Feb 26 - Apr 26
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Active countries: 2441
Currently Logged in: 185

Free For All Clan: Undead Soldiers of Ares (Ares)

Twenty-second round: Aug 03, 2013 - Oct 03, 2013
Homepage: http://www.aresempire.com
Recruitment message: Ares is now recruiting for war. Apply at http://www.aresempire.com
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 32
Total Networth Rank20 of 32
Average Networth Rank22 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1171 Green Bay Packers (#3090) 5555$1,749,819 CG
1175 Arizona Cardinals (#3086) 6277$1,693,579 CG
1177 New England Patriots (#3092) 4926$1,681,924 CG
1183 Baltimore Ravens (#3088) 4214$1,614,315 C
1197 Dallas Cowboys (#3089) 5016$1,457,503 CG
1200 Atlanta Falcons (#3087) 4290$1,450,932 CG
1201 FTLOC (#3104) 4462$1,449,537 C
1205 Shhhhhh (#3201) 6454$1,423,091 R
1215 I Only Hit Stupid People (#2912) 5068$1,360,240 FG
1216 Philadelphia Eagles (#3096) 5606$1,345,064 FG
1220 San Francisco 49ers (#3098) 6154$1,307,044 FG
1223 Ares Cant Stop (#2910) 5264$1,296,190 FG
1225 Once Again (#2780) 6354$1,263,496 FG
1226 IFU think they R funny (#2909) 5483$1,261,252 FG
1227 Oakland Raiders (#3095) 5316$1,260,523 FG
1229 BBS (#3050) 4700$1,243,707 FG
1230 Tennessee Titans (#3100) 6756$1,235,438 FG
1231 Jacksonville Jaguars (#3091) 4490$1,233,987 CG
1234 Hi Welcome Back (#3210) 5681$1,182,297 R
1236 Gang Bang Club (#2813) 4938$1,160,894 FG
1242 War Cry (#3053) 4923$1,107,295 FG
1243 Seattle Seahawks (#3099) 5608$1,073,118 FG
1244 I Only Hit Stupid People (#2913) 4681$1,065,638 FG
1245 Way to go (#3215) 8801$1,045,530 R
1248 Funny When It Hurts (#2786) 4331$982,066 FG
1251 Me So Jetter (#3051) 4619$896,965 FG
1252 Pittsburgh Steelers (#3097) 6440$861,177 FG
1255 swagger of a chupacabra is ford (#976) 268$821,302 T
1258 Washington Redskins (#3101) 3880$797,968 FG
1266 Cry Me a River (#3115) 7055$730,024 R
1268 Six (#3285) 4243$726,137 FG
1276 wooh budy (#3207) 6284$658,267 R
1279 Comanche (#3052) 2905$652,225 FG
1296 Awsome (#3367) 3836$563,642 R
1299 Ha Ha Ha (#3369) 3766$533,125 R
1301 New York Giants (#3094) 3335$528,273 FG
1305 Well Well Well (#3371) 3512$508,485 R
1309 Please (#3368) 3577$501,793 R
1323 Pshhhh (#3370) 3131$449,026 R
1325 How to make MrFord mad (#711)  Game profile 2597$438,531 C
1342 NBK (#921)  Game profile 2681$380,856 C
1353 IFU IS DEAD (#2545) 1704$348,623 I
1358 Why (#3523) 4484$332,253 R
1388 SMH (#3524) 3769$301,283 R
1394 Vomit (#3517) 3390$288,660 R
1395 no u (#812)  Game profile 1712$286,649 C
1397 Roll Uo Your Sleeves (#3372) 2644$280,547 R
1401 3 (#3379) 4712$268,542 R
1409 Semper (#3373) 4107$248,630 R
1413 1 (#3377) 4206$236,591 R
1416 2 (#3378) 4197$231,666 R
1418 JJ (#977)  Game profile 1958$217,119 C
1421 Cheese (#3518) 2721$214,401 R
1423 Strat D (#327)  Game profile 1780$209,642 F
1440 dominant state (#677)  Game profile 1453$176,035 C
1452 (#384)  Game profile 1603$163,519 F
1460 last round killa (#1235)  Game profile 1203$153,051 I
1677 blade gave brett an std (#1702)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1678 blade gave elmo an std (#1703)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1679 blade gave boltar an std (#1704)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1680 blade gave suncrusher an std (#1705)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1681 blade gave juggalo an std (#1706)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1682 blade gave grizzly an std (#1707)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1683 blade gave eazye an std (#1708)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1684 blade gave jon an std (#1709)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1685 blade gave quaxbi an std (#1710)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1686 blade gave beast an std (#1711)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1687 blade gave ares stds (#1712)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1688 blade has superaids (#1713)  Game profile 440$32,565 M
1735 (#2499) 280$28,697 C
1739 (#2500) 260$27,832 C
1740 (#2501) 260$27,832 C
1741 (#2502) 260$27,832 C
1742 (#2503) 260$27,832 C
1743 (#2504) 260$27,832 C
1744 (#2505) 260$27,832 C
1745 (#2506) 260$27,832 C
1746 (#2507) 260$27,832 C
1747 (#2508) 260$27,832 C
1748 (#2509) 260$27,832 C
1749 (#2510) 260$27,832 C
1837 (#2511) 80$13,006 C

Ranked countries: 82 (Show all countries)

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