Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2452
Currently Logged in: 192

Free For All Clan: Pandora's Last Vikings (PANLV)

Thirty-fourth round: Aug 05, 2015 - Oct 04, 2015
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 21
Total Networth Rank3 of 21
Average Networth Rank4 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
23 (#377) 36,950$262,752,597 HG
25 (#375) 36,787$254,206,128 HG
26 (#376) 36,946$244,880,959 HG
28 (#374) 35,788$239,067,095 HG
62 (#380) 61,044$171,423,625 H
65 return of kings (#671) 30,508$170,882,767 DG
70 (#383) 59,333$165,753,454 H
74 (#379) 58,765$164,116,346 H
75 (#381) 60,381$163,444,482 H
76 (#378) 55,573$161,127,648 H
83 (#385) 56,062$156,344,662 H
88 (#387) 56,554$153,045,913 H
89 (#384) 56,237$151,494,031 H
92 (#389) 52,191$148,842,660 H
93 (#386) 55,444$147,770,002 H
94 (#382) 55,433$147,480,056 H
97 (#388) 55,071$139,879,635 H
103 P4 (#157) 63,425$129,207,272 F
107 P12 (#165) 64,617$125,222,786 F
108 P14 (#167) 64,407$124,405,571 F
109 P13 (#166) 64,404$124,390,413 F
110 P16 (#169) 64,907$123,602,032 F
112 P3 (#156) 61,604$121,563,882 F
113 P11 (#164) 61,609$121,409,593 F
114 P7 (#160) 61,494$121,121,404 F
115 P10 (#163) 61,904$121,119,873 F
116 P9 (#162) 63,209$120,658,351 F
117 P15 (#168) 62,907$120,510,115 F
119 P1 (#154) 59,910$119,004,412 F
120 P2 (#155) 60,604$117,347,393 F
121 P6 (#159) 60,797$115,073,555 F
123 P5 (#158) 60,228$113,670,432 F
126 exit stage left (#676) 30,414$111,583,148 DG
128 grace under pressure (#673) 30,401$104,441,643 DG
129 P8 (#161) 62,513$103,453,752 F
136 NCIS LosAngeles (#604) 49,219$96,524,385 F
137 Extant (#601) 51,588$93,441,142 F
140 The Following (#608) 49,705$90,132,946 F
142 all the worlds a stage (#670) 30,385$89,631,336 DG
145 Code Black (#599) 47,569$89,375,827 F
146 CSI Cyber (#598) 46,907$89,139,588 F
150 Empire (#600) 48,715$88,420,753 F
151 lambda ultra evoo (#224)  Game profile 600$88,219,916 DG
154 NCIS (#603) 45,406$87,967,658 F
155 Person of Interest (#605) 46,266$87,776,747 F
156 The Blacklist (#607) 49,129$87,696,992 F
159 white alba truffle (#228)  Game profile 600$87,540,935 DG
160 macademia nuts (#225)  Game profile 600$87,414,151 DG
161 coffin bay king oysters (#232)  Game profile 600$87,312,883 DG
162 Allegiance (#596) 45,838$87,138,985 F
163 bluefin otoro sashimi (#230)  Game profile 600$87,084,954 DG
164 The 100 (#610) 47,783$86,981,298 F
165 kobe beef (#231)  Game profile 600$86,685,234 DG
166 vanilla (#227)  Game profile 600$86,649,431 DG
168 brown lipped abalone (#234)  Game profile 600$86,139,211 DG
169 American Odyseey (#597) 49,814$86,070,813 F
170 yubari melon (#229)  Game profile 600$85,981,922 DG
171 Sleepy Hollow (#606) 46,703$85,377,265 F
174 iberico de bellota ham (#223)  Game profile 600$85,135,400 DG
175 diva vodka (#221)  Game profile 600$84,997,625 DG
176 Flash (#602) 45,127$84,959,034 F
179 Zoo (#611) 45,384$83,957,846 F
180 kopi luwak (#220)  Game profile 600$83,399,092 DG
181 matsutake mushroom (#226)  Game profile 600$83,394,647 DG
182 moving pictures (#678) 30,620$83,075,551 DG
183 power windows (#683) 30,699$83,057,216 DG
184 permanent waves (#681) 30,434$82,770,704 DG
186 signals (#675) 30,624$82,526,942 DG
189 hemispheres (#679) 30,500$82,398,331 DG
190 2112 (#672) 30,406$82,387,677 DG
191 test for echos (#680) 30,356$82,194,318 DG
192 caress of steel (#682) 30,406$82,046,368 DG
194 rush (#677) 30,288$81,828,885 DG
196 counterparts (#684) 30,354$81,756,969 DG
197 roll the bones (#674) 30,224$81,750,331 DG
198 presto (#685) 30,415$81,730,291 DG
200 almas caviar (#233)  Game profile 600$81,695,021 DG
215 The Mentalist (#609) 47,168$79,926,267 F
247 iranian saffron (#222)  Game profile 29,895$69,229,003 DG
253 densuke melon (#219)  Game profile 600$64,562,865 DG
333 TheLynxArmy (#483)  Game profile 40,303$39,753,529 F
342 TheLynxArmy (#481)  Game profile 40,617$38,671,471 F
370 TheLynxArmy (#477)  Game profile 40,607$36,112,176 F
393 TheLynxArmy (#478)  Game profile 40,371$32,976,692 F
410 TheLynxArmy (#479)  Game profile 41,166$29,628,835 F
423 TheLynxArmy (#480)  Game profile 41,468$28,302,433 F
481 TheLynxArmy (#476)  Game profile 42,144$24,957,510 F
539 TheLynxArmy (#488)  Game profile 29,192$20,868,001 F
546 TheLynxArmy (#485)  Game profile 41,184$20,712,162 F
627 TheLynxArmy (#489)  Game profile 33,376$17,158,766 F
649 TheLynxArmy (#486)  Game profile 29,587$15,050,446 F
707 TheLynxArmy (#490)  Game profile 22,978$11,331,219 F
708 TheLynxArmy (#491)  Game profile 23,261$11,223,947 F
753 TheLynxArmyRevived (#2626)  Game profile 18,017$8,213,498 F
761 TheLynxArmyRevived (#2628)  Game profile 18,814$7,701,736 F
770 TheLynxArmyRevived (#2627)  Game profile 20,707$7,390,615 F

Ranked countries: 96 (Show all countries)

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