Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2506
Currently Logged in: 184

Free For All Clan: Soldiers Of The Apocalypse (SOTA)

Twenty-first round: Jun 03, 2013 - Aug 02, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 30
Total Networth Rank4 of 30
Average Networth Rank5 of 30
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
12 shiba (#230) 55,645$286,322,858 D
15 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1081) 40,221$270,136,253 H
29 A (#1193) 71,882$226,446,284 DG
37 M (#1205) 55,629$192,141,203 DG
64 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1086) 20,989$159,290,155 H
73 Red (#232)  Game profile 23,250$154,611,993 RG
110 O (#1207) 53,707$144,414,265 DG
120 P (#1208) 54,010$133,883,924 DG
122 L (#1204) 52,609$132,178,598 FG
126 I (#1201) 49,059$125,937,972 FG
128 K (#1203) 53,001$122,908,467 FG
129 a (#858) 87,798$121,586,363 I
130 N (#1206) 52,437$120,588,767 FG
136 J (#1202) 46,497$116,309,559 DG
137 F (#1198) 43,664$115,566,443 FG
139 H (#1200) 55,713$113,947,932 FG
141 E (#1197) 44,946$112,268,190 FG
142 G (#1199) 55,363$111,961,151 FG
145 C (#1195) 42,262$107,382,232 DG
151 D (#1196) 49,002$104,582,325 DG
170 B (#1194) 42,492$98,451,333 DG
171 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1083) 61,594$97,610,336 D
219 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1082) 32,857$70,973,771 D
229 Megadeth (#233)  Game profile 15,356$67,005,841 H
272 fuji xeroXIng (#1416) 31,397$55,987,603 I
296 b (#859) 25,450$53,816,820 I
297 iphone XI (#1394) 32,142$53,662,235 I
299 Iron Maiden (#234)  Game profile 14,789$53,151,821 H
300 Free Gynecologist (#235)  Game profile 15,734$52,057,491 H
301 TaXI is expensive (#1392) 29,137$51,862,141 I
304 e equals to XI square (#1415) 34,341$51,578,219 I
305 I had a crush on aleXIs (#1413) 29,414$51,488,741 I
307 XIxili (#1390) 29,770$50,925,678 I
308 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1084) 35,716$50,779,775 T
314 XItupid (#1391) 28,621$49,829,441 I
315 I am seXIer (#1412) 29,208$49,512,356 I
317 click here to eXIt (#1414) 27,102$48,410,566 I
318 XI Jinping (#1389) 27,486$48,231,591 I
326 MaXIs 3g (#1393) 27,961$47,731,410 I
332 fleXible means no idea (#1417) 27,081$46,472,800 I
341 Jewel (#236)  Game profile 19,886$43,907,980 H
364 d (#861) 31,622$40,925,433 I
366 Imperium (#162)  Game profile 46,195$40,507,694 I
374 Deafening Silence (#161)  Game profile 46,537$38,034,541 I
377 A Farewell To Arms (#160)  Game profile 42,466$36,680,783 I
381 Now I Lay Thee Down (#159)  Game profile 39,895$35,956,199 I
386 Locust (#151)  Game profile 31,754$35,311,567 I
388 Who We Are (#155)  Game profile 40,960$34,819,473 I
389 Pearls For Swine (#154)  Game profile 34,788$34,450,742 I
390 Descend The Shades Of Night (#157)  Game profile 39,543$34,417,239 I
392 Aesthetics Of Hate (#158)  Game profile 41,924$34,329,821 I
394 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1094) 21,110$34,113,530 T
395 The Darkness Within (#153)  Game profile 33,552$34,073,951 I
396 Clenching The Fists Of Dissent (#156)  Game profile 40,500$34,035,057 I
397 c (#860) 26,576$34,018,597 I
398 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1093) 20,733$33,960,948 T
399 I Am Hell (#147)  Game profile 34,598$33,893,546 I
402 Ashes To The Sky (#149)  Game profile 30,545$32,766,791 I
403 Sangre Sani (#148)  Game profile 35,559$32,755,352 I
404 Be Still And Know (#150)  Game profile 30,500$32,590,275 I
406 This Is The End (#152)  Game profile 30,250$32,238,992 I
423 RIP Draken (#3036) 12,471$30,173,505 R
437 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1096) 21,407$28,431,484 T
445 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1095) 21,172$27,406,647 T
452 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1089) 20,631$26,949,902 T
456 p (#873) 13,267$26,441,779 I
457 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1087) 20,897$26,429,965 T
459 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1092) 21,017$26,089,533 T
465 j (#867) 14,131$25,596,464 I
476 h (#865) 14,104$25,001,345 I
482 o (#872) 14,592$24,772,627 I
487 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1091) 20,930$24,367,088 T
489 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1088) 20,981$24,292,673 T
491 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1090) 21,189$24,141,401 T
497 l (#869) 13,135$23,914,255 I
498 n (#871) 13,649$23,851,081 I
509 LIFEof300YEARSfromNOW (#1085) 20,585$23,350,929 T
511 g (#864) 13,007$23,323,873 I
549 k (#868) 12,730$21,996,917 I
550 Draken 8 (#3033) 14,784$21,893,934 C
551 m (#870) 11,766$21,889,672 I
570 i (#866) 10,757$20,722,261 I
576 f (#863) 10,962$20,362,616 I
580 e (#862) 10,394$20,038,663 I
587 Si entific (#3040) 12,914$19,723,277 R
588 Draken 1 (#2957) 13,666$19,676,810 R
590 SI JACK (#3038) 12,646$19,362,953 R
605 Hey JACK (#3037) 11,806$18,483,592 R
614 Draken 10 (#3035) 13,022$17,895,018 R
635 Draken 2 (#2958) 13,875$16,363,405 F
644 DYNASTY SI (#3039) 12,250$16,019,923 R
652 Draken 7 (#3032) 12,035$15,773,296 D
663 Draken 3 (#2959) 12,526$15,274,253 R
682 Happy Happy Happy (#3041) 11,730$13,529,673 M
742 Draken 9 (#3034) 14,624$11,727,846 T
764 Draken 6 (#3031) 15,465$10,726,561 C
770 boXIng chicken is tasty (#1418) 16,004$10,571,962 T
793 Draken 5 (#2961) 15,774$10,111,618 C
819 Gin miXIng beer (#1419) 16,162$9,758,937 T
822 Draken 4 (#2960) 12,936$9,663,149 D
852 Gong XI Gong XI (#1387) 15,946$8,947,781 T

Total countries: 101

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