Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2461
Currently Logged in: 203

Free For All Clan: Insane Multi Posse (IMP)

Thirty-eighth round: Apr 05, 2016 - Jun 04, 2016
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 32
Total Networth Rank2 of 32
Average Networth Rank2 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
6 Posse Holocaust (#96)  Game profile 160,240$368,392,108 HG
8 Light Holocaust (#85)  Game profile 140,240$357,836,652 HG
9 Scheherazade Holocaust (#86)  Game profile 140,240$357,791,312 HG
10 Dark Holocaust (#81)  Game profile 140,240$357,511,410 HG
11 Reborn Holocaust (#92)  Game profile 140,240$348,937,564 HG
12 Blue Holocaust (#93)  Game profile 140,240$345,097,678 HG
13 Multi Holocaust (#95)  Game profile 140,240$345,071,393 HG
14 Desired Holocaust (#91)  Game profile 140,240$341,852,320 HG
15 Escaflownic Holocaust (#82)  Game profile 140,240$340,553,137 HG
16 Undead Holocaust (#84)  Game profile 140,240$337,704,818 HG
17 Red Holocaust (#89)  Game profile 140,240$335,447,134 HG
18 Living Holocaust (#88)  Game profile 140,240$334,985,290 HG
19 Infamous Holocaust (#87)  Game profile 140,240$329,519,968 HG
20 Insatiable Holocaust (#83)  Game profile 140,240$326,931,191 HG
21 Wizard (#854) 82,861$286,057,017 HG
39 All hail Mehul Patel (#1075) 32,287$200,770,174 H
48 Flavor Country (#184) 144,195$154,339,982 H
51 cisco (#1188) 19,317$153,369,769 RG
55 Merlin (#855) 70,460$144,404,269 HG
59 Road Warrior (#856) 66,441$140,665,818 HG
60 Insane Holocaust (#3231)  Game profile 27$138,119,226 HG
61 Guymelef Holocaust (#3230)  Game profile 27$137,073,441 HG
65 Mad Max (#857) 71,725$131,943,637 HG
76 peace (#1191) 19,475$103,612,184 RG
106 love (#1187) 19,504$79,434,835 RG
119 ok (#1186) 19,331$68,664,639 RG
128 me (#1185) 19,499$65,314,158 RG
135 I (#1177) 19,487$63,278,630 RG
146 retired (#1189) 19,245$60,249,336 RG
162 out (#1192) 19,804$57,742,420 RG
170 still (#1190) 19,373$56,980,147 RG
179 Blade (#861) 31,267$56,058,909 HG
181 Mechanic (#862) 31,860$55,184,040 HG
186 Hind sight (#863) 31,765$54,490,324 HG
187 blind man (#864) 31,946$54,376,843 HG
191 Speed Kills (#858) 31,252$54,266,424 HG
193 Ulysses (#869) 31,493$54,192,201 HG
194 Roadrunner (#859) 31,335$54,115,893 HG
195 James (#865) 31,869$54,084,725 HG
196 Zeus (#868) 31,573$53,973,976 HG
199 Toe Cutter (#860) 31,610$53,382,042 HG
200 Napoleon (#867) 31,272$52,912,178 HG
205 Illya (#866) 31,228$52,137,953 HG
233 FRIENDSHIP (#939) 20,889$48,879,742 H
240 not (#1179) 19,737$47,998,271 RG
248 so (#1182) 19,333$47,103,831 RG
264 really (#1180) 19,352$46,021,485 RG
265 playing (#1181) 19,435$46,016,820 RG
270 dont (#1183) 19,459$45,481,781 RG
277 bother (#1184) 19,144$45,132,507 RG
289 am (#1178) 19,212$44,640,277 RG
299 Kentucky lovers (#199) 31,509$42,793,844 H
325 BABALITY (#938) 20,183$39,374,088 H
330 Things Country (#185) 32,257$37,934,756 T
345 Say goodbye (#804) 20,407$36,860,334 H
351 Runaroundanddesertyou (#802) 20,911$36,403,000 H
355 Live free (#698) 19,830$36,242,030 H
356 FATALITY (#936) 20,473$36,185,692 H
375 IMP (#536) 19,827$35,048,730 H
400 ALL4ONE (#538) 19,792$32,633,752 H
408 Give you up (#800) 20,275$31,772,211 H
416 Make you cry (#803) 18,719$30,948,385 H
422 Tellalieandhurtyou (#805) 19,958$30,130,389 H
423 Let you down (#801) 23,666$29,953,119 H
424 ANIMALITY (#937) 22,736$29,710,928 H
451 Hypocrite (#189) 43,586$25,741,954 H
458 Horseshitville (#188) 45,536$25,123,137 H
459 Women like men (#196) 40,087$24,978,188 H
462 or die hard (#699) 20,641$24,870,733 H
493 Things and Stuff (#190) 30,551$23,218,510 T
506 Werewolves like Silver (#195) 40,289$22,545,957 H
529 Attack and Die (#187) 28,696$21,464,031 T
552 Dont attack okay Attack (#191) 34,574$21,078,530 H
555 Farmers like Corn (#192) 31,451$21,007,842 H
584 Scooter Country (#186) 32,538$19,947,800 T
590 Women like farms (#197) 35,151$19,780,624 T
606 Vampires like Blood (#194) 37,427$19,083,482 H
628 Men like female cousins (#198) 28,163$18,370,557 T
661 Techers like Porn (#193) 38,981$16,375,648 H
737 HOMER (#3290) 11,780$13,144,201 H
960 Graham Cracker (#1272) 15,303$8,207,972 I
1028 Aubry (#1283) 14,263$7,048,515 I
1036 Fairy Godmother (#1278) 14,302$6,801,277 I
1038 Giant Rat (#1277) 14,273$6,755,990 I
1041 Connor (#1280) 14,305$6,680,866 I
1043 Kenneth (#1282) 14,283$6,661,120 I
1044 James (#1285) 14,314$6,649,877 I
1046 CharlesTeasdale (#1286) 14,333$6,632,579 I
1047 Maylie (#1279) 14,322$6,616,460 I
1048 Brian (#1284) 14,290$6,605,411 I
1050 Leprechaun King (#1275) 15,509$6,594,508 I
1052 David of Bruce (#1281) 14,234$6,557,021 I
1054 Hereward (#1276) 14,306$6,530,547 I
1056 Rumplestiltskin (#1273) 14,393$6,516,306 I
1063 Edward the Benevolent (#1274) 15,307$6,340,459 I
1075 Sir Cumference (#1287) 14,203$6,170,951 I

Ranked countries: 96 (Show all countries)

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