Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2475
Currently Logged in: 199

Free For All Clan: +ulfberh+t (ulfberht)

Twenty-second round: Aug 03, 2013 - Oct 03, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank9 of 32
Total Networth Rank18 of 32
Average Networth Rank19 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
548 this is hard3 (#1621) 52,587$31,391,794 R
657 this is hard7 (#1625) 52,972$24,020,319 R
885 this is hard6 (#1624) 11,260$10,028,005 R
946 this is hard4 (#1622) 11,414$8,159,339 R
965 this is hard5 (#1623) 12,685$7,769,368 R
1012 this is hard2 (#1620) 13,002$6,538,789 R
1019 neilpray (#1611) 10,795$6,230,971 C
1020 lettucepray (#1610) 10,185$6,195,174 C
1032 delete my internet history (#1618) 11,633$5,717,458 R
1064 this is hard1 (#1619) 10,755$4,422,724 R
1070 now i lay me down to sleep (#1612) 8505$4,133,268 C
1073 pray mrford my soul to keep (#1614) 10,216$3,965,558 C
1112 if i die before i wake (#1617) 9505$3,191,433 C
1119 bag of candy at my feet (#1613) 8908$3,086,427 C
1147 mehul watch me through the night (#1615) 8607$2,287,469 C
1149 that i might see the top10 light (#1616) 8583$2,170,157 C
1157 meow (#1764)  Game profile 12,469$1,857,053 T
1159 woof (#1917)  Game profile 12,032$1,830,332 T
1161 w00f (#1915)  Game profile 12,314$1,824,099 T
1162 meow (#1762)  Game profile 10,928$1,815,130 T
1163 w00f (#1916)  Game profile 11,904$1,810,110 T
1164 W0of (#1919)  Game profile 11,848$1,796,789 T
1166 m (#2010)  Game profile 11,849$1,784,215 T
1173 android phones sux (#1827)  Game profile 11,729$1,710,308 T
1174 o (#2009)  Game profile 11,659$1,702,691 T
1176 woof (#1918)  Game profile 11,878$1,683,069 T
1198 g (#2011)  Game profile 11,852$1,457,022 T
1202 ms jackson (#2015)  Game profile 10,144$1,432,799 T
1203 stop it (#2040)  Game profile 11,753$1,431,030 T
1208 f (#2012)  Game profile 11,749$1,400,040 T
1209 u (#2013)  Game profile 10,419$1,382,349 T
1211 (#1952)  Game profile 8179$1,381,789 T

Ranked countries: 32 (Show all countries)

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