Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Free For All Clan: The Kings Order (TKOwnd)

Twenty-fifth round: Feb 02, 2014 - Apr 04, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 32
Total Networth Rank1 of 32
Average Networth Rank2 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 WILD (#1273)  Game profile 472,329$1,932,616,313 H
2 alpha (#272)  Game profile 90,756$1,484,300,090 D
3 creighton (#5) 272,662$655,764,508 H
4 The Strain (#1080) 99,240$453,380,553 R
7 Fender Stratocaster (#306) 89,684$398,735,629 H
9 4 four (#360)  Game profile 75,312$341,899,797 HG
10 TKO CHRIS (#1232) 31,139$323,751,365 H
11 Last Man Standing (#1077) 21,488$270,757,057 R
12 TKO CHRIS (#1228) 93,662$230,201,873 H
15 The Wolf of Wall Street (#175) 45,774$187,705,383 R
16 The Wolf of Wall Street (#174) 45,871$185,573,024 R
17 The Wolf of Wall Street (#177) 43,983$176,516,180 R
18 The Wolf of Wall Street (#176) 44,922$172,234,824 R
19 The Wolf of Wall Street (#179) 43,724$170,052,633 R
20 Stratton Oakmont (#186) 43,337$169,610,075 R
21 The Wolf of Wall Street (#178) 43,644$166,731,754 R
22 Betas (#1079) 41,511$164,806,382 R
23 Stratton Oakmont (#187) 42,366$164,140,460 R
25 Strange Famous (#785)  Game profile 30,599$160,918,052 D
26 Stratton Oakmont (#182) 44,319$158,842,770 D
27 Dragons Eat Damsels (#305) 36,453$158,571,080 H
28 Strange Famous (#786)  Game profile 29,678$156,983,206 D
29 Stratton Oakmont (#183) 44,297$156,262,646 D
30 Stratton Oakmont (#185) 43,316$155,945,826 D
31 Strange Famous (#787)  Game profile 24,116$153,771,557 D
32 5 five (#361)  Game profile 75,593$153,110,133 HG
33 I Didnt Do It (#1078) 39,298$152,809,591 R
34 Strange Famous (#792)  Game profile 24,728$151,655,802 D
35 Strange Famous (#780)  Game profile 39,453$151,639,833 H
36 Stratton Oakmont (#184) 43,106$151,548,097 D
37 Strange Famous (#790)  Game profile 23,944$151,025,310 D
38 Strange Famous (#777)  Game profile 71,761$149,164,442 C
42 Strange Famous (#788)  Game profile 23,538$146,514,680 D
43 Strange Famous (#783)  Game profile 44,252$145,039,008 H
44 Strange Famous (#781)  Game profile 44,680$144,867,995 H
45 Strange Famous (#779)  Game profile 41,655$144,739,490 H
46 Strange Famous (#789)  Game profile 21,889$144,546,547 D
47 Medusa1 (#444) 40,853$144,357,805 C
48 TKO CHRIS (#1236) 30,730$142,505,966 H
49 RIP Motley Crue (#320) 84,578$140,892,277 D
50 Strange Famous (#791)  Game profile 23,896$140,171,941 D
51 Strange Famous (#782)  Game profile 42,287$135,684,747 H
52 The Wolf of Wall Street (#181) 39,136$135,498,938 H
53 North Draconia (#311) 34,000$135,264,550 H
54 The Wolf of Wall Street (#180) 38,454$134,094,234 H
57 Tutuwarrior TKO (#202)  Game profile 44,136$128,833,830 H
58 Tutuwarrior TKO (#206)  Game profile 38,110$126,320,075 H
59 Stratton Oakmont (#189) 43,395$124,680,558 I
60 Tutuwarrior TKO (#205)  Game profile 37,491$124,597,525 H
61 Tutuwarrior TKO (#204)  Game profile 37,728$124,367,148 H
62 drugs (#8) 65,003$124,364,322 H
63 Stratton Oakmont (#188) 43,980$124,343,551 I
66 pot (#6) 64,868$122,194,784 H
67 crank (#9) 66,254$121,695,278 H
68 coke (#12) 68,232$121,587,239 H
70 Tutuwarrior TKO (#207)  Game profile 37,679$119,440,152 H
71 Tutuwarrior TKO (#203)  Game profile 37,361$119,196,208 H
72 lsd (#15) 68,789$118,610,052 H
74 zanex (#18) 62,420$118,208,274 H
76 heroin (#10) 63,320$117,582,037 H
77 mary jane (#11) 63,495$116,629,721 H
78 joint (#19) 67,995$116,470,072 H
79 Tutuwarrior TKO (#208)  Game profile 36,562$115,264,867 H
80 Cracked (#1076) 21,646$112,968,890 R
82 My Butt Is Sore (#316) 41,395$110,019,596 I
83 Tutuwarrior TKO (#211)  Game profile 41,645$109,406,294 H
84 mushrooms (#13) 59,251$106,877,069 H
85 Tutuwarrior TKO (#212)  Game profile 41,531$105,988,604 H
86 Tutuwarrior TKO (#213)  Game profile 40,989$104,770,222 H
87 Tutuwarrior TKO (#209)  Game profile 37,754$104,372,963 H
88 Anger Management (#1075) 21,305$103,888,726 R
89 Tutuwarrior TKO (#210)  Game profile 42,130$103,009,995 H
91 Tutuwarrior TKO (#214)  Game profile 40,224$102,039,978 H
92 Lenzy (#553) 33,847$101,775,091 H
95 Tutuwarrior TKO (#216)  Game profile 40,485$99,959,816 H
96 X (#16) 61,960$99,845,010 H
97 blunt (#20) 61,079$98,628,380 H
98 alcohol (#17) 53,980$97,660,442 H
99 Tutuwarrior TKO (#215)  Game profile 40,882$97,595,483 H
101 Tutuwarrior TKO (#217)  Game profile 40,566$94,676,226 H
102 Helix (#1074) 21,155$94,530,754 R
105 Happiness (#270)  Game profile 21,056$92,551,374 H
107 One day (#271)  Game profile 21,010$91,296,564 H
112 Nookie Cookie (#309) 34,464$86,643,476 H
113 Scenes From A Hat (#1073) 20,905$86,217,955 R
114 Line6 Pod (#308) 34,045$86,195,891 H
115 acid (#14) 63,777$85,964,930 H
117 PRS Dragon (#307) 33,535$84,072,745 H
119 Biscuits N Beer (#310) 33,325$83,756,298 H
121 Gongie (#312) 33,266$82,339,828 H
124 TKO CHRIS (#1243) 54,691$80,007,078 H
125 The Red Road (#1072) 20,775$77,172,580 R
132 2 two (#358)  Game profile 28,342$69,714,435 CG
133 Broad City (#1071) 20,969$69,459,276 R
137 Stay Thirsty (#319) 41,803$68,295,300 I
138 Black And Tan (#318) 43,728$67,894,974 I
139 GHS Boomers (#315) 40,774$67,682,370 I
140 BBQ N Boobies (#313) 42,579$67,474,389 I
141 The Flop (#314) 41,904$67,194,955 I
145 Condoms N Candies (#317) 41,527$64,486,366 I
158 Medusa10 (#453) 22,526$53,973,686 D
161 marajuana (#7) 63,897$52,729,609 H
166 Strange Famous (#5057)  Game profile 18,186$50,841,804 H
167 TKO CHRIS (#1235) 26,518$50,560,393 R
168 Rogue (#1070) 20,803$50,404,603 R
171 Almost Human (#1068) 20,537$49,128,673 R
172 Goldbergs (#1069) 20,559$49,016,346 R
173 Bitten (#1065) 20,484$48,989,719 R
174 Still Open All Hours (#1067) 20,486$48,846,394 R
177 From Dusk Till Dawn (#1066) 20,473$48,438,663 R
179 1 one (#357)  Game profile 28,016$47,630,709 CG
181 Medusa3 (#446) 25,396$47,088,577 C
182 Medusa2 (#445) 23,098$46,245,794 C
184 Medusa9 (#452) 22,649$45,944,833 D
185 Medusa7 (#450) 10,506$45,840,786 D
187 TKO (#1782) 21,407$44,638,681 R
192 3 three (#359)  Game profile 28,026$42,764,477 CG
196 8 eight (#364)  Game profile 15,079$41,125,310 HG
198 Medusa12 (#455) 10,713$40,612,591 D
200 Medusa4 (#447) 22,650$40,256,637 C
201 Medusa11 (#454) 11,049$39,856,462 D
207 Medusa8 (#451) 10,916$37,857,545 D
209 Lenzy (#555) 22,462$37,293,850 C
212 TKO CHRIS (#1239) 15,446$37,225,619 D
216 16 sixteen (#372)  Game profile 14,348$35,781,581 HG
218 Lenzy (#554) 16,966$34,948,053 R
219 Medusa6 (#449) 10,640$34,563,134 D
226 TKO (#1779) 22,344$33,475,225 R
229 Medusa5 (#448) 10,976$32,673,005 D
231 Wild (#1272)  Game profile 43,363$31,468,985 D
239 Lenzy (#556) 20,147$29,695,071 C
241 9 nine (#365)  Game profile 14,498$28,869,418 HG
242 7 seven (#363)  Game profile 14,714$28,625,815 HG
245 10 ten (#366)  Game profile 14,653$28,328,096 HG
248 6 six (#362)  Game profile 14,360$28,173,286 HG
251 11 eleven (#367)  Game profile 15,117$27,383,184 HG
255 13 thirteen (#369)  Game profile 14,788$27,140,959 HG
256 12 twelve (#368)  Game profile 14,750$27,137,483 HG
265 14 fourteen (#370)  Game profile 14,619$26,133,546 HG
269 Strange Famous (#778)  Game profile 15,253$25,900,312 H
271 TKO CHRIS (#1230) 14,064$25,667,647 R
278 TKO CHRIS (#1231) 34,765$25,005,722 R
285 15 fifteen (#371)  Game profile 14,105$24,116,137 HG
322 TKO (#1781) 40,533$21,321,072 R
338 Sexy Princess (#3640) 13,486$20,070,968 R
397 Hello Kitty (#3639) 15,917$17,075,764 R
402 TKO (#1785) 14,213$16,765,071 C
407 TKO (#1780) 14,750$16,607,372 R
413 TKO (#1783) 14,103$16,288,681 C
421 TKO CHRIS (#1233) 10,779$15,717,752 R
427 TKO CHRIS (#1237) 11,787$15,545,203 R
430 TKO (#1786) 13,139$15,468,862 C
439 TKO CHRIS (#1229) 11,190$15,056,962 R
457 TKO (#1784) 14,323$14,418,118 C
466 TKO CHRIS (#1234) 12,157$14,013,307 R
485 i (#1270)  Game profile 19,161$13,376,727 H
488 TKO CHRIS (#1238) 15,219$13,263,987 D
493 i (#1267)  Game profile 20,902$12,978,007 H
495 i (#1269)  Game profile 20,969$12,957,241 H
503 i (#1266)  Game profile 19,998$12,757,031 H
516 Sharkeisha (#3642) 14,899$12,345,167 H
520 i (#1268)  Game profile 20,863$12,226,546 H
532 TKO (#1777) 20,114$11,704,210 I
562 Lenzy (#550) 17,431$10,676,871 F
567 cattle ranch (#1226)  Game profile 36,234$10,425,592 I
573 TKO (#1775) 22,581$10,147,187 I
577 Lenzy (#552) 16,236$9,982,021 F
585 Lenzy (#551) 16,875$9,636,716 H
586 TKO (#1778) 31,031$9,602,993 I
595 i (#1271)  Game profile 31,197$9,333,694 I
602 cattle ranch (#1222)  Game profile 25,822$9,068,863 I
616 corn field (#1260)  Game profile 25,773$8,540,660 I
619 TKO (#1790) 20,981$8,445,799 F
625 Candy Kisses (#3643) 11,823$8,251,299 R
628 mm14 (#2828) 12,736$8,199,242 R
629 Gumdrop Trail (#3641) 15,745$8,179,078 C
634 TKO (#1789) 16,465$8,027,097 F
641 cattle ranch (#1225)  Game profile 26,466$7,861,391 I
642 delta (#275)  Game profile 29,767$7,744,658 R
643 echo (#276)  Game profile 29,521$7,711,649 R
645 cattle ranch (#1224)  Game profile 25,374$7,679,317 I
648 kilo (#282)  Game profile 28,903$7,624,832 R
649 foxtrot (#277)  Game profile 28,619$7,596,758 R
650 lima (#283)  Game profile 26,582$7,585,974 R
653 golf (#278)  Game profile 27,578$7,463,086 R
655 hotel (#279)  Game profile 27,578$7,459,317 R
656 charlie (#274)  Game profile 24,997$7,391,036 R
663 bravo (#273)  Game profile 28,096$7,333,804 R
664 november (#285)  Game profile 24,130$7,321,074 R
668 mike (#284)  Game profile 24,531$7,256,405 R
670 oscar (#286)  Game profile 23,223$7,131,499 R
671 papa (#287)  Game profile 22,922$7,102,001 R
674 TKO (#1787) 17,930$7,019,589 F
677 cattle ranch (#1223)  Game profile 26,033$6,919,128 I
689 juliett (#281)  Game profile 23,545$6,640,821 R
692 india (#280)  Game profile 23,070$6,573,308 R
693 mm13 (#2827) 11,616$6,566,333 R
695 TKO (#1776) 17,020$6,554,296 I
700 Tatum City (#3646) 14,255$6,475,526 R
705 mm15 (#2829) 11,362$6,386,201 R
717 mm16 (#2859) 10,998$6,130,313 R
742 cattle ranch (#1227)  Game profile 15,873$5,687,035 I
822 TKO (#1788) 13,292$4,887,015 F
825 Rawrrr 2 (#3654) 12,958$4,824,731 R
881 Beautiful Eden (#3653) 9026$4,195,303 D
888 Chillyness (#3644) 12,811$4,105,872 T
901 Troy Status (#605) 24,471$3,978,393 R
904 ford Status (#604) 24,253$3,955,705 R
906 Vic Status (#596) 10,916$3,940,817 D
908 Xin Status (#599) 10,858$3,930,002 D
929 5hade Status (#598) 10,923$3,715,213 D
932 Seth Status (#607) 18,608$3,657,729 R
934 Viz Status (#602) 10,861$3,652,228 D
935 Rob Status (#608) 18,576$3,652,215 R
945 mac Status (#609) 18,902$3,533,196 R
953 Iqueef Dickelman (#3647) 12,553$3,462,819 R
955 llaar Status (#606) 17,411$3,448,761 R
960 Baus Status (#610) 16,452$3,425,605 R
961 Rock Status (#600) 7001$3,420,635 D
965 ICe Status (#601) 7095$3,400,030 D
972 X Status (#595) 6869$3,353,198 D
975 blid Status (#597) 6666$3,320,584 D
977 KoH Status (#603) 15,388$3,303,716 R
994 Beary Lovely (#3652) 11,676$3,093,706 R
1016 Newworld 15 (#1987) 17,870$2,803,393 I
1020 Newworld 16 (#1988) 17,734$2,791,792 I
1021 Newworld 7 (#1979) 17,925$2,769,317 I
1022 Champion Diva (#3650) 12,800$2,765,747 R
1024 Newworld 9 (#1981) 17,739$2,761,112 I
1025 Newworld 1 (#1973) 18,131$2,748,969 I
1027 Newworld 5 (#1977) 17,703$2,741,496 I
1029 Newworld 10 (#1982) 17,454$2,724,584 I
1030 Newworld 11 (#1983) 17,373$2,713,870 I
1033 Newworld 3 (#1975) 17,270$2,688,002 I
1034 Newworld 2 (#1974) 17,155$2,682,502 I
1035 Newworld 13 (#1985) 17,387$2,680,212 I
1039 Newworld 12 (#1984) 17,150$2,660,199 I
1040 Newworld 6 (#1978) 16,817$2,634,334 I
1041 Cutie City (#3649) 11,067$2,633,532 R
1042 Newworld 4 (#1976) 17,013$2,630,164 I
1069 Newworld 14 (#1986) 14,775$2,391,302 I
1087 Newworld 8 (#1980) 13,520$2,266,287 I
1121 Diva (#3648) 9939$2,023,124 R
1129 Rawrrr (#3645) 8568$1,968,144 R
1275 Chyna (#3651) 11,343$1,004,740 R
Lenzy (#549) 39,280$10,181,140 H
Strange Famous (#784)  Game profile 50,612$9,760,792 F
TKO CHRIS (#1240) 42,989$12,915,324 H
TKO CHRIS (#1241) 101,523$10,563,804 R
TKO CHRIS (#1242) 57,740$8,029,284 H
wheat (#1261)  Game profile 42,523$9,400,727 I
World Dominator (#2280) 141,811$12,242,574 R

Total countries: 252 (Show ranked countries only)

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