Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Free For All Clan: JAM (JAM)

Fifth round: Sep 23, 2010 - Nov 23, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank19 of 32
Total Networth Rank21 of 32
Average Networth Rank21 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1337 Toast (#4980) 5885$739,821 T
1340 Two In The Bush (#4952) 5720$592,263 T
1346 Old Teach (#4974) 7816$529,842 T
1355 MintBerryCrunch (#5050) 4526$474,055 T
1356 Bagel (#4981) 1418$471,087 T
1368 HSxNAxZTxICN (#4988) 3123$398,178 T
1369 Limpin (#4924) 4179$397,459 T
1373 DIE (#4928) 5693$386,338 T
1383 BrandonKnight (#5082) 2722$351,183 R
1390 Kill Me (#4976) 5577$339,510 T
1403 JCAT (#4977) 4932$320,633 T
1425 Preserve (#4979) 2322$291,355 T
1580 TerranceJones (#5083) 1214$111,200 T
1585 ShakeyHeadWorm (#5084) 1250$106,457 T
1586 TheCoon (#5081) 1115$105,699 T
1889 RandallCobb (#5154) 140$6517 M
2671 MikeHartline (#5160) 100$4717 M
2672 ChrisMatthews (#5162) 100$4717 M
bored (#2251) 8210$706,887 T
maybeareturn (#2252) 6262$1,034,423 R
back (#2253) 7245$869,619 T
hereicome (#2254) 3146$853,517 C
messin (#2255) 4239$1,020,476 C
BOTT (#2256) 5975$1,053,021 R
MAYxCOMExBACK (#2257) 7656$978,624 T
return (#2258) 5925$753,606 T
OxBABY (#2259) 7606$1,013,786 T
Beta (#2260) 4010$939,639 C
MISSxOLDxEARTH (#2261) 5673$909,106 M
runningouttanames (#2262) 6802$970,066 R
thirteenthcountryname (#2263) 7872$1,422,487 T
CANTxTHINKxOFxONE (#2264) 5314$663,873 R
Countryname (#2265) 4832$1,289,058 C
yourmom (#2266) 4615$493,722 T
Restart (#3313) 6554$925,468 T
BACKxATCHA (#3314) 3135$270,987 T
Turdville (#3315) 6268$814,340 T
Pooville (#3316) 6970$968,661 T
KillerCountry (#4406) 7834$1,819,723 T
KILLAYA (#4407) 8167$878,636 T
BS (#4408) 7535$620,945 T
BullPoo (#4409) 7835$812,634 T
SnakeNtheGrass (#4410) 248$133,297 T
jcat (#4411) 0$459,049 T
roni (#4412) 7241$928,636 T
AnotherRestart (#4413) 6164$700,971 T
stawberry (#4470) 3506$652,257 T
peach (#4471) 6949$543,471 T
apricot (#4472) 7472$753,576 T
jcatron (#4532) 2771$378,516 T
ImAtWork (#4533) 6396$744,257 T
TURDVILLE (#4534) 6922$872,599 T
JohnWall (#4572) 4333$333,746 T
PIMP (#4878) 3733$221,219 T
Big Impin (#4923) 2629$197,779 T
Impire (#4925) 3747$291,603 T
Bite Your Heels (#4929) 3760$278,778 T
FREE KANTER (#4930) 2905$204,758 T
Dang Woodchucks (#4973) 4829$340,679 T

Total countries: 59 (Show ranked countries only)

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