Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Free For All Clan: Jurassic Worls (Dinos)

Thirty-third round: Jun 05, 2015 - Aug 04, 2015
Clan Standings
Membership Rank8 of 24
Total Networth Rank11 of 24
Average Networth Rank11 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
627 f00t j0y (#3531) 7639$6,325,606 T
631 Cry (#3536)  Game profile 8671$6,268,982 T
645 Syko wears a helmet (#3602)  Game profile 7013$6,073,671 T
662 you guys whine alot (#3525) 7725$5,808,987 T
665 9 iron (#3528) 8738$5,784,402 T
668 c0bra driVer (#3530) 7872$5,763,447 T
678 yep (#3744)  Game profile 7591$5,707,457 T
685 3 hots and a cot (#3526) 8339$5,660,623 T
708 yep (#3789)  Game profile 7921$5,446,641 T
722 yep (#4008)  Game profile 5389$5,304,454 T
727 B (#3564) 8002$5,253,520 T
751 A (#3563) 7883$5,043,652 T
754 where did ya all go (#3874) 6964$5,033,025 T
755 dont wash that thing momma (#3539) 8856$5,020,116 T
797 15 16 17 jailbait (#3519) 9193$4,661,833 T
825 MooMoo (#3909) 8187$4,323,864 T
826 yep (#4164)  Game profile 4460$4,314,676 T
831 seeds n stems blues (#3541) 8485$4,276,938 T
872 textme2wallPlease (#3628) 7299$3,949,809 T
883 yep (#4229)  Game profile 4566$3,890,062 T
904 imp is a 3 letter word (#4110) 6821$3,817,767 T
950 Moo (#4223) 4069$3,467,367 T
969 pils (#4015) 6279$3,299,861 T
973 Moo4You (#4162) 4248$3,288,432 T
975 Moo (#4222) 6583$3,221,741 T
977 yep (#3790)  Game profile 6783$3,187,302 T
1002 Mooooo (#3908) 7436$2,936,472 T
1009 Moooooooooooo (#3928) 7252$2,891,580 T
1023 Moooooooo (#4016) 2617$2,735,276 T
1026 yep (#4166)  Game profile 3791$2,688,064 T
1042 yep (#4135)  Game profile 2729$2,517,153 T
1055 pils (#3987) 5478$2,377,967 T
1075 pils (#3993) 4963$2,201,380 T
1091 pils (#4113) 4416$2,106,999 T
1096 yep (#4301)  Game profile 2819$2,059,365 M
1114 pils (#3988) 5145$1,947,068 T
1167 Moo (#4258) 2325$1,759,385 T
1173 yep (#4315)  Game profile 2151$1,747,790 M
1174 Moo (#4255) 3657$1,744,245 T
1190 pils (#4298) 3632$1,721,800 T
1249 pils (#4109) 3943$1,582,907 T
1252 pils (#3986) 5387$1,578,754 T
1261 pils (#3994) 3093$1,549,978 T
1291 Moo (#4293) 3509$1,429,800 T
1294 Moo (#4291) 3745$1,405,616 T
1341 Moo (#4305) 2786$1,236,145 T
1369 Moo (#4300) 2705$1,148,565 T
1385 Moo (#4290) 2707$1,088,990 T
1389 yep (#4278)  Game profile 2199$1,080,122 M
1416 Moo (#4289) 2796$967,315 T
1519 yep (#4288)  Game profile 2210$628,207 M
1529 yep (#4231)  Game profile 2090$594,594 T
1549 Moo (#4292) 2651$536,932 T
1585 yep (#4294)  Game profile 2160$419,280 M
1611 yep (#4279)  Game profile 2159$363,426 M
1621 yep (#4277)  Game profile 2182$344,147 M
1661 yep (#4276)  Game profile 2179$268,958 M
CC (#106) 25,681$12,401,787 T
CC (#107) 25,667$14,569,360 T
CC (#108) 25,691$13,749,385 T
CC (#109) 25,663$12,790,248 T
CC (#110) 25,662$14,344,360 T
CC (#112) 25,704$12,431,507 T
CC (#113) 25,656$11,659,584 T
CC (#114) 25,691$12,777,106 T
CC (#115) 25,707$12,526,111 T
CC (#116) 25,646$12,976,948 T
CC (#117) 13,863$13,972,493 T
CC (#118) 25,646$12,614,268 T
CC (#119) 25,721$13,165,649 T
CC (#120) 25,713$12,190,516 T
CC (#121) 21,689$14,446,823 T
BloodSugarSexmagik (#223) 10,942$5,249,150 T
Im With You (#224) 10,757$4,826,266 T
Californication (#225) 4175$3,068,959 T
llaar (#244) 5190$4,007,629 T
llaar (#245) 10,680$5,441,244 T
Dr Ellie Sattler (#270)  Game profile 7552$5,715,415 T
Juanito Rostagno (#280)  Game profile 9629$5,529,324 T
Velociraptor (#284)  Game profile 8715$7,503,130 T
Texas (#302) 9010$4,100,274 T
Oklahoma (#303) 10,627$5,827,968 T
BruceBruce (#323) 14,823$4,260,222 I
Hartford Whalers (#324) 3638$3,099,897 I
Oakland Raiders (#325) 11,650$4,035,972 I
Boston Celtics (#326) 12,533$5,864,683 I
Boston Red sox (#327) 12,017$5,130,841 I
Seattle Sounders (#328) 12,608$4,608,348 I
bluebug (#329) 11,720$5,951,937 I
dantheman (#331) 14,499$3,668,420 I
xNAx (#333) 12,203$4,253,464 I
REN (#334) 10,183$4,637,390 I
WoGlam (#335) 12,574$5,939,124 I
Last of Us (#336) 11,282$5,600,321 I
Trogdor (#1475) 8736$4,708,968 T
Roger The Shrubber (#1607) 9402$5,377,261 T
Tim the Enchanter (#1608) 11,202$5,544,993 T
Castle of Aaargh (#1609) 8310$5,821,832 T
Chaos (#1629) 11,510$5,949,738 I
Chaos (#1630) 12,932$8,738,251 I
Chaos (#1631) 12,732$6,020,571 I
Chaos (#1632) 9333$8,295,211 I
Chaos (#1634) 13,129$5,843,944 I
Chaos (#1635) 12,873$5,994,291 I
Chaos (#1636) 13,161$5,864,494 I
Chaos (#1637) 13,247$5,943,644 I
Chaos (#1638) 13,149$6,312,678 I
Chaos (#1639) 13,306$5,981,407 I
Chaos (#1640) 11,935$8,921,013 I
Chaos (#1641) 13,292$5,834,011 I
Chaos (#1642) 11,515$9,081,803 I
Chaos (#1643) 13,375$5,884,887 I
Jim Plunkett (#1955) 21,645$14,187,142 T
Derek Carr (#1956) 11,773$5,444,939 I
Revenge Served Cold (#1990) 11,395$5,767,822 T
Triceratops (#2006)  Game profile 11,020$6,210,956 T
Stegosaurus (#2007)  Game profile 7060$5,545,329 T
Mooooo (#2045) 11,415$5,773,431 T
A Time to Kill (#2100) 12,798$4,288,599 T
The Chamber (#2101) 8693$4,444,971 T
mrfordcabra 2 (#2106) 13,989$3,870,819 I
Parasaurolophus (#2122)  Game profile 12,082$7,775,885 T
LaE 2 (#2132) 7373$4,150,756 I
Gallimimus (#2158)  Game profile 9369$5,223,638 T
Brachiosaurus (#2159)  Game profile 10,654$5,610,348 T
Dilophosaurus (#2160)  Game profile 10,882$5,814,411 T
NHL 15 (#2170) 8807$3,959,569 I
Compsognathus (#2173)  Game profile 14,372$6,188,875 T
Pteranodon (#2174)  Game profile 7373$5,286,818 T
Pachycephalosaurus (#2187)  Game profile 10,477$5,574,903 T
Spinosaurus (#2259)  Game profile 4850$3,902,035 T
Ankylosaurus (#2260)  Game profile 7068$5,791,310 T
Corythosaurus (#2261)  Game profile 9440$5,382,264 T
Ceratosaurus (#2517)  Game profile 10,597$6,012,311 T
Mooooooooooooo (#2633) 9687$3,933,946 T
1 (#3190) 9542$3,256,739 M
2 (#3191) 9423$3,253,155 M
car with the star (#3520) 8519$4,260,994 T
kenny stabler (#3521) 9012$5,051,013 T
puy stank (#3522) 7986$3,856,507 T
steak n puy (#3523) 9358$4,167,868 T
only black man in south dakota (#3524) 10,032$5,184,125 T
16 virgins who say they are 21 (#3527) 3077$5,164,155 T
scotty cameron (#3529) 10,000$6,745,795 T
Mamenchisaurus (#3532)  Game profile 5434$2,273,786 T
b (#3534) 7271$991,184 M
c (#3535) 7424$1,007,501 M
More (#3537)  Game profile 4425$2,230,923 T
mrfordcabra 3 (#3538) 10,228$4,183,291 T
change from a nickel (#3540) 9128$4,503,243 T
Sir Robin (#3544) 7586$3,061,761 T
It is like fighting autism (#3546)  Game profile 9383$4,426,338 T
You cry more than my toddler (#3547)  Game profile 2962$2,135,112 T
Cry me a river (#3548)  Game profile 9307$4,325,165 T
Florida (#3555) 4547$2,948,924 T
6am (#3556)  Game profile 6922$1,665,875 T
C (#3565) 5115$2,290,718 T
lol killing restarts already (#3567)  Game profile 3883$1,908,054 T
poop (#3576) 9847$3,239,287 T
fart (#3577) 3666$2,899,477 T
Mason (#3578) 7860$3,719,349 T
Dixon (#3579) 6949$2,913,364 T
textme2wallbro (#3582) 8994$3,818,579 T
textme2wallbrah (#3583) 9921$4,309,780 T
textme2walldude (#3584) 8819$4,230,408 T
textme2wallhomie (#3585) 6688$1,998,782 T
e (#3600) 5089$2,050,164 M
f (#3601) 8996$2,222,501 M
IMP still sucks (#3603)  Game profile 2077$1,883,773 T
textme2wallJabroni (#3619) 9544$4,089,429 T
reelmaster 3500D (#3659) 6014$2,787,143 T
shizzfest (#3660) 6531$2,829,196 T
g (#3682) 7759$2,257,831 M
h (#3683) 7836$2,386,349 M
i (#3684) 7716$2,273,603 M
j (#3685) 7912$2,352,366 M
RAIDERS (#3723) 6952$3,234,885 T
Limp (#3735) 9391$3,129,124 T
yep (#3736)  Game profile 7629$3,298,855 T
k (#3746) 6365$1,049,411 M
l (#3747) 7198$2,293,128 M
m (#3748) 7813$2,352,764 M
n (#3749) 6489$1,023,077 M
yep (#3766)  Game profile 4436$1,196,710 T
yep (#3767)  Game profile 2962$1,085,380 T
yep (#3768)  Game profile 6615$2,719,414 T
lIMP (#3769) 4446$1,775,925 T
Textme4love (#3770) 7895$3,587,354 T
TextmeQuicker (#3776) 3130$1,056,915 T
Mooooo (#3781) 4272$1,341,005 T
Mooooo (#3856) 2142$656,618 T
pils (#3865) 1707$357,379 T
MooMooMoo (#3915) 2294$692,604 T
yep (#3919)  Game profile 2420$955,377 T
pils (#3944) 7931$3,233,136 T
car with the star (#3950) 3095$1,407,205 T
2 way radio (#3951) 2612$1,120,729 T
silver antenna (#3952) 2806$1,085,071 T
yep (#3955)  Game profile 2504$547,585 T
pils (#3960) 2845$1,273,162 T
pils (#3971) 5140$326,392 T
johnny lightning (#3998) 2101$622,659 T
get it by the jug (#3999) 1953$635,451 T
yep (#4000)  Game profile 2601$364,562 T
yep (#4001)  Game profile 4075$654,808 T
yep (#4002)  Game profile 1960$396,408 T
pils (#4011) 1896$438,266 T
6 missed calls (#4012) 2042$305,515 T
complete turf eqp (#4013) 3111$921,404 T
really bringing it now (#4014) 2064$561,197 T
Howie Long (#4037) 3518$1,704,882 T
6 pack of schlitz (#4050) 3402$1,720,989 T
yep (#4090)  Game profile 5032$2,399,295 T
MooToo (#4111) 4317$819,890 T
MooToo2 (#4112) 3774$1,058,545 T
nbk smells like donkey tinkle (#4124) 2114$256,231 T
pils (#4132) 2082$236,288 T
yep (#4134)  Game profile 3713$515,688 T
nbk has merged into imp (#4154) 2442$801,927 T
bobby allison (#4155) 3586$1,287,568 T
yep (#4163)  Game profile 2263$290,231 T
yep (#4165)  Game profile 2019$638,491 T
yep (#4167)  Game profile 3634$1,680,877 T
Dave Casper (#4172) 2137$594,143 T
yep (#4203)  Game profile 3209$1,064,002 T
black eyed susans (#4220) 2834$1,100,772 T
faster than a redneck (#4221) 2255$1,153,473 T
yep (#4226)  Game profile 1989$337,674 T
chillin the most (#4228) 2161$837,596 T
yep (#4230)  Game profile 2107$206,875 T
go leafs go (#4233) 2157$464,845 T
who killed kenney (#4249) 2206$301,462 T
6 pack of pabst blue ribbon (#4250) 2205$492,135 T
Moo (#4256) 2286$335,107 T
Moo (#4257) 3412$1,338,892 T

Total countries: 235 (Show ranked countries only)

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