Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2487
Currently Logged in: 188

Free For All Clan: Floppy and Saggy TITS (TITS)

Twenty-sixth round: Apr 04, 2014 - Jun 03, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank7 of 30
Total Networth Rank3 of 30
Average Networth Rank4 of 30
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
19 winning strategy (#1250) 36,216$238,949,614 HG
88 winning strategy 15 (#1264) 30,102$136,118,875 HG
103 winning strategy 14 (#1263) 32,380$121,819,117 HG
106 winning strategy 12 (#1261) 32,462$116,558,712 HG
107 winning strategy 8 (#1257) 35,043$115,998,927 HG
112 winning strategy 9 (#1258) 32,954$110,891,615 HG
114 winning strategy 3 (#1252) 34,224$109,655,995 HG
131 winning strategy 2 (#1251) 33,290$107,377,091 HG
137 winning strategy 16 (#1265) 32,264$103,891,867 HG
142 winning strategy 10 (#1259) 31,794$103,307,783 HG
171 winning strategy 11 (#1260) 34,233$98,072,090 HG
173 winning strategy 5 (#1254) 30,578$97,964,872 HG
181 winning strategy 13 (#1262) 33,062$97,298,744 HG
185 winning strategy 7 (#1256) 34,407$96,605,847 HG
189 winning strategy 6 (#1255) 32,140$95,502,803 HG
192 winning strategy 4 (#1253) 31,783$92,080,583 HG
315 OG Dog (#816) 28,049$34,930,996 R
317 187 Dog (#808) 27,460$34,779,267 R
324 5150 Dog (#809) 28,689$33,856,527 R
327 Sirdog (#807) 26,547$33,730,677 R
329 Hood Dog (#812) 28,019$33,317,449 C
332 Junkyard Dog (#813) 29,125$32,826,512 C
333 Low Down Dog (#810) 27,687$32,668,463 R
334 MAD Dog (#811) 29,468$32,031,219 C
339 Nasty Dog (#817) 28,640$31,367,022 C
340 So Ruff So Tuff Dog (#819) 25,834$31,264,990 C
341 Putting in work Dog (#821) 25,123$31,261,323 C
344 Atomic Dog (#814) 28,084$31,050,551 C
349 Loc Out Dog (#815) 27,093$30,271,191 C
360 War Dog (#822) 28,632$28,779,953 C
361 Attack Dog (#818) 26,822$28,747,023 I
364 Bout it bout it DOG (#820) 28,501$28,413,143 I
373 PITTSBURG STEELERS (#2079) 18,313$26,997,606 I
382 OAKLAND RAIDERS (#2088) 18,851$24,210,698 I
383 KANSAS CITY CHIEFS (#2082) 18,970$24,161,438 I
384 DETROIT LIONS (#2084) 18,628$24,040,855 I
388 DENVER BRONCOS (#2083) 19,477$23,327,736 I
389 SAINT LOUIS RAMS (#2089) 17,390$23,236,031 I
390 DALLAS COWBOYS (#2086) 19,152$23,113,336 I
391 GREEN BAY PACKERS (#2081) 18,066$22,836,909 I
395 NEW ORLEANS SAINTS (#2091) 18,632$22,399,742 I
396 NEW YORK GIANTS (#2085) 16,960$22,367,784 I
397 NEW YORK JETS (#2078) 18,658$22,276,163 M
408 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES (#2080) 17,949$21,035,231 I
409 WASHINGTON REDSKINS (#2087) 17,093$20,957,728 I
411 SEATTLE SEAHAWKS (#2090) 16,744$20,645,141 I
412 ATLANTA FALCONS (#2092) 18,455$20,504,065 I
415 CAROLINA PANTHERS (#2093) 18,070$20,161,009 I

Total countries: 48

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