 - Jun 03, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 44
Total Networth Rank5 of 44
Average Networth Rank8 of 44
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
16 shiba (#801) 34,609$389,580,010 HG
97 Frodo Baggins (#1423)  Game profile 101,867$212,596,087 F
117 shibuya (#803) 32,652$171,206,918 H
119 y o u k n o w (#804) 31,771$163,129,221 H
122 s h i b a s a k i (#812) 33,538$161,179,071 H
133 can you feel it (#806) 21,140$151,327,290 H
140 d u n n o (#835) 20,611$137,002,914 H
145 I come I see I m0m0 you (#832) 16,419$130,225,541 H
147 y u k u (#836) 20,691$127,724,179 H
148 h i k a r u (#830) 16,392$127,652,836 H
155 Slanthrax (#1722) 69,788$117,543,012 T
176 Gimli (#1431)  Game profile 27,142$108,933,421 H
191 1 plus 1 kiyomi (#810) 15,037$103,181,495 H
196 perfect match (#805) 42,875$101,366,442 F
219 Faramir (#1433)  Game profile 25,087$92,114,185 H
223 m0m0 is bck (#831) 14,815$91,106,508 H
225 n0n0 m0m0 m3 (#834) 36,094$90,670,714 F
241 Gandalf The Grey (#1430)  Game profile 25,494$83,277,874 H
248 Boromir (#1429)  Game profile 33,345$76,607,125 C
251 Elrond (#1437)  Game profile 23,914$74,314,604 F
258 Legolas (#1432)  Game profile 21,274$69,674,479 H
288 Tree Beard (#1438)  Game profile 26,188$63,711,067 C
303 Samwise Gamgee (#1425)  Game profile 23,341$57,615,205 F
317 Bilbo Baggins (#1424)  Game profile 24,302$54,191,949 F
321 Pippin Took (#1426)  Game profile 24,528$53,468,590 F
324 Merry Brandybuck (#1427)  Game profile 25,988$52,450,351 F
328 War Ensemble (#1737) 17,449$50,905,740 T
336 Aragorn (#1428)  Game profile 23,448$48,195,194 F
407 Gollum (#1436)  Game profile 14,265$32,442,599 R
426 Saurman (#1434)  Game profile 12,571$29,311,026 R
430 k i y o m i (#813) 18,136$28,548,580 H
435 shiga (#802) 16,742$27,724,485 F
459 Sauron (#1435)  Game profile 11,993$26,298,724 R
475 1 plus 1 kiyomi (#811) 17,496$25,047,091 H
476 (#1404) 80,594$24,953,634 D
545 Kerry King (#1725) 11,621$19,603,539 T
562 Caught in a Mosh (#1734) 11,119$19,012,408 T
565 Deadskin Mask (#1735) 10,971$18,981,565 T
567 Tom Araya (#1724) 11,823$18,912,657 T
574 Joey Belladonna (#1723) 11,765$18,764,013 T
575 Raining Blood (#1736) 11,059$18,742,746 T
576 AntiSocial Ensemble (#1730) 10,822$18,626,385 T
579 Caught in the Abyss (#1731) 10,892$18,592,105 T
586 Scott Ian (#1726) 11,189$18,425,407 T
587 Among the Living (#1733) 10,665$18,407,763 T
588 Charlie Benante (#1728) 10,786$18,390,311 T
593 Deadskin Madhouse (#1732) 10,542$18,222,111 T
595 Frank Bello (#1727) 10,638$18,170,184 T
619 Among the Blood (#1729) 10,741$16,825,655 T
758 (#1402) 28,269$10,723,424 T
772 (#1403) 31,366$10,268,089 T
800 (#1399) 15,188$9,202,050 T
805 (#1401) 27,481$9,089,619 T
824 (#1400) 15,766$8,486,390 T
828 (#1397) 14,596$8,461,122 T
847 (#1392) 15,103$7,993,524 T
857 (#1393) 15,501$7,537,878 T
868 (#1396) 15,239$7,220,623 T
870 (#1398) 14,583$7,177,909 T
873 (#1394) 16,136$7,055,745 T
874 (#1395) 15,897$6,947,856 T
899 (#1391) 11,554$6,036,588 T
900 (#1390) 13,922$5,961,832 T
994 (#1389) 11,722$4,066,884 T
1101 Edge (#3264) 6660$1,637,874 I
1102 CHARRRGEEE (#3260) 6664$1,635,283 I
1103 BloodSoakedSkulls (#3261) 6645$1,627,780 I
1109 itsDARKout (#3259) 6663$1,561,577 I
1110 STUNNNER (#3268) 6640$1,534,358 I
1111 BUDSMYBUDSMYBUD (#3258) 6676$1,531,190 I
1123 Undertaker (#3265) 6620$1,342,696 I
1124 Mankind (#3270) 6620$1,338,562 I
1125 ILL BE BACK (#3273) 6628$1,336,598 I
1126 HulkHogan (#3271) 6620$1,332,864 I
1127 HBK (#3266) 6620$1,331,439 I
1128 DontKillMyWarCountry (#3272) 6604$1,330,975 I
1129 BeerTruck (#3262) 6607$1,330,234 I
1130 StoneCold (#3263) 6612$1,323,621 I
1131 TheRock (#3267) 6601$1,318,131 I
1132 MachoMan (#3269) 6620$1,312,710 I

Total countries: 80

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