Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 19 - Feb 23
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2372
Currently Logged in: 212

Free For All Clan: Ares (Ares)

Fifth round: Sep 23, 2010 - Nov 23, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank9 of 32
Total Networth Rank14 of 32
Average Networth Rank17 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
986 Penti Force (#3523) 5428$5,762,126 T
987 Quadra Force (#3522) 4352$5,761,033 T
1011 Wiki (#3427) 6815$5,405,752 TG
1014 ECHO (#3150) 14,755$5,382,513 TG
1027 Hexa Force (#3524) 5290$5,198,889 T
1030 Too Many To Name (#3425) 6165$5,182,568 TG
1031 GHETTO (#3152) 14,613$5,160,157 TG
1040 Nipples (#2755)  Game profile 10,703$4,844,192 TG
1042 Septura Force (#3525) 180$4,812,439 T
1047 Tri Force (#3521) 5267$4,739,993 T
1049 Why 16 (#3424) 6879$4,714,529 TG
1064 BROOKLYN (#3147) 16,114$4,361,746 TG
1090 Before u xist (#2743)  Game profile 9171$4,044,731 TG
1093 FART (#3151) 14,950$4,008,797 TG
1105 Ice Ice Baby (#2750)  Game profile 9249$3,801,705 TG
1109 NOOKIE (#3159) 14,550$3,666,911 TG
1115 Def not yo jamz (#2745)  Game profile 14,206$3,534,088 TG
1123 MOLLIE (#3158) 15,698$3,428,525 TG
1127 HILLBILLY (#3153) 13,504$3,383,012 TG
1135 LICK (#3157) 11,065$3,229,455 TG
1136 KISS (#3156) 15,351$3,219,116 TG
1145 Joshs Oblivion (#2751)  Game profile 5904$3,101,725 TG
1149 Octagon (#2756)  Game profile 6982$3,016,600 T
1162 OCTOPUS (#3160) 15,250$2,852,274 TG
1191 Ares Rocks (#2742)  Game profile 4700$2,493,805 TG
1211 ARKANSAS (#3146) 15,012$2,220,551 TG
1322 ICKY (#3154) 6588$1,039,634 TG
1359 0110011101001011 (#5106) 4438$442,158 F
1360 Vickee the Viper (#2847) 2012$433,428 C
1364 1001110110010100 (#5107) 4183$411,331 F
1375 1001100010110100 (#5109) 4471$380,756 F
1376 0110001001101011 (#5108) 4502$379,839 F
1419 Taggs paradise (#2843) 3960$295,891 R
1421 0110011110010100 (#5110) 3562$294,923 F
1431 1101001011101010 (#5119) 3234$284,368 F
1434 0010110100010101 (#5118) 3521$280,824 F
1453 Midgar (#2869) 2349$239,698 M
1461 darn dak (#5027) 2145$229,101 T
1478 crazy caleb (#5026) 2074$203,900 T
1488 Coxotopia (#2867) 2093$188,950 R
1510 Hahaha hella hail (#5022)  Game profile 1905$171,856 M
1514 Fallout New Vegas (#2844) 2443$166,093 F
1520 prrrrrrdy (#5025)  Game profile 1017$157,320 T
1533 echo mono (#5023)  Game profile 1728$145,626 T
1549 0101010101010101001 (#5122)  Game profile 1300$135,449 T
1556 0101010110100101110 (#5123)  Game profile 1425$130,652 T
1567 Ark (#2866) 1225$121,280 C
1571 0100101010101010101 (#5121)  Game profile 1207$115,942 T
1603 Zanarkand (#2868) 1164$92,672 F
1629 Reach (#2845) 916$76,047 D
1640 gaf staff (#5024)  Game profile 522$68,297 T
1703 0001001001001000 (#5152) 560$43,450 F
1749 10101010110110 (#5128)  Game profile 416$30,343 M
1751 696969696969 (#5130) 403$29,894 M
1791 01011000111011 (#5129)  Game profile 226$19,684 M
1805 clickclackaclick (#3138) 213$16,673 C
1813 tyifybyfmf (#3137) 242$15,675 M
1817 darthlib (#3140) 180$15,372 R
1838 Andromeda (#4254) 105$13,436 M
1872 romeoonpatrol (#3139) 100$8230 I
1882 Frankistan (#4897) 120$6866 M

Ranked countries: 61 (Show all countries)

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