Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2468
Currently Logged in: 186

Free For All Clan: Ares (ARES)

Thirty-third round: Jun 05, 2015 - Aug 04, 2015
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 24
Total Networth Rank5 of 24
Average Networth Rank8 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
11 ROB SUCKS (#82) 121,615$361,952,355 H
144 AA SUCKS (#87) 44,709$98,368,269 D
151 PLATINUM Vjayjay (#84) 42,398$96,612,817 D
161 JJ SUCKS (#85) 43,366$92,070,865 D
164 ROSCO SUCKS (#75) 41,265$89,863,166 D
169 ROSCO SUCKS (#79) 40,433$87,355,707 D
181 ROSCO SUCKS (#81) 40,333$81,848,613 D
188 JJ SUCKS (#83) 42,902$73,972,430 D
190 ROSCO SUCKS (#73) 40,785$73,609,105 D
194 SCOTT SUCKS (#86) 42,420$72,528,694 D
196 ROSCO SUCKS (#77) 44,466$72,185,151 D
210 ROSCO SUCKS (#76) 47,355$68,616,262 D
217 ROSCO SUCKS (#78) 47,645$67,874,941 D
219 ROBERTO SUCKS (#89) 47,768$67,057,055 D
220 ROSCO SUCKS (#80) 43,914$66,974,475 D
226 ROSCO SUCKS (#74) 44,406$64,401,026 D
500 RLintz (#1678) 21,897$14,869,965 F
501 RLintz (#1677) 22,134$14,733,784 F
505 RLintz (#1682) 21,927$14,530,428 F
512 RLintz (#1683) 21,852$13,957,233 F
519 RLintz (#1684) 21,871$13,283,897 F
520 RLintz (#1685) 22,537$13,267,073 F
545 RLintz (#1686) 21,747$11,877,535 F
550 RLintz (#1687) 21,988$11,141,742 F
554 RLintz (#1681) 22,008$10,961,350 F
569 RLintz (#1679) 21,691$9,732,348 F
587 RLintz (#1680) 21,964$8,138,380 F
591 RLintz (#1690) 21,793$7,833,456 F
593 RLintz (#1689) 21,918$7,826,687 F
597 RLintz (#1691) 21,854$7,440,515 F
605 RLintz (#1692) 21,993$7,153,338 F
641 RLintz (#1688) 21,943$6,157,586 F
1594 Ares (#3105) 4803$400,610 R
1596 Ares (#3108) 4408$397,203 R
1597 Ares (#3104) 4806$395,244 R
1598 Ares (#3107) 4384$392,948 R
1601 Ares (#3106) 4829$390,861 R
1602 Ares (#3103) 4857$389,839 R
1603 Ares (#3102) 4586$388,824 R
1703 Ares (#3109) 2199$144,099 R
1718 (#3133) 994$101,468 C
1719 (#3120) 1484$100,851 R
1721 (#3121) 1423$100,438 R
1725 (#3119) 1381$99,561 R
1727 (#3127) 1387$98,779 R
1729 (#3122) 1474$98,389 R
1730 (#3131) 1014$98,258 C
1731 (#3118) 1322$97,366 R
1732 (#3129) 1523$97,231 R
1735 Ares (#3110) 1384$96,028 R
1736 (#3126) 1378$95,821 R
1737 Ares (#3113) 1368$95,541 R
1738 (#3123) 1369$95,443 R
1739 Ares (#3116) 1102$94,955 C
1740 (#3132) 988$94,887 C
1741 Ares (#3112) 1329$94,775 R
1742 (#3125) 1355$94,715 R
1743 (#3128) 1348$94,517 R
1744 (#3124) 1343$92,512 R
1745 (#3130) 995$91,216 C
1746 Ares (#3117) 1003$91,124 C
1747 Ares (#3111) 1261$90,606 R
1748 Ares (#3115) 988$88,835 C
1750 Ares (#3114) 997$86,700 C
1772 (#1876)  Game profile 749$52,516 M
1805 (#1877)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1806 (#1878)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1807 (#1879)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1808 (#1880)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1809 (#1881)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1810 (#1882)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1811 (#1883)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1812 (#1884)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1813 (#1885)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1814 (#1886)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1815 (#1887)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1816 (#1888)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1817 (#1889)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1818 (#1890)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
1819 (#1891)  Game profile 440$33,465 M

Total countries: 80

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